Friday, December 17, 2010

My Wife is Special

It has been a bit since I've felt like blogging.  This evening, Carolyn came home and wanted to talk.  She offered to give me a Christmas present that brought me to tears.  I can't say anymore, but....

I was sitting in the coffee shop the other day and heard I guy talking about his wife and how he couldn't stand to be in the house with her.  It was horrible.

I am so blessed to have Carolyn in my life -- for many reasons. Not for the gift she told me about this evening, but for the gift she is every day.  She is an interesting, vivacious, talented, energetic woman - who gives her all to everything she does.  She enjoys the kids, the grandkids, her friends and family and - hopefully me.  There is really no doubt about that...  We've been married for 43 years.... and it has been wonderful the whole time.  We have our differences - that makes life more interesting.  We also both like our private alone time -- that makes the together time that much more special.  Nuff said for now!

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