Monday, May 3, 2010

Get Real

That's another one of those words that has a different meaning depending on how it's spelled.  You know, get real or reel? What a way to start the day.  Only about 19.5 days to hitting the road to Canada and still so much to do.  We got the boat out on Cherry Creek - all is well.  We passed the Zebra Snail inspection with flying colors, though there was a bit of winter wet still in the tank - I don't understand that, because the boat was well covered for the winter.

Lawn clean up today - looking for the Canada coin and paper money - put it in an envelope marked CANADA - somewhere.  You know, one of those safe and sure places where you know (no) you can find it at a moments notice.  Kinda like everything else I can't find when I need it - tape measure, volt meter, pliers, hammer, flat bladed screw driver, 1/8" drill bit, golf shoe spike wrench and on and on and on.  Like mom once told me "It's a good thing your head is attached!"

I'm betting all mom's tell there kids that one.  I think I told one or more of my kids that - I've never heard of so many lost keys, drivers licenses, school identifications, and of course - home work!

We broke down and got cell phones again.  The absolute cheapest, no contract, pay as you go phones we could find - how else are you gonna call AAA when you need em, or find your spouse in a Walmart?  So, they are dubbed urgent use only - and that seems to have a pretty broad definition.  We say its one for the car and one for the truck... we've stuck by that pretty well.

Buddha hurt his foot.  I've got to take him to the vets this morning.  I'm not sure what happened, but he limps or hobbles and sleeps a lot. Dogs seem to know how to heal.  They know a lot of other things too, like how to love unconditionally.  He so wanted to play chase the laser light last night, but just couldn't do it.  He stares at the laser toy (hanging on the wall) when he wants to play.  Funny how he can hear me take it off the hook from three rooms away - now there's something I don't lose?  Why is that?

Have a great day, week, month, year, decade, century!  Here's to yah!

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