Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Road Trip - Day 10 - Katy, Texas

We at supper at Babins, a seafood place.  It was very good.  I'd never eaten Amberjack before.  It was excellent - had a great shrimp/tomato sauce (other unknown stuff)!  We had a really good visit with Janet and Johnny.  Carolyn's sisters are blessed with wonderful husbands (I think Carolyn is blessed as well - that's just my opinion though).

Angelina, Adam, and Andrew are all (look at all the A's) well.  The home is beautiful and the neighborhood just as beautiful.  We've enjoyed a relaxed visit.  I caught up on some TV shows - Johnny showed me a bottle of Glenmorangie rare malt Scotch - 18 Years.....

Ya know, I don't have much more to write right now - is that an alliteration or what, frankly, I don't know.  Please take care and enjoy your moments.  tomorrow, it is off to Kurt and Nancy's.

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