Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Where does it go? Time?

It is what it is.  A second is a second, a minute a minute, and so on.  Though there has been some research that supposedly shows why time seems to pass faster as we age -- I suppose if I looked it up, I could give you a web link... but who the heck cares as long as you endeavor to enjoy each and every second, minute, and so on that you have!  Nuff said on that subject.

But - I've been remiss, yet again, at maintaining my daily blog (journal), missives, thoughts and such.

The weather, believe it or not, is rain turning to snow this evening - with 4-10" of white stuff expected.  It will be heavy and wet if that happens.  Obviously I'm hoping it doesn't.  But, it has already started to rain and the temperature is dropping.  Tomorrow's golf tournament has already been cancelled.  As luck would have it I have a tee time Friday at Ptarmigan - so no biggy.  ( I guess biggy isn't a word as the spell checker shows a wavy red line beneath the word.  I could care less, I'm using the word anyway.)  Why shouldn't I?  Lockheed Martin coined many a word in their whitepapers and such.  If they can do it, I can do it.

How about that big stock market scare the other day!  I'm hoping they find out what was behind that.  I think there needs to be a few more safeguards against all the problems that this automated computer trading can cause.  Perhaps we should go back to some of the more tried and true ways.  Then again.. who knows.  Maybe the same thing could have happened.  It just seems to volitile right now.

Well that's it, that's all she wrote (I wrote) and can think of to write.  Canada is less than 10 days away.  I am so looking forward to hitting the road and backing the boat into the water to wet a line and catch my first walleye of the year!

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