Friday, November 26, 2010

And Now - It is History - Thanksgiving That Is

One turkey served up with a generous portion of love.  We had all the fixings and plenty of em.  Carolyn was right about the mashed potatoes - we needed to use all we could muster.  I guess there is something "comforting" about great mashed potatoes.

We had wine, a few beers, sodas and such.  We played Go Fishing, Battleship, Darts and, of course there was coloring -- one of Carolyn's favorite things to do.  She still has books from when the kids first colored.  Carolyn has always put the date the coloring took place. That makes for some interesting conversation with the kids.  The whole gang was here except for Chad and his family.  We missed them, but talked to them later.  Chad was frying his first turkey.  I almost did that this year - they had an in the house electric fryer at Costco.  But, I didn't buy it so didn't fry it -- maybe next time around.  The kids were all great and, I think, had a lot of fun.

Today is a day of sort of strange feelings.  I think we'll go see "Unstoppable" -- this afternoon probably.

This morning, it's breakfast, blogging, Mafia Wars and light hearted conversation.  I've already managed to make a few errors in judgement - but there is time for recovery.  (That's as deep as I need go on that subject.)

Yesterday I was able to talk to Mom and all of my brothers and sisters (except for Patti-I kept getting busy signals).  That was nice.  I will try and reach Patti again today.

Drew and Kindle stayed for a bit after everyone else had gone.  We had a nice chat, a few more laughs, and relaxed for a bit.

All in all, we enjoyed a lot of wonderful family moments.  I hope you did too.

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