Thursday, May 13, 2010

Not Quite a Broken Heart

My heart is not broken, but it is saddened.   There's a certain fickleness about human relationships.  It is hard to understand, sometimes, the intricacies  of the human psyche.  There is a book and has been many written on the subject.  I've read a few of them.  Somehow they don't come close to the connection that there is between head and heart -- or, is it all just emotion or ego or whatever.

It is a blessing that we are all so very different, but it is also a curse.  I guess that is the yin and yang of life isn't it. It is what makes us make war I think.  We are so "intolerant" of the slightest foibles -- sometimes even in the ones we love so dearly.  It is said (at least I think it is) "you can only be hurt by the ones you love!"  And that can hurt so very much.  At times I think neither party or parties really know what has been done, nor what can be done to heal the rifts.

It is sad, but sometimes one can not be sure there is a rift -- or, is it just a miscommunication!  I miscommunicate a lot - which at least means I'm trying to communicate.  But when there is none - is it because that is the way it is desired - or because, just because.

The grass (changing subject) is particularly green this morning.  It is that way following two days of rain and snow and more rain to come.  Canada is just a few days away.

Our grand daughter Autumn graduates and will start a big change in her life --

Buddha is looking for just the right spot!   How do they (dogs) know when they have found just right spot.  It is easier for me to drift from a difficult topic than to continue to write about it.

I've tried - I think, but maybe not hard enough- these are the moments that can be difficult - but there is always a sunrise after the sunset... day after day after day and that is a very good thing!

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