Monday, November 1, 2010

Road Trip - Day 1 - the Journey Begins

Up at 6AM, off at about 7:30AM - no hurries.  All the planning has come to fruition.  Brothers and sisters called - house sitter on site and instructed.  It is drizzling rain this morning (I don't know if snow can drizzle, it flurries!)  That makes for nice driving.  Very light breakfast - won't be much in the way of exercise today, though I did promise Carolyn we would stop to take some walks-- unexplored territories I guess.

We'll be visiting lots of places, taking lots of pictures, and having lots of hugs, smiles and kisses.  (that was a poetic phrase)  Of course I'd be lost without my computer - its coming along and we'll be going on line at Starbucks now and then.  May your day and your travels be wonderful!

8:30PM Central Time (Daylight) we arrived safely at Howard and Jacque's.  12 hour travel time... I have never seen so much "road kill".  Deer, Antelope, Coyote, Raccoon -- in that order.  It was awful.  The weather, on the other hand, was very good.  We averaged just over 33 MPG.  I wouldn't call the day particularly memorable.  The trip was more relaxed than usual.  We stopped when we wanted too and never really pushed hard.  We had  supper at the Country Kitchen in Stuart, Iowa -- then on to Jacque's.

It is quiet here.  There is no noise of highway, neighborhood traffic, barking dogs, squealing cats and such. Just beautiful quiet.  It is a nice thing.  I've polished off a couple of shots of scotch and am just plain relaxing right now.  It is so wonderful.  I know - I'm retired - all I do is relax, but there is something different about this - sort of a warm, relaxed in love relaxation.  It is very nice!

I  think I'll get up in the morning - when I get up, no sooner and no later.  Life is good!

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