Thursday, December 30, 2010

Another Year Coming to an End

Larry hosted a surprise birthday party for my sister-in-law Susan last night.  I truly believe she was absolutely surprised.  Good work Larry.

We did play golf this week.  Next week is not looking so good.  We have played the final round of 2010 unless tomorrow is freaky warm for this time of year.

We are getting our first Aurora snowfall of the season.  The ground is not white yet, but it soon will be.  The snow is coming down like it really means business.  
We got a PlayStation for Christmas.  I've been learning how to use it.  those controls have way too many buttons.  Mastering this will take awhile.

It has been a really good year - awesome really.  Carolyn and I have traveled more than we have in the previous 42 years of our married life.  We enjoyed the journey, the discovery, the joy.  We've learned a new card game and play on Wednesdays.  We visited all (ALL) of the kids and their families.  What a wonderful Christmas bringing joy and healing to 2010.  Live, love, and enjoy all your moments.  It is the right thing to do.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day 2010

Well, yesterday we were able to talk to mum and some of my brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews and other family on a video conference.  Today we visited the kids and sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas".

It was a fun and very family oriented morning--awesome really.

This has been a really wonderful year.  Sure, there have been rough moments, but those were few.  We had a wonderful trip to visit family that doesn't live in Colorado.  We learned to play "Miller" and "Pitch".  We've seen some good movies.  I think I improved my golf handicap by about 3 strokes.

The weather has been unusually warm so we are playing more golf this winter than we did last winter.  That's a good thing.

I think our health is improving.  Carolyn is doing very, very well and I'm losing weight slowly but surely.  I reached my first goal and I'm working on my second goal.  I think if I do this a few pounds at a time I'll get to the bottom line weight of 165 sometime in 2011.

Just a few days left of 2010 - but many more enjoyable moments to come.  Enjoy yours.  Live them to the fullest.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hack, Hack, Hack

I hate it when Carolyn isn't feeling well.  I don't know why, it just turns my whole world upside down.  I don't deal with it very well.  Poor kid.  I do try and make her comfortable and tell her to take it easy - but no.....  Well, she seems to be driven.  At least today I talked her into calling the Dr.  I even said I would pick up the grandkids and take them to Barnes & Noble to wrap packages.   We all have to make sacrifices.

I did play golf yesterday.  I shot a 50/46 -- starting off with a 10 on number 1, that's 10% of the total score on one darn hole.  I believe I got something figured on the driver.  I can't wait for the next opportunity - Monday perhaps.

In the meantime, I hope Carolyn gets to feeling a whole lot better.  So far I've avoided the ailment - fingers crossed and knocked on wood!

Friday, December 17, 2010

My Wife is Special

It has been a bit since I've felt like blogging.  This evening, Carolyn came home and wanted to talk.  She offered to give me a Christmas present that brought me to tears.  I can't say anymore, but....

I was sitting in the coffee shop the other day and heard I guy talking about his wife and how he couldn't stand to be in the house with her.  It was horrible.

I am so blessed to have Carolyn in my life -- for many reasons. Not for the gift she told me about this evening, but for the gift she is every day.  She is an interesting, vivacious, talented, energetic woman - who gives her all to everything she does.  She enjoys the kids, the grandkids, her friends and family and - hopefully me.  There is really no doubt about that...  We've been married for 43 years.... and it has been wonderful the whole time.  We have our differences - that makes life more interesting.  We also both like our private alone time -- that makes the together time that much more special.  Nuff said for now!

Monday, December 6, 2010

207.5 -- First goal met! Next step 202

Well, I did it.  I met my first goal, to lose enough weight to weigh less than 209.  that has been done since the last post.  Awesome!  Now to keep on going.

I decided earlier last week that I would like to learn to play pool.  I'm going to ask my daughter-in-law if she will teach me.  She played in a league back in Blue Springs.  I'm also thinking about another trip back home.  Just feels right.

I've got most of my Christmas shopping done!  There's a first!

I don't have much to say this morning.  I'm just celebrating the little things in life.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Can I do It

Well - it seems the subject of weight and health has come up again - in my consciousness and subconsciousness. I've started this journey many times.  But I do want to be around for great grandkids and their precious life moments.  I think having lunch with Autumn yesterday might have triggered this oft occurring emotion.

So, today, cold turkey (no pun intended- note previous photograph) but with a greater feeling of emotion and sense of purpose than before.  Carolyn has been part of a program (health study) for the past 7 years - she lost the weight and has kept it off - bless her and her discipline and dedication to good health.  I lack the discipline she has so her support will be crucial to my success.

I've weighed 213-215 (stark naked) for (no, that doesn't paint a pretty picture) a couple of years now.  I think I need to set some incremental goals and rewards. Maybe start for a 5 or 6lb loss and get to 209.  then shoot for 201, then break the 200 barrier.  I think my ultimate goal is 165 - which may still be a little overweight for my height.  The formula for weight loss is really quite simple - burn more calories than you eat!  But, that is where the simplicity ends.  Our psyches are complex and temptations are in great abundance.

You've seen the before pictures (not the previous blog).  Now, I need to mentally see the "after" picture.  Maybe writing about this "adventure" will be helpful and therapeutic - and perhaps I can enlist some support.  For sure, I will have to take it one step, one moment at a time and face each challenge head on.  Wish me luck.

Friday, November 26, 2010

And Now - It is History - Thanksgiving That Is

One turkey served up with a generous portion of love.  We had all the fixings and plenty of em.  Carolyn was right about the mashed potatoes - we needed to use all we could muster.  I guess there is something "comforting" about great mashed potatoes.

We had wine, a few beers, sodas and such.  We played Go Fishing, Battleship, Darts and, of course there was coloring -- one of Carolyn's favorite things to do.  She still has books from when the kids first colored.  Carolyn has always put the date the coloring took place. That makes for some interesting conversation with the kids.  The whole gang was here except for Chad and his family.  We missed them, but talked to them later.  Chad was frying his first turkey.  I almost did that this year - they had an in the house electric fryer at Costco.  But, I didn't buy it so didn't fry it -- maybe next time around.  The kids were all great and, I think, had a lot of fun.

Today is a day of sort of strange feelings.  I think we'll go see "Unstoppable" -- this afternoon probably.

This morning, it's breakfast, blogging, Mafia Wars and light hearted conversation.  I've already managed to make a few errors in judgement - but there is time for recovery.  (That's as deep as I need go on that subject.)

Yesterday I was able to talk to Mom and all of my brothers and sisters (except for Patti-I kept getting busy signals).  That was nice.  I will try and reach Patti again today.

Drew and Kindle stayed for a bit after everyone else had gone.  We had a nice chat, a few more laughs, and relaxed for a bit.

All in all, we enjoyed a lot of wonderful family moments.  I hope you did too.

And Now - It is History - Thanksgiving That Is

One turkey served up with a generous portion of love.  We had all the fixings and plenty of em.  Carolyn was right about the mashed potatoes - we needed to use all we could muster.  I guess there is something "comforting" about great mashed potatoes.

We had wine, a few beers, sodas and such.  We played Go Fishing, Battleship, Darts and, of course there was coloring -- one of Carolyn's favorite things to do.  She still has books from when the kids first colored.  Carolyn has always put the date the coloring took place. That makes for some interesting conversation with the kids.  The whole gang was here except for Chad and his family.  We missed them, but talked to them later.  Chad was frying his first turkey.  I almost did that this year - they had an in the house electric fryer at Costco.  But, I didn't buy it so didn't fry it -- maybe next time around.  The kids were all great and, I think, had a lot of fun.

Today is a day of sort of strange feelings.  I think we'll go see "Unstoppable" -- this afternoon probably.

This morning, it's breakfast, blogging, Mafia Wars and light hearted conversation.  I've already managed to make a few errors in judgement - but there is time for recovery.  (That's as deep as I need go on that subject.)

Yesterday I was able to talk to Mom and all of my brothers and sisters (except for Patti-I kept getting busy signals).  That was nice.  I will try and reach Patti again today.

Drew and Kindle stayed for a bit after everyone else had gone.  We had a nice chat, a few more laughs, and relaxed for a bit.

All in all, we enjoyed a lot of wonderful family moments.  I hope you did too.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving Day Approaches

We are working ( not hard) at getting the home ready for the family to arrive on Thanksgiving day.  I just calculated that the turkey will take 6.66 hours.  I'll have it prepped and ready to put in the oven early Thursday morning.  The house will surely smell very nice.

I got a piece of apple skin caught on the roof of my mouth this morning.  Have you ever been through that.  It is the hardest thing to get off - but after about 5 minutes of machinations I did finally get it.

It is a beautiful day, cold, but beautiful.  If it warms up above 40 early enough, I may go play golf.   We didn't get to play yesterday - very high wind and with the wind cold is even colder.  That makes four weeks and no golf.  My buddies were able to play all three Mondays that I was gone.

I got to use my new Ninja yesterday - talk about making snow cone ice (well probably margarita ice), it really does the trick.  Now for some great fruit smoothies.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Road Trip - Days 18 & 19 - Home

We took our time coming back home.  We stopped in Grand Junction and in Black Hawk.  At Black Hawk we stayed at the Ameristar Casino.  It was very nice - we even went swimming and spent some time i the spa.  There wasn't much snow until after Grand Junction.

the roads were great all the way.  We never had to change pace or slow down because of the weather.  I think that this is a trip where we discovered even more of the wonderful things that families are.  We were welcomed and treated generously everywhere we went.  The trip also reminded me how we are each very special, talented, and unique.

It also taught me that I've got a lot more free time that I can really take advantage of!!!!! That leads to so many more ways to enjoy each and every momemnt of each and every day!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Road Trip - Day 17 - Las Vegas to Grand Junction

We left Las Vegas this morning.  We decided to get to Grand Junction and not stop in Mesquite.  There is some very stunning country between Vegas and Grand Junction.  I took a few pictures - will share some later.  There was one point when we were coming down a hill that I thought we were going to run right into one of the beautiful rock formations.  Whew - the road veered to the right - but it really comes up on you when you are moving 75 mph.

We did run into about a 100 mile section of Utah road that had a posted 80MPH speed limit.  That cuts some travel time.  We stopped in Grand Junction and are going to sleep in!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Road Trip - Days 15 & 16 - Santa Fe and Las Vegas

First back a few days.  This is a picture of Carolyn, Steve, and me - at Steve's deer feeder/photo station.  The 6 wheeler ride was our welcome ride and its one we won't soon forget.  Thanks Steve.

Santa Fe -- we were tired, got there kind of late and didn't do anything but eat a sandwich and sleep.  The next morning we left for the remaining 9 hour drive to Vegas.  We made at to Ana and Ken's about 3 Pacific time.  We met some of their family and enjoyed a nice visit.

Since I had not been connected to the internet in over 24 hours, I had to get to a Starbucks and get my fix.  So I've caught up on my email, games, blog and such and enjoyed a brew or two.

For now, it is time to head back to the house for breakfast.....  Later folks!

Road Trip - Days 15 & 16 - Santa Fe and Las Vegas

First back a few days.  This is a picture of Carolyn, Steve, and me - at Steve's deer feeder/photo station.  The 6 wheeler ride was our welcome ride and its one we won't soon forget.  Thanks Steve.

Santa Fe -- we were tired, got there kind of late and didn't do anything but eat a sandwich and sleep.  The next morning we left for the remaining 9 hour drive to Vegas.  We made at to Ana and Ken's about 3 Pacific time.  We met some of their family and enjoyed a nice visit.

Since I had not been connected to the internet in over 24 hours, I had to get to a Starbucks and get my fix.  So I've caught up on my email, games, blog and such and enjoyed a brew or two.

For now, it is time to head back to the house for breakfast.....  Later folks!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Road Trip - Days 12, 13 & 14 -- Paddle Boats, BBQ, Horseshoes and Stuff

Well, Friday was a full day.  Everything from paddle boats to Horseshoes, beer to Margaritas.  We had a ton of fun.  Being on a lake is very relaxing.  Quiet - nice long walk in the morning leading to a very relaxing nap on the lanai.

We were up early this morning and got packed to head for Las Vegas.  This leg of the trip will take almost three full days - about 24 hours of driving.  We are headed North and West - through Waco, Lubbock, Abilene - then on to Santa Fe, New Mexico.  Carolyn has been there, I have not.  It is something to look forward to.

We came across a sign - Stephenville, Texas.  We took a detour -  ( ) . We were not able to talk to anyone who actually so them -- but did talk to someone familiar with the events.  I wish you could have seen the smile on Carolyn's face.  (I may have a picture.)

On Texas - We were mostly driving North, Northwest.  Waco, Abilene, Lubbock... then on to Santa Fe.  I was surprised how hilly those parts of Texas were--then how flat the Eastern part of New Mexico was.  The second surprise (obviously I didn't study my geography well) was the cotton fields in Texas.  Huge.  We took pictures of picked and unpicked fields, and of the bales of cotton - awesome.  It was a very interesting and thankfully sort travel day.(14th)

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Road Trip - Day 11 - Montgomery, Texas

Kurt and Nancy's  -- yes, the lake has water.  I'll take some pictures.  It has been a good day - no, a great day. Most days are great days.  The trees here are green, just like they were in Louisiana.  I think we are a bit further South than we were this morning, but not sure.  Tomorrow we will be enjoying a walk in the local area.

Not really much more to share this evening.  Enjoy your moments.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Road Trip - Day 10 - Katy, Texas

We at supper at Babins, a seafood place.  It was very good.  I'd never eaten Amberjack before.  It was excellent - had a great shrimp/tomato sauce (other unknown stuff)!  We had a really good visit with Janet and Johnny.  Carolyn's sisters are blessed with wonderful husbands (I think Carolyn is blessed as well - that's just my opinion though).

Angelina, Adam, and Andrew are all (look at all the A's) well.  The home is beautiful and the neighborhood just as beautiful.  We've enjoyed a relaxed visit.  I caught up on some TV shows - Johnny showed me a bottle of Glenmorangie rare malt Scotch - 18 Years.....

Ya know, I don't have much more to write right now - is that an alliteration or what, frankly, I don't know.  Please take care and enjoy your moments.  tomorrow, it is off to Kurt and Nancy's.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Road Trip - Days 8 & 9 --Gumbo and Lots of Other Food

Okay - I don't intend to have to buy new and larger clothes before getting home.  But, if the rest of the trip is like this - !!!!  Steve is an awesome chef - he could take on Bobby Flay any day of the week.  We met Berta's best friend Pedra (Petra) at the VFW on Monday.  Steve had made gumbo for some couple of hundred folks.  Carolyn and I sat at the bar with Roberta, Petra - and a few other folks.

I had what I would call non-traditional Bloody Mary's -  instead of a stalk of celery the drink come with a "pickled salad" -- my words.  There were pickled onions, beans, okra, asparagus, and olives.  Three of those and a scotch got me ready for the gumbo.

Petra had a way about her that let one know here's a gal that loves life and lives it to the fullest.  What a joy to be around -- but you have to be open to someone who is openly living and completely comfortable with who she is.

We at a Mexican restaurant for supper - Giro something or other.  they claimed to have the countries best salsa. I think they were right.  It was served a bit more than warm and full of onion chunks and spices.  It was truly excellent salsa.  I would say that we had a very "eclectic" experience over the past few days.  I'll be making plans to return for a May fishing trip with Steve.

This morning, the 9th, we have stopped at a Starbuck's as we travel to Janet and Johny's.  I'm trying to catch up with things and relax a bit - a bit of separation from socialization never hurts me a bit.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Road Trip Days 6 & 7: Missed another Day

I can't believe I turned down going in for catfish fry - but, I'm so full from last night's supper I can't think about eating at the moment.  We had a great skillet of some kind with rice, vegetables, chicken, spices and more spices, and something called Boudin - casing stuffed with rice and stuff.  I'll have to look it up later.

It took about 17 hours to drive down to Leesville from Montezuma.  Arkansas was beautiful.  The trees had turned, but the leaves have not fallen.  Mostly browns, reds, and yellows.  Louisiana is all green yet.  It is beautiful and quiet here at Steve and Roberta's.  They have made us feel very at home.  We met all the goats, the Emu and Nemo and Jake - the dogs.  Christian and Shawn and their families were over yesterday.

We had a nice family breakfast at BJ's this morning  - I had grits, a Cajun omelette, and sausage gravey on biscuits.   I then spent some time driving around Leesville - but, went back to BJs to do some "wifi" to get some forms completed with Lockheed.

The girls have gone Goodwilling and I'm happy to be here alone for awhile.  We will be here for at one more day, then on to Texas.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Road Trip - Days 4 & 5 -- Yes Missed a Day

Well, yesterday was a good day.  We met Mum, Lewis, and Sharon at Tama for Breakfast at the Casino.  Then we gambled for a short while - doubled my investment -- (didn't invest much) -- though it was enough for a tank of gas on the Casino.

Went fishing again - too windy.  Had a very nice visit with Lana and Jacque - nice she dropped by.  We will be headed South this morning.  Very light breakfast, Coffee and Tea are made.  I'm raring to go -- sort of.

So - its evening... we've settled into a small Motel on Arkansas 71.  It has been a beautiful day driving in really beautiful country.  I think it will be slow going from here (55 MPH highways).  Tomorrow is another day of driving, but we should reach Roberta and Steve's at a decent hour.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Road Trip - Day 3 - MaidRite

It's an appropriate title for the day.  Each trip to Iowa has to include at least one stop at MaidRite.  We met Sharon and Danny, and, Jacque and Howard at the Oskaloosa MaidRite for lunch.  I'm a purist, so I had the regular size MaidRite (as opposed to the "Jumbo"), fries and a chocolate malt.  We had a great conversation - talked about grandma and grampa Collins - some memories of dad and a few other topics.  It was good.

After we got back to Jacque and Howard's I went fishing.  I caught 3 very nice Crappies and one nice Large Mouth Bass.  All in all a fun afternoon.  This evening we went to supper at the new Casa Margarita in Montezuma.  A Mexican restaurant that replace the old soda shop.  Gone are those days, but the memories are still there.

The sign as you leave the MaidRite -- and the name does say it all!

Have a great evening, day, whatever is appropriate.  Be who you are because you sure as heck can't be anyone else.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Road Trip - Day 2 - Iowa Week

Family, fun, food, fishing - what a wonderful day.  Hometown for lunch - it was good.  Enjoyed the company of Mum, Lewis, Lana, and, of course, Carolyn.  Carolyn and I went out to Diamond lake and walked the entire South Shore (only 1.8 Miles).  We also walked across the East damn then up the hill to the North road and back around to the main gate near the main lake entrance.  It was a beautiful walk on a beautiful day.

I saw Mike - we were down town and struggled to get to the post office.  The city is redoing the street and you can only come in from the North.  After walking the lake (actually, you can take the 1.8 and multiply it by 2 and add some...) we came back to Hojac Acres.  We went fishing - yup.  I caught two very nice Crappies on a chartreuse jig.  It was fun - I'm trying to put a picture with the post, but I brought the wrong cable for my camera.

Lunch tomorrow with Sharon and Danny - at the MaidRite -- one of my favorite spots in Iowa.  It is going to be a chilly evening.  One of the really neat things about being here is the quiet and the clear blue skies.  There is little or no pollution so you can see the stars and all of their beauty.  There is zero noise pollution - no constant police sirens or fire engine sirens or train whistles blowing at 4 in the morning.  It is just plain awesome!  I repeat, Awesome.  What a wondrous day this has been!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Road Trip - Day 1 - the Journey Begins

Up at 6AM, off at about 7:30AM - no hurries.  All the planning has come to fruition.  Brothers and sisters called - house sitter on site and instructed.  It is drizzling rain this morning (I don't know if snow can drizzle, it flurries!)  That makes for nice driving.  Very light breakfast - won't be much in the way of exercise today, though I did promise Carolyn we would stop to take some walks-- unexplored territories I guess.

We'll be visiting lots of places, taking lots of pictures, and having lots of hugs, smiles and kisses.  (that was a poetic phrase)  Of course I'd be lost without my computer - its coming along and we'll be going on line at Starbucks now and then.  May your day and your travels be wonderful!

8:30PM Central Time (Daylight) we arrived safely at Howard and Jacque's.  12 hour travel time... I have never seen so much "road kill".  Deer, Antelope, Coyote, Raccoon -- in that order.  It was awful.  The weather, on the other hand, was very good.  We averaged just over 33 MPG.  I wouldn't call the day particularly memorable.  The trip was more relaxed than usual.  We stopped when we wanted too and never really pushed hard.  We had  supper at the Country Kitchen in Stuart, Iowa -- then on to Jacque's.

It is quiet here.  There is no noise of highway, neighborhood traffic, barking dogs, squealing cats and such. Just beautiful quiet.  It is a nice thing.  I've polished off a couple of shots of scotch and am just plain relaxing right now.  It is so wonderful.  I know - I'm retired - all I do is relax, but there is something different about this - sort of a warm, relaxed in love relaxation.  It is very nice!

I  think I'll get up in the morning - when I get up, no sooner and no later.  Life is good!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Weather Permitting

Mount Evans Aspen - gloriously gold.  It was a beautiful but brief road trip - enjoyed lunch at the restaurant near Echo Lake.  It was to close the next day - getting ready for winter 2010.

(Side note:  it is interesting - people watching, especially some of the younger generation, how they dress and interact - a subject for later maybe.)

I played one of my better rounds of golf on Wednesday, an 84 - in League  -- that was worth 1st in my flight.  Maybe I can overcome my one self imposed pressure match.  It would be about time.
Carolyn and I are thinking about a long road trip -- a bit over 4300 miles -- it would be a trip that lets us visit all of her "out-of-state" sisters and brother.  Also, of course, a stop in Iowa to visit my family.  they at least all live within about 30 miles of one another.

We (Carolyn and I) have decided to host Thanksgiving at our house this year.  We have a small home, but we have big hearts and are sure we can manage -- we won't all be around one table though.

We went to niece Nicole's wedding yesterday.  It was really a nice affair.  There was a family art gallery, cocktails, dancing, and of course the wedding - a mix of traditional and non-traditional.  The bride was beautiful and their first dance together as a married couple was something to behold--better than dancing with the stars.  It was easy to see their joy and deep love for each other.  Many of her cousins were there, and all of our children were there except for the one that had to work.

Well, it is a beautiful morning, one with many moments to enjoy -- enjoy yours by living in those moments! Later!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Its Been That Long?

Hm.  I guess the mode just has not struck me to write.  I've thought about it many times during the the past 30 days - obviously and hasn't been a real pressing thought.  Life is good, the "flexitarian" effort is going well.  I've reached Level 1000 in Mafia Wars - my poker has improved - I'm still in love with Carolyn.  We've been to Angel Fire for a conference.  Life, all in all, is wonderful.

The golf season (men's association) is almost over.  I have not improved much this year -- if at all!  But, the last few weeks have been very rewarding.  I've had several rounds in the 80's.

Carolyn and I went to Drew and Kindle's the other day.  We had a wonderful vegan meal - I mean it was awesome.  I especially liked the polenta with a fig jam - yummy.

We haven't seen the Chad Fahlenkamp family since -- man, has it been almost a year?  I think so - I think it was sometime last December.  I think we saw more of them when they lived in Missove been looking for uri - theres something to ponder a bit. I miss all of them.  The other kids we see from time to time.  Chad, I know is extremely busy - Autumn has graduated and is working full time.  She is taking a year off before going to culinary school.  I hope she is enjoying the Tiburon. 

I've been looking for a cheap car that gets good mileage.  Some of my golf outings are quite a distance and the pickup truck doesn't go far on a gallon of gasoline!  

I noticed that there is a club in Denver that teaches bridge.  I'm going to check into it.  I also know that I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT!  So, I'm going to start again and yes, I know I have to exercise!!!!

Well, enjoy your moments.  FYI - I talked to Mum today - she's doing very well.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm a "Flexiterian"

It (Flexiterian) is one of those newly coined words we are all so good at doing.  Well, I got this one from Kindle.  As you know, I'm attempting to become a vegetarian.  Kindle was very kind and sent me some definitions of vegetarian, vegan, and flexiterian.  (Maybe it is flexitarian)  Anyway, I know I'm not a pesciterian or a chicketerian.   (don't you hate it when the darn cursor jumps all over the place - I think it is the touchpads) - where was I - what a discombobulated post this will be.

Flexiterians have a more flexible, yet healthy diet.  We eat meat (other than fish) once in awhile.  I like that, because I like a good steak from time to time - and those frozen bison burgers (pre-cooked) are a very nice quick snack - and I do like sausage with my spaghetti.  I have learned over the past few weeks - as I begin this journey - that I do not crave red meats nearly so often as I used to.  So, I'm definitely making progress.

New topic:  Carolyn has finished her cataract surgery's and seems very pleased with the outcomes.  We will be heading for Angel Fire, New Mexico early September.  It is a beautiful drive and we stay at the Angel Fire Resort.  I may play a round of golf on their course.

Speaking of golf, I have not made the improvements I expected to make this year - I guess that will come.  I will say that I'm consistently inconsistent.  I shoot a lot more 9 hole scores in the low 40's, but tend to spoil it all with a 2nd nine in the high 40's or low 50's.

All in all things are good - had a nice long phone conversation with my eldest son the other day.  I'm so glad I'm not part of the corporate world anymore.

So - have some great moments - I'll be writing again soon!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Men are from Mars -- women aren't!

I swear... we speak the same language, but nothing means the same.  Carolyn and I have been married for 43 years - we have a rare philosophical discussion - we tend to understand each other.  Its the little things.  She'll say something that I think I understand.  I'll do it, and it wasn't what she said to do - I repeated what she said - she said "that's what I said",  I say, well "that's what I did" - she'll say,  "no, it isn't."

Of course, Carolyn is always right - always, really she is right -- I'm just not hearing it right.  I do love her so very much.  It is simple things having to do with the computer or fixing something or whatever, but especially the simple things.  I'm technical, I take a lot of shortcuts when it comes to computers, email, email attachments and that sort of thing.  I tend to be less patient when it comes to things that I think are very simple, but can be very complex to others - especially those who are more analytical and need to have things discussed in a more detailed manner.  I still think it is a language issue.  I've said it before we have too many words that mean too many different things - some spelled identically and some spelled differently but pronounced the same - to, too, two - you know!

Well, enough of this drivel - more some other time!

Monday, August 2, 2010

August 1st - Yesterday; August 2nd - Toda

Strange but significant.  Yesterday was Dad's birthday - thought about him - and all the different ways that he loved us - wonderful man dad was - I think he lived a rich, full life.

Lewis and mom called to make sure I got the model cars and wondered when they would be arriving in Montezuma.  I will mail them today or tomorrow.  It something Lew works on when he visits home.

Today, August 2nd, Carolyn has cataract surgery.  We leave shortly for that - so for now, just enjoying a cup of coffee.  Its 66 outside, no golf today or tomorrow - for that matter, no total fitness class today either.  I'll have to think of another way to get some extra exercise this afternoon - before it gets to hot.

Today will be full of many very interesting moments.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Follow Up to Last

So today - I'm going for veggies and fruits - no meat whatsoever... I even had a Southwestern Blackbean Salad when I ate out with the guys after golf.  Pretty good - a bit pricey I thought.

I also joined Silver Sneakers - and Carolyn bought me some -- with silver sparklies.... Tuesdays and Thursdays will be my days, and maybe, Friday mornings.  We do have a great Center for Active Adults here in Aurora.  Now, I'm not going to be as "active" as Carolyn, but I do hope to slim down and tone up some ( a lot actually).  I have to if I'm going to make 116.

That bird is still nesting in the little house in the tree out front.  I have no idea why, but they are fun to watch.

I've been working on a design for a front yard patio - nothing fancy or expensive, but a nice place to sit on a cool evening - If I can figure out how to keep the skeeters away.

Kairi and Gramma Carolyn are swimming.  they'll be home soon and I'll still be sitting here with this computer.  I think I'm on it more now that I'm retired, but it is a lot more fun!!!!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On Thinking of Being a Vegetarian (and my sister's birthday)

No kidding - I've been giving this vegetarian thing a lot of thought - then it strikes me, never to taste a crab, a piece of fried chicken, a nice juicy fillet mignon, walleye, catfish again.  so I say to myself after I eat one more each of these, then maybe.  Well that would take years -  !  then again, there's always going it cold turkey (no pun intended.)  So, how do I go about this, because I do think I am serious.  (Is there some in between, like a fishaterian - I might could do that. )  What about eggs, I love eggs - eating them that is.  I'll have to look up all the rules.

Carolyn asked me to watch this show called - "Eating".  Well its like we eat ourselves to death - but, I've also seen folks at 112 that were not vegetarians.  They just ate could portions, had a shot of vodka every day and didn't live in the city - that's another approach to it I guess.  So, why this sudden interest or urge?????  Frankly, I don't know the answer to that one either - but it is definitely there.

I know that I have to lose weight.  I've known that for some time.  I'm joining Silver Sneakers - I have an appointment with the head physical training maven on Thursday.  Carolyn is dedicated - I need educated - but am not dedicated (more obsessive I think she is, but it works for her!)

Oh, yes, it is my sister's birthday today - Happy Birthday Jacque-lee (pronounced Jack - lee.)  In the photo, I'm the good looking dude on the left - she's the cute chick sitting next to me.  She's changed a bit over the years, but then haven't we all.    (Sister Sharon isn't in this picture for some reason -  )

Well - thats all for the moment - maybe I'll take this vegetarian thing slow - one or two meats a week (one red - although I've really cut back on red meat - one white - fish, chicken, pork - that sort of thing).  Eggs will be tough - maybe vegetarian's can eat eggs, I don't even know that one.  So, lots to learn and lots more to think about - why would I change my ways now?  Well life is definitely about change - "the only constant in life is change!" Not my words, that's why the quotation marks - but, I have no idea who first said it - probably Anonymous (that guy or gal says a lot of things that eventually become very famous quotations.)  Anyway, I'm rambling, that's my way -- live some great moments today.  Each and every one of em is yours to do with as you please - life is all about choices.  We make some good ones, some outstanding ones, and some of us, some very bad ones - and hopefully we learn from all of them!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Virtigo - Sticker Shock - other stuff

Ambulance - 1350 dollars
Emergency Room - 2350 dollars
A healthy wife - priceless....

How did it get this way.  Its more than a lot of people make in a couple of months.  I got to grouse a bit anyway.  

I have three new mosquito bites.  Some golf courses have lots more than others - location, location, location -- this one happened to have a lot of swampy areas, so, I guess, a lot of mosquitoes.

I highly recommend Pat O'shay's bar and grill in Longmont.  Good atmosphere, great menu and excellent food.  I had a burrito.  That was after a round of golf.  55/46 - one of my poor front nines - no money changed hands, the match was even up - I lost the front and won the back.  My drives are very inconsistent - that is because my set up is different every time - you'd think I could remember and take the same set up much more consistently.  It is just a simple visual picture.  Oh well.

It has been terribly hot in the afternoon - I hope it starts cooling down a bit.  We've had moisture, but none lately, so I turned the sprinkler system on.  One of the heads in the front yard needs fixed-- I think it got ran over by a car.  some folks came down the other day and said they had nipped the bumper on the pick up and drove up on to the yard -  pick up was okay so no harm done, I didn't think to check sprinkler heads -- now that I look the tire tracks are right over them - so that is probably what happened.

Gutter guys are coming over this morning - gonna get an estimate on new gutters - absolutely pine needle and leaf proof - we'll see.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

There's No Sleep Like It

Your sitting in a comfy chair,  the computer is on your lap (it is, after all, a laptop)... your finger is on the touch pad... 1/2 hour later you wake up to find -- well, you've been out for 1/2 hour....

My Birthday Has Come and Gone

65 Years Young -  that's the PC way to say it these days.  My daughter, Kindle, made me a Black Bottom Pie - an old recipe.  She had to make the effort to get the recipe from my sister Lana - get all the ingredients... awesome and it tasted it great.

The day was really nothing super special, Kindle and Drew dropped by.  Heather forgot, but Carolyn reminded her and I got a really nice hug.  Miah called - all in all it was nice.  We went out to the Fresh Fish Company - one of our favorites.  Boy has it gotten pricey though.

I felt the need to write today - nothing really philosophical or very important.  Well what a surprise, sister Patti just called to wish me a Happy Birthday.  We had a very nice conversation... made my day.  She sounded very happy - well... enough for now.  Write more later.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Moments, Precious Moments

Yesterday - was a rescue day.  Carolyn locked the keys in the trunk of the car.  Rescued.  An event later that evening rescued... but that event brought to home how very precious our moments with each other are.  Lanny, call mom at least once a week.  What about staying in touch with your brothers and sisters?  Why not do the things you want to do.  Call th grandkids.. Going to the movie with Trenton on Friday.  That is definitely a good thing.

I didn't play golf this morning. Rescuing again.  Yesterday I also fixed the screen door and tried to clean the windows.  I used everything, windex, super windex, vinegar and water, soap and water... some of the dirt on the screen door windows is so baked on, I can't get it off.  Any hints.

I talked to sister Sharon the other day.  That was  nice.  Well, maybe I'll write more later today - and, maybe I'll find a picture too.  I like pictures.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

A Little Sister's Birthday

My sister Patti has a birthday today.  We called and sang - Carolyn and I.  Patti was at work at the new Safety Center in Montezuma.  This is the Patti I remember as a kid... I have a lot of very nice memories of her when she lived here in Colorado.  She now has a ranch or "ranchette" in Iowa -- where they board horses and such.  Frankly, I don't know how old she is this year - she still looks damn good.

My birthday approaches and sister Jacque-lee (pronounced Jack-lee) has one in July as well.  I told you I had family on my mind the last few weeks.

I think we'll be taking a trip back to Iowa later this year.  The "Class of 63" is having a reunion - it has been scheduled for homecoming weekend - nice touch me thinks.

Carolyn and I watched a DVD of Depak Chopra - 7 Spiritual Steps of Success - a lot like The Secret  - but different as well.  I think it was very interesting.  We also went to see "Shrek" (the newest one).  It got off to a very slow start, but once Donkey got involved - it was a lot better.  All in all it is worth a viewing.

Well as Depak says "be in the moment you are in..."  I agree.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Good Things

Kids, and grandkids, moms and dads, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles - good friends, pets, birds, squirrels, most all animals, eagles, crickets singing at night, fishing, music, golf, life, moments, smells, feelings, tears, joy, sorrow, tickets to a show you love, theater, art, air conditioners in the summer, heaters in the winter, rain - I love the small and feel of rain, fishing, places to go, a home and roof over my head, a good night's sleep, a fresh cup of coffee, Coca Cola Cherry Zero, a good single malt scotch, a great glass of wine, babies, grandparents, kisses, making love, leaning, moments, the smell of fresh mown grass, discovering, adventure, camping, staying in a nice hotel, dining at your favorite restaurant, Samurai movies, chalk, rubber bands, tickling, being tickled, laughter, a child's first words, a good debate, water, food, chocolate, mint chocolate chip ice cream, windmills, traditions, challenging tradition, UFOs, smiles, grins, old fashioned donuts, apples - nice and crisp, a lettuce wedge covered with blue cheese dressing, catching night crawlers, fireworks, taking risks, tenderness, compassion, letting go, feeling free, being me, you being you, helping a friend, being a friend, sunrises and sunsets, the moon, the stars, musical instruments of all kinds, flying first class on a long flight, train rides, playing cards, Dilbert, Woody Woodpecker, a child's first steps... there's a few seconds worth of thoughts!!!!!!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

It's a Bright, Bright, Sunshiny Day

That's a song you know.  A bright, beautiful, joyful song... This morning was a wonderfully cool morning.  Carolyn and I went bike riding.  My butt could only take about 45 minutes - she road about 70.  Her trike seat is much nicer to sit in when pedaling. (that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!__)  It has also been a very productive day - I'm getting rid of some small items that I've been collecting over the years, moved an air conditioner from a little used office to a room where it is needed, and made room for the trike in the shed!

We are going out to dinner tonight (we didn't get out on Father's day).  I like Famous Dave's and that's the place.  When my birthday comes, we'll likely go to the Fresh Seafood place -- big discount this year. Watching a Hershey's commercial.  I love Hershey's chocolate - and fudge - and black bottom pie (mom used to make it) - I'd love some again.

I thought we'd see a rainbow today, but alas it was more bluster and thunder than rain.  Carolyn is having lunch with the WOW gals - kind of a reunion meeting. I hope she is really enjoying it.

I got an email from my little sister (one of them) this morning -- it really helped, so, a new mood should be apparent.

I found a guitar book I've been searching for and thought was lost.  I guess it's time to get the darn thing out and start playing again -- there could be some campfires with the grandkids in the near future - right on!  I've found my moments again - ain't it great!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Can You Hear a Heart Being Torn in Two

It is a wrenching, tearing sound - that bleeds from the eyes.  I'm always so full of hope (last blog) - yet somehow, hope is not enough and action must be taken.  This is where values and integrity clash with the feelings of the heart.  A promise broken is a promise broken - but is there a way around it, or would that just be a devious way to break the promise  -probably so me thinks.  So, I'll think on it some more and see what happens.

It is sad that there is now time on our side, yet the chasm is vast - so allowing time to heal.  Is it necessarily true that time heals all?  I think not.  I do believe that there is one gender that tends to "not forgive and forget".  Maybe it is all genders - it just isn't the way my mind works.  (anyone reading this would not have a clue what I'm writing about - except those who "might know" first hand)  Someone has to take a first step, but I promised it would not be me.  Funny how promises can get us in so much trouble - when if revealed would clear up a lot of things, but, a promise is, after all, a promise.

I long to get back to Mirror Lake - Carolyn would prefer a cabin me thinks... so I'll see if something is available.    I know the picture doesn't seem to have anything to do with anything.  But, it was from a family journey to Iowa - where Brooke said, "This is paradise".  they were also amazed by the size of corn

In the end, the heart will take us to the right place... I've got to have faith in that - I've got to.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


There it is.  Each day is filled with hope - hope that when I open my eamil or chat that someone I love is there and wants to say something - but alas, not today, nor likely tomorrow or the next day.  But, there is still ever and always hope.

Yesterday we golfed at Saddle Back in Ft. Lupton - 96 - not great - I had some really stupid water balls and some really weird wasted shots.  Nothing worse in golf than wasted shots - penalty strokes, out of bounds, water, lost - you know, that kind of stuff.  At least I only lost 2 bucks... it could have been a lot worse.  A friend says I'm an addict - such a harsh word!  I do love the game though.

Family in Iowa says they are getting lots of rain.  We've had tornado warnings and such the last three or four days in a row, but not a drop of rain.

we are thinking about going to Blackhawk for my birthday.  I'll have to check it out and see how pricey it is this time of year.  I've been working to get our dental plan, medical plan, all that stuff up to date.  Everything changes at 65 - I just get a bit older and a lot wiser.  I think I'll check out Kabatogama too.

I've been wanting to head up to Mirror Lake to go camping.  I'm working on Carolyn... Taylor park ( ) does have some rustic cabins.  Maybe that's the way to go.  We could still spend some time up at Mirror, then fish the Taylor Reservoir and the Taylor River.  We have not been there since the kids were kids.  We have fond memories of some of those fishing trips!  A lot of great moments that we still share from time to time.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


I guess that's the feeling.  I don't know.  I'm in a quandary - it is about loving and letting go I think.  There are times when life is a little bit tough, but there are lessons to be learned from that.  It would seem easier, though, if we didn't have to learn those lessons.

Family is such a precious and yet fragile thing sometimes.  I think that the phrase "you can only hurt the ones you love" or to put it another way, "be hurt by the ones you love" is so very true.  For some, forgive and forget is just not a part of their psyche.  For others it is a way of life.  My mind is like so much pliable putty - but sometimes, based on feedback, maybe I'm a bit stuck in my ways and my philosophy.  I don't believe that I question my values or my integrity - so what is it that I am so "lost" about on this particular day.

It has been quite good.  Mandy, Jeremiah, and Kairi met us for coffee this morning.  It was a nice visit - they shared their trip to Disney Land with us.  We saw some great pictures.  They, and Carolyn, then went to see Toy Story III.  I stayed home to watch the U.S. Open.  After the movie they came over for lunch.  It was a very nice visit.

I chatted on line with Heather - she and her family had just returned from a camping trip.  It was nice of Heather to share how that was one of her very fond childhood memories... camping, and Mirror Lake.  I'd like to get up their this summer.

Kindle and Drew get back from New York tomorrow.  Chad is still in Gulf Port.  I'm sure Wendfal and the kids really miss him on this day.

I'm very proud of our Children - they've all had their struggles, but they are so beautiful and have such wonderful families -- and each in their own way, are very successful and bring a lot to this world.  So, maybe, on reflection, I'm really not "lost" at all - just enjoying the thoughts I have of our children and grand children.

As for tomorrow... it will come.. I'll be playing golf with some good friends and will have a great day with many, many more wonderful moments.  Everything will be fine.... if not fantastic.  May you be blessed in all you endeavor!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

About Dad's

As I sit here this morning, drinking coffee and thinking about tomorrow, I suddenly miss my dad very much.  It didn't hit me so hard last year - but this year, for some reason, it really is.  I was fortunate, all of us kids were, that we got to spend so much time with him at the end.  Right now, the tears just can't stop flowing and they probably shouldn't.  He was such a wonderful man - handsome and very powerful in his way.  I can still remember his first hugging me as an adult - on the porch step at their new home.... I started with the usual handshake and he said "let's have a hug!"  That was different for him and for me and it was always hugs after that. This is mom and dad in 1991 - Mom is 87 now.

Dad was a strict disciplinarian - I remember how he was with his tools... and there was hell to pay if we didn't put them away after we used them.  I understood that later in life - when I found rusted tools outside that the kids forgot to put away.  He had an appreciation for everything he ever bought, because it was hard earned and there were lots of mouths (7 of us kids) to feed.  He taught us the value of hard honest work and especiallyBimidgi Minnesota with Dick Arndt and my brother Michael - Mike and I planned the trip and drove the old blue Chevy pickup truck - dad and Dick slept in the bed (they had built a cover for it) for most of the trip - we had a great time, then I was off to the Air Force.

I have the happiest of memories of dad, mom, and family.  Mike and I used to mow lawns in the summer, scoop walks and driveways in the winter, and then, in our spare time help dad with his electrical business.  We learned so much.  the girls delivered papers and mowed lawns too.  I think at one time, three of us were delivering papers for the Des Moines Register and Tribune.  Dad would tell us, no matter the weather the paper would get delivered.  If they could get them to Monte, we could get them to our customers homes.  And we did -- snow, sleet, rain, sunshine, whatever -- we did it because we made a commitment to do it and what we committed to, we did.  Dad was always there to fix broken down mower or bicycle - and he taught us to do the same - that is where we all (all of us children) learned the value of a penny, the value of keeping our commitments, and the value of learning everything that we could possibly learn about everything.

Dad loved to bar-b-que and we always had (Tuesday night I think) - bar-b-que.  It was either at home or at the lake, Diamond Lake.  It would be steak or burgers or hot dogs, even frogs legs.  They were great times and nothing took precedence... not even band practice -- mom came to take us away from practice one night, telling the band director that it was family night and "nothing interfers with family night".  I don't think he ever had band practice on Tuesday night again.

When I close my eyes right now, I can see his big toothy smile, his lanky 6' 1" frame - and hear his gentle but very firm tone.  I never once heard dad yell, but I always knew he meant business and was full of love.  I hope I have given my children just a smidgen of what dad gave us.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two (2) Followers and Golf Course Bathrooms

I'm truly blessed.  There are two admitted followers to this blog.  I know there are more, because they've said so.  I'm on my third and last glass of wine.  I hit level 600 in Mafia Wars this evening - so, I'm celebrating.  I'm golfing in the morning - 6AM - gonna work on my short, long, and medium game.  I had a good round on Monday and a fair round on Wednesday.  No consistency.  If i'm gonna reach my goal, I have to be more consistent.

New subject.  This is not your typical golf course restroom.  (For some guys its a tree.)  For some reason, I like taking pictures of some of the "fancier" golf course necessary rooms - that's what I call 'em.  Heck, I can't even remember what course this was on-but, I was impressed.  The best one I've seen was on the Thistle... I was so impressed I took 5 or 6 pictures - gotta see if I can find one of them.
Can't find it right now, I tried.

MT said it was pretty fancy inside as well.

I took the Zenith cabinet outside and cleaned the surface today. I got most of the paint and other foreign material removed.  Need to use some cotton swabs to clean up the edges and crevices of the rest of it.  Then - what ke to finish this project in a month or so.  I have some of my dad's woodworking books.  They should help with some advice.

Carolyn is off to crocheting class with her sister Susan. I'm watching the US Open.  Pebble Beach is something else.  One day! (In my dreams)

I'm thinking about going fishing next week.... Quincy reservoir for Muskies.  It's Kindle's birthday tomorrow.  Heck, I don't even know what day of the week it is... Oh yah, Thursday - it was Wednesday pie night last night.

Enjoy your moments.  I enjoy mine so much I don't even remember what day it is!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Good Round Today

A memorable moment at Pine Lakes in Myrtle Beach.  The ball was at the very edge of the water, another inch and it would have been a dreaded "Water Ball".  Note the awesome form.  A good clean strike and the ball (which you can see in the air) is headed for the fairway.  I parred the hole.  (Boy that word looks weird!)  If there were a wave, it would definitely lap the ball.  But, it was a pretty good lie.

It was really a wonderful shot.  Today was a great golf day at Coyote Creek.  I was very relaxed, took my time and made one shot at a time.  I shot a 44 on the front and a 47 on the back.  I won the bucks today - a first and hopefully not a last.  Tomorrow is men's league at Fitz.  I'm actually looking forward to it.

I liked watching the Haney Project with Ray Romano. Hank's coaching made a believer out of me.  There is a golfer inside me somewhere.  I can be more consistent and I will break 80 one of these days.

I think I'm still on East coast time - I'm tired, but didn't sleep well last night.  Looking forward to a great breakfast burrito in the morning.

Well things to do - so, enough for this evening.  Please have great moments!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

When the Mood Strikes

And it hasn't for awhile.  Note that somewhere in the first paragraph, the title should make sense.  If it doesn't, then I'm just plain off balance. (which happens from time to time).  To answer the question, I write when the mood strikes.  This is sort of a follow-up on the balance of the trip to MB.

So, we next played:

  1. Prestwick CC (that's Country Club- you can tell by the opulence and the million dollar homes) 18 holes
  2. Pine Lakes CC -- the oldest course in Myrtle Beach - where Sports Illustrated was conceived - 18 holes
  3. Moorland at the Legends - where we held the traditional Banana Split match and where I lost once again
So I paid off my banana split bet and Bob bought me a scoop of "Rum Raisin" ice cream.  Its hard to find rum raisin ice cream anywhere and it was awesome!  Gordon also lost.  Mil and Bob once again were the victors. But, there was a three way tie going into the 18th hole.  I folded under the pressure (even after an awesome drive).  Mil and Gordon tied and it went to a putt off on the 19th.  Mil won!  Good for him-he does like banana splits.  I can't believe how fast he can go through one.

We found this awesome old ice cream parlor on King's Highway - Kirk's Ice Cream Parlor.  It is nostalgic to say the least.  A pink facade building with two huge rooms.  It boasts a great camera collection and old Pac Man machine and other such memorabilia.  It is hard to see how he can keep it open - but he does and the ice cream is, well, the best. (That's Mil in the picture by the way.)

Today is travel day.  Heading for the airport after breakfast.  There have been some very memorable moments on the trip.  Enjoy yours and reminisce about some of your great moments.  Make some more memories today! 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Where are We?

It is a good question - I'm not even sure what day it is... so, we played:

  1. International World Tour 27 Holes
  2. True Blue and Heritage 36 Holes
  3. The Pearl East and Leopard's Chase  36 Holes
  4. Parkland at the Legends 18 Holes
Favorite True Blue, Leopard's Chase, Heritage, The Pearl East --  (relaxing and no houses on the course).

For the most part, the courses are in pretty good condition. The greens have been everywhere from lousy (International World Tour) to fairly decent (True Blue).  The toughest part from day to day is figuring out the greens, especially speed and "trueness".  The slowest round was at Heritage - no Marshall, 5.5 hours, argggg.

The others were pretty average from 3 hours and 45 minutes to 4.5 hours.  Health wise, things have been good. I did have a couple of muscle spasms at Heritage and dropped out for two holes... sort of like cramps - nothing since then.  

I think the best part for me is the beauty of the place, but one tends to lose track of that.  My golfing is certainly inconsistent - brilliant at times and just plain unspeakable at others.  

I need some "alone" time, so I'm not going to "supper" with the fella's tonight.  I'm having a great time - bringing a bit of laugher (my swing) to the group.  Oh the antics as we play. Oh the games we play.  I decided to play a $6 Nassau with the best golfer in the group - I'm behind, but not totally out of it.  

I'm just me, what else can I be?

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

True Blue and Heritage Plantation

These are really beautiful golf courses-each with its own very special character.  I had a 94 at True Blue - don't know what I had at Heritage.  It was a beautiful day in fantastic surroundings.  I don't have the web site addresses for either of these courses, but they are both on Pawley's Island in South Carolina - about 24 miles from where we are staying.

It was just a really great day - not much else to say!

Monday, June 7, 2010

We Went to the Golf Course - One of us Played, the rest.....

It is truly like I say.  Gordon, Bob, and I struggled.  Mil played like he was just totally zoned in.  I was on all winning teams though, so I won the mooola.... well, tomorrow is definitely another day.  We are playing Leopard's Chase - supposed to be a really tough course - why do we brutalize ourselves so.  But the guys love it and love to grouse about it a bit.  the fun is being with them, enjoying the camaraderie and such.

So, you ask - what did you shoot Lanny?  Lots - 56/57/56  (we played 27 holes).  But, I didn't get the most water balls or the worst score, so I'm not too disappointed.  It was a very nice day too.  It was actually cooler here than in Denver.

I Video IM'd with Carolyn tonight, that was nice.  she called with an internet problem... I make a pretty good IT troubleshooting guy.  I even remained calm and patient.  That was good.

I'm looking forward to 36 tomorrow.  After Leopard's Chase we play the Pearl East.... should be wonderful!

Have a great day.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The World Tour Golf Courses

Our first course of the trip is the World Tour courses  ( ).  We usually play all 27 holes.  I love these courses. The web link really tells the story.  Tee time 8AM!


yah, Okay, sometimes I'm so confused and don't even know what I'm confused about.  Couldn't help myself.  Just something that struck me as important to write - as I was tweeting with a nephew.  Nice here in Myrtle.  I'm at the airport waiting for the rest of the guys - sitting in a corner with an outlet -- watching the scenery go by.  Shapes are interesting, youth, middle-age, older and so on.  I certainly have lost my youthful shape.  Some would say I was too darn skinny anyway.  Others would now say (maybe the same ones) that I've gone too far the other direction and they are likely more right than wrong.

Why do we hurry to the belts as the call the luggage thingys here - when they know its going to be 30 minutes before the luggage gets here?  A time to visit with those who came to pick you up I guess.  Its much different at a small airport than it is at a large airport.  My ride isn't here yet - won't be for another hour or so - but I like just passing the time and, as I said, watching the scenery - .

This may well be my last blog of the week.  I don't know if our condo has internet.  If it doesn't I won't get any sympathy from the others - so we won't be stopping at Starbucks or Atlanta Bread or MacDonalds or VI -- amazing a lot of those restaurants are adding wireless these days -- one manager said to cater to the "younger crowd" -- heck its catering to me too.

I'm hitting titleists this year (that was a quick subject change - with no transition statement) -- oh what the English teacher would say!  And, there, I did it again.  D-.   Well - I've got the swing confidence to hit a Titleist now.  Its just a damn golf ball after all.  I see a lot more pros are using Srixon, Bridgestone, Callaway these days-- Titleist still has the edge... I wonder if the cameramen get a cut if the show the logo on the golf ball?  Oh the things I wonder about.

Families - lots of families here at the airport and tons of golf bags..... Its good to see cherry children, parents, and grandparents.  (Well probably not tons of golf bags, but lots of golf bags -- )

Life is good, enjoy!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Myrtle Preparation Day

I think I'm better prepared for the trip to Myrtle Beach this year.  The bad part is a "red eye" flight.  The good part is, I think I can sleep on the airplane.  It cost so much to fly my clubs and baggage one way that I just upgraded to first class -- baggage was free and the seats are more comfortable to sleep in.

I can't help sharing one more Canada picture.  This is at a place we call "The Wall".  It is really the English River - anywhere from a couple of feet to over 60' deep down river as it meets the big lake and some of the islands.  The fish are strong in the river and this is a real nice 24.5" fish.

Back to golfing.  I'm packed, the clubs are ready and I took one session of coaching from Sean.  I gotta think less and just have fun shooting low scores.  Part of the preparation, you see, is mental preparation.  I've discovered that I can hit a Titleist golf ball.  That was mental too ( the fact that I didn't think I could hit one...).  I do like the feel of the ball, but not the price -- I don't use ProV1's.....

A note on Costco -- still the best damn big box warehouse around.  Their Concierge service is out of this world.  I had to take my Kuerig coffee maker back... They looked up the receipt and handled everything graciously, efficiently, and accurately.

Well, gotta wrap up preparations... ya'll have a really fabulous day - I know I am!

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Quite Obviously-- I missed several days of writing my thoughts.  What can I say -- kinda of "thoughtless"?  Well we did get back from Canada - it was a great trip.. some beautiful sunsets and sunrises - as can be seen in the attached picture.  We got back Sunday evening and we are just finishing all of the unpacking. 

I'm just about ready to head for Myrtle Beach.  Catching a red eye flight Sunday - just after Midnight Saturday.

Just wrapped up a two day spring men's association championship - flight 3 - I did not do well -- but i think my game is tuned perfectly for Myrtle.  I'll find out soon enough.  (This text used to wrap, why doesn't it wrap?)  One day I'll figure it out -- when I get some time.  Need to get the lawn mowed too.... so much to do!

(I'm watching Iron Chef - I love the show -- for some reason, I really like cooking shows.)  Who won the latest Survivor - I sincerely hope it wasn't Russel...

Living and loving life!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Treip day - 6 - I figured that out...

Carolyn is all set!  It was a bit cooler yesterday - but the sun was still bright.  The boat is running good.  Adjusted the trim today - I don't have power trim - so it is a bit more difficult than one might think.    

For some strange reason I'm sad today.  I don't know why, just am.  Perhaps I will figure it out, perhaps I won't - I don't think it makes any difference.  My brother and I will be getting up a bit early (though not earlier than today when we were the first on the water) to do some serious Northern Pike fishing.    I think he's hands down, a better Pike fisherman than I am.  We'll certainly find out.  

Carolyn caught the nicest fish in our boat today.  Picture tomorrow -- enjoy your moments folks, each and every one of them!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Trip day - a, hmmmm Not sure

Must be having a good time if I don't know what day it is.  It is beautiful up here, but I'm a pint low on blood after today's walk with Carolyn.  Talk about mosquitoes and not being ready for 'em.

The fishing has been really good.  We had plenty to eat Saturday evening and Sunday evening.  tonight is grill night.  Wes caught a really nice northern - 26" - just under the slot limit up here.  I'm a bit testy today - well a lot testy.  Because, I really didn't want to go for a walk -- and then the mosquitoes got me - and, I forgot the stuff that you put on the mosquito bites.

Carolyn started her puzzle - now way will it get done because Glenn and Marci aren't here to help and the rest of us really are not puzzlers.  Though we are puzzled.

I'll add a picture later of Wes's big fish...

Friday, May 21, 2010

the Trip - day 3

This happened yesterday, so what.  Carolyn was a like a kid in a candy store.  what the heck, it was sort of on the way.  She took lots of pictures which will be posted to Facebook or somewhere.

Today we drove from Kenora to Ignace.  A short drive.  We had pizza at a Pizza Hut in Dreyden... Not your grandfather's Pizza Hut.  Totally different menu than the US - and, it was fabulous.  We had a Greek Salad and a Mediterranean  Pizza - really, really good.  We got all our groceries for camp and are having a restful evening a the White Otter Inn - we've stopped here for the past few years.  They made some nice improvements and the water in Ignace is finally drinkable!

Tomorrow morning, breakfast, petrol (that's what they call it up here), and minnows -- then headed North!  Life is good - nawwwwww, it is absolutely great!!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Trip - day 2

I know, I kinda missed reporting on day 1 -- 3 hours driving in the rain, but we made it all the way through the Black Hills - ate lunch at Cheyene crossing... It was awesome.  A quaint restaurant on the corner (crossing) Wyoming to the Dakotas.  The food was outstanding and the people - well they were real.

We drove on to I94 - and stayed at the Trail Blazer - it was fine.  this morning we drove to Bismark.  We spent about 3 hours in Bismark.  Why, because the Alien Cafe Bar and Grill didn't open until 1lAM so we had to kill a couple of hours at Starbucks.  By about 10PM Central we were in Kenora, Ontario -- The further east we got, the prettier it got.  We've driven Highway 1 many times.  It is said to see that Graffiti has drifted North of the border.  This is the first year we saw graffiti on the cliffs along the highway.  It was kinda sad.

We'll do our final shopping tomorrow in Dryden, then on to Ignace for the night.  Vern's in the morning. (After breakfast) then on up to Press Lake.  Lake of the Woods looked beautiful.  Seems dryer up here than it was last year.  So much to enjoy - each moment is so full of so much!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

12 Hours and Counting

Rain, sun, rain, sun, rain... all ready to go.. Pictorial blog on the way.  I can't find my fire wire?  Where did that thing go.  Watching NCIS  One of my favorite shows.  I guess I'll have to take the darn card out for the picture. Oh well - I was hoping.  It is more of a nuisance than anything.  Running through that mental check list, just to make sure we have not forgotten anything, but, we will have forgotten something - that is just the way it is.  I will find that cable, I will.  This is about 1/3 of the stuff for the two of us.  All packed and ready to go by 5PM.
I can't wait to set the hook on a big walleye.  I really am anxious to have one for dinner too.  I'm so happy that two of my siblings will be there this year.  Mike and Lana - awesome.  This will be a fantastic trip with some fantastic fishing.  Many, many, many enjoyable and extraordinary moments!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday - Starbucks - Swell Stuff

We are here once again, hoping against hope that one of the kids will show up.  we have an open invitation - may have to buy your own offer.  Perhaps - not always -- we will buy.  Miah and Mandy were here for Mother's day.  Chad and family looked all over for us, but didn't find the right spot.  So much for keeping cell phones secret.  (remember they are for away from home and travel only!)

Trip to Canada is soooo close.  We usually pack too much or too little, maybe this year we'll get it just right.  Not...but, it is a dream.  I keep think take this, no, don't need it, won't use it.   Got the boat ready yesterday, th spare tire is good - but I need a lug nut wrench..  more later.

Surprise, Surprise, Drew and Kindle dropped in.  Cool They are looking good.  Makes a mom and dad very happy!  And another surprise -- Heather got there early - so we were able to enjoy her and Aubrey...  Later, Susan and Larry came by.  It made for some wonderful conversation, catching up, joy, laughter - really wonderful.

So, now I'm snacking on chips and getting more and more excited about heading North..

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Not Quite a Broken Heart

My heart is not broken, but it is saddened.   There's a certain fickleness about human relationships.  It is hard to understand, sometimes, the intricacies  of the human psyche.  There is a book and has been many written on the subject.  I've read a few of them.  Somehow they don't come close to the connection that there is between head and heart -- or, is it all just emotion or ego or whatever.

It is a blessing that we are all so very different, but it is also a curse.  I guess that is the yin and yang of life isn't it. It is what makes us make war I think.  We are so "intolerant" of the slightest foibles -- sometimes even in the ones we love so dearly.  It is said (at least I think it is) "you can only be hurt by the ones you love!"  And that can hurt so very much.  At times I think neither party or parties really know what has been done, nor what can be done to heal the rifts.

It is sad, but sometimes one can not be sure there is a rift -- or, is it just a miscommunication!  I miscommunicate a lot - which at least means I'm trying to communicate.  But when there is none - is it because that is the way it is desired - or because, just because.

The grass (changing subject) is particularly green this morning.  It is that way following two days of rain and snow and more rain to come.  Canada is just a few days away.

Our grand daughter Autumn graduates and will start a big change in her life --

Buddha is looking for just the right spot!   How do they (dogs) know when they have found just right spot.  It is easier for me to drift from a difficult topic than to continue to write about it.

I've tried - I think, but maybe not hard enough- these are the moments that can be difficult - but there is always a sunrise after the sunset... day after day after day and that is a very good thing!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Where does it go? Time?

It is what it is.  A second is a second, a minute a minute, and so on.  Though there has been some research that supposedly shows why time seems to pass faster as we age -- I suppose if I looked it up, I could give you a web link... but who the heck cares as long as you endeavor to enjoy each and every second, minute, and so on that you have!  Nuff said on that subject.

But - I've been remiss, yet again, at maintaining my daily blog (journal), missives, thoughts and such.

The weather, believe it or not, is rain turning to snow this evening - with 4-10" of white stuff expected.  It will be heavy and wet if that happens.  Obviously I'm hoping it doesn't.  But, it has already started to rain and the temperature is dropping.  Tomorrow's golf tournament has already been cancelled.  As luck would have it I have a tee time Friday at Ptarmigan - so no biggy.  ( I guess biggy isn't a word as the spell checker shows a wavy red line beneath the word.  I could care less, I'm using the word anyway.)  Why shouldn't I?  Lockheed Martin coined many a word in their whitepapers and such.  If they can do it, I can do it.

How about that big stock market scare the other day!  I'm hoping they find out what was behind that.  I think there needs to be a few more safeguards against all the problems that this automated computer trading can cause.  Perhaps we should go back to some of the more tried and true ways.  Then again.. who knows.  Maybe the same thing could have happened.  It just seems to volitile right now.

Well that's it, that's all she wrote (I wrote) and can think of to write.  Canada is less than 10 days away.  I am so looking forward to hitting the road and backing the boat into the water to wet a line and catch my first walleye of the year!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Saddlerock - Nothing but Uphill

Saddlerock is a great golf course.  I'll not walk it again.  16 holes are up hill -- 2 par 3's bring you back down to a mile high.  What a trudge.  But, once again, our foursome of seniors (one 75 year old) was complemented on our excellent pace of play.  We played the course in 4 hours and 10 minutes.  I shot a 97 - Loren had the best score of the day, 94 - he was really driving and putting well.

It was windy.  Tomorrow is league at Fitz.  I may just ride a cart. Buddha still has a sore paw, but i think it is getting better.  He enjoyed playing laser light this evening.  But he still favors it.  I need to find out how serious Megan is about taking him.  He loves sitting on the couch with us.

Well, getting close to Canada time.  Got lots today, best get with the program!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Get Real

That's another one of those words that has a different meaning depending on how it's spelled.  You know, get real or reel? What a way to start the day.  Only about 19.5 days to hitting the road to Canada and still so much to do.  We got the boat out on Cherry Creek - all is well.  We passed the Zebra Snail inspection with flying colors, though there was a bit of winter wet still in the tank - I don't understand that, because the boat was well covered for the winter.

Lawn clean up today - looking for the Canada coin and paper money - put it in an envelope marked CANADA - somewhere.  You know, one of those safe and sure places where you know (no) you can find it at a moments notice.  Kinda like everything else I can't find when I need it - tape measure, volt meter, pliers, hammer, flat bladed screw driver, 1/8" drill bit, golf shoe spike wrench and on and on and on.  Like mom once told me "It's a good thing your head is attached!"

I'm betting all mom's tell there kids that one.  I think I told one or more of my kids that - I've never heard of so many lost keys, drivers licenses, school identifications, and of course - home work!

We broke down and got cell phones again.  The absolute cheapest, no contract, pay as you go phones we could find - how else are you gonna call AAA when you need em, or find your spouse in a Walmart?  So, they are dubbed urgent use only - and that seems to have a pretty broad definition.  We say its one for the car and one for the truck... we've stuck by that pretty well.

Buddha hurt his foot.  I've got to take him to the vets this morning.  I'm not sure what happened, but he limps or hobbles and sleeps a lot. Dogs seem to know how to heal.  They know a lot of other things too, like how to love unconditionally.  He so wanted to play chase the laser light last night, but just couldn't do it.  He stares at the laser toy (hanging on the wall) when he wants to play.  Funny how he can hear me take it off the hook from three rooms away - now there's something I don't lose?  Why is that?

Have a great day, week, month, year, decade, century!  Here's to yah!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Well, today was a good day - like all days.  I got the  sneezes today -- what is in the air, whatever it is, zowie, lots of sneezes.  Canada is closer.  Still have not had the boat in the water.  I have no excuses - at least I think I don't.  Mowing has started, yard clean up is well under way.  I got my wood chipper. It works on twigs, not much else.  I think the blade drum is dull as can be.  I'll figure out how to get it sharpened.

We saw a movie today - "Date Night" - lots of hilarious moments - a pretty good flick, worth seeing.

I played better golf this week.  Looking forward to getting better all the time.... have some great moments ya'll!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The 24th of April - When words don't come!

Maybe they just shouldn't.  what's wrong with a blank mind.  I look out th kitchen window.. Woodpeckers in the apple tree.  Tall fall weeds bending with the wind from the north - trees shaking as if cold - green buds dropping to the ground like rain -- no son for three days now - had to turn the furnace back on - the grandkids slept in the basement and they were cold.

Carolyn is off to her Saturday exercise class.  I told Trenton I'd take him to the movies today - gotta go pick him up.  Squirrels bounding across the top of the chain link fence, then to the neighbors wooden fence.

The grass is moving with the breeze - the tips looking almost silvery as they reflect what light there is breaking through the very overcast grey skies (never do get that word right - gray vs grey).  (oops, glad there's an undo).
Hope the neighbors don't start their wood burning stove... if they do, I'm gonna go see em about the smoke and fumes that get into our house somehow.  That can't be healthy for us.

Saw an eagle again yesterday - that is always such an awesome sight.  I never have my camera with me when I need it - why is that?  There's a pressure change, I can feel it in my ears - you know the feeling.

Buddha is resting at my feet, under the kitchen table.  He likes it by the heat register.  Katie used to like that too.  I wonder how she is getting a long with her new alpha.  I think good, because we have not heard from them lately.

I've communicated with brother Mike almost every day - its awesome - its through a web game, but who cares, it has been a really good reconnection for us - at least for me.  I miss Iowa family more than I think I do.

Our Canada trip is just around the corner now.  Got the Canada clothes out of the closet this morning.  Still have not checked out the boat.  If it were Canada I'd be out on the lake-- but its Colorado so here I sit in the kitchen drinking coffee and writing words that all of a sudden were there to put to the screen

Life is good - each and every moment of it!  Have a great day full of great moments!