Sunday, November 7, 2010

Road Trip Days 6 & 7: Missed another Day

I can't believe I turned down going in for catfish fry - but, I'm so full from last night's supper I can't think about eating at the moment.  We had a great skillet of some kind with rice, vegetables, chicken, spices and more spices, and something called Boudin - casing stuffed with rice and stuff.  I'll have to look it up later.

It took about 17 hours to drive down to Leesville from Montezuma.  Arkansas was beautiful.  The trees had turned, but the leaves have not fallen.  Mostly browns, reds, and yellows.  Louisiana is all green yet.  It is beautiful and quiet here at Steve and Roberta's.  They have made us feel very at home.  We met all the goats, the Emu and Nemo and Jake - the dogs.  Christian and Shawn and their families were over yesterday.

We had a nice family breakfast at BJ's this morning  - I had grits, a Cajun omelette, and sausage gravey on biscuits.   I then spent some time driving around Leesville - but, went back to BJs to do some "wifi" to get some forms completed with Lockheed.

The girls have gone Goodwilling and I'm happy to be here alone for awhile.  We will be here for at one more day, then on to Texas.

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