Saturday, April 24, 2010

The 24th of April - When words don't come!

Maybe they just shouldn't.  what's wrong with a blank mind.  I look out th kitchen window.. Woodpeckers in the apple tree.  Tall fall weeds bending with the wind from the north - trees shaking as if cold - green buds dropping to the ground like rain -- no son for three days now - had to turn the furnace back on - the grandkids slept in the basement and they were cold.

Carolyn is off to her Saturday exercise class.  I told Trenton I'd take him to the movies today - gotta go pick him up.  Squirrels bounding across the top of the chain link fence, then to the neighbors wooden fence.

The grass is moving with the breeze - the tips looking almost silvery as they reflect what light there is breaking through the very overcast grey skies (never do get that word right - gray vs grey).  (oops, glad there's an undo).
Hope the neighbors don't start their wood burning stove... if they do, I'm gonna go see em about the smoke and fumes that get into our house somehow.  That can't be healthy for us.

Saw an eagle again yesterday - that is always such an awesome sight.  I never have my camera with me when I need it - why is that?  There's a pressure change, I can feel it in my ears - you know the feeling.

Buddha is resting at my feet, under the kitchen table.  He likes it by the heat register.  Katie used to like that too.  I wonder how she is getting a long with her new alpha.  I think good, because we have not heard from them lately.

I've communicated with brother Mike almost every day - its awesome - its through a web game, but who cares, it has been a really good reconnection for us - at least for me.  I miss Iowa family more than I think I do.

Our Canada trip is just around the corner now.  Got the Canada clothes out of the closet this morning.  Still have not checked out the boat.  If it were Canada I'd be out on the lake-- but its Colorado so here I sit in the kitchen drinking coffee and writing words that all of a sudden were there to put to the screen

Life is good - each and every moment of it!  Have a great day full of great moments!

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