Thursday, June 17, 2010

Two (2) Followers and Golf Course Bathrooms

I'm truly blessed.  There are two admitted followers to this blog.  I know there are more, because they've said so.  I'm on my third and last glass of wine.  I hit level 600 in Mafia Wars this evening - so, I'm celebrating.  I'm golfing in the morning - 6AM - gonna work on my short, long, and medium game.  I had a good round on Monday and a fair round on Wednesday.  No consistency.  If i'm gonna reach my goal, I have to be more consistent.

New subject.  This is not your typical golf course restroom.  (For some guys its a tree.)  For some reason, I like taking pictures of some of the "fancier" golf course necessary rooms - that's what I call 'em.  Heck, I can't even remember what course this was on-but, I was impressed.  The best one I've seen was on the Thistle... I was so impressed I took 5 or 6 pictures - gotta see if I can find one of them.
Can't find it right now, I tried.

MT said it was pretty fancy inside as well.

I took the Zenith cabinet outside and cleaned the surface today. I got most of the paint and other foreign material removed.  Need to use some cotton swabs to clean up the edges and crevices of the rest of it.  Then - what ke to finish this project in a month or so.  I have some of my dad's woodworking books.  They should help with some advice.

Carolyn is off to crocheting class with her sister Susan. I'm watching the US Open.  Pebble Beach is something else.  One day! (In my dreams)

I'm thinking about going fishing next week.... Quincy reservoir for Muskies.  It's Kindle's birthday tomorrow.  Heck, I don't even know what day of the week it is... Oh yah, Thursday - it was Wednesday pie night last night.

Enjoy your moments.  I enjoy mine so much I don't even remember what day it is!

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