Monday, May 24, 2010

Trip day - a, hmmmm Not sure

Must be having a good time if I don't know what day it is.  It is beautiful up here, but I'm a pint low on blood after today's walk with Carolyn.  Talk about mosquitoes and not being ready for 'em.

The fishing has been really good.  We had plenty to eat Saturday evening and Sunday evening.  tonight is grill night.  Wes caught a really nice northern - 26" - just under the slot limit up here.  I'm a bit testy today - well a lot testy.  Because, I really didn't want to go for a walk -- and then the mosquitoes got me - and, I forgot the stuff that you put on the mosquito bites.

Carolyn started her puzzle - now way will it get done because Glenn and Marci aren't here to help and the rest of us really are not puzzlers.  Though we are puzzled.

I'll add a picture later of Wes's big fish...

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