Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Treip day - 6 - I figured that out...

Carolyn is all set!  It was a bit cooler yesterday - but the sun was still bright.  The boat is running good.  Adjusted the trim today - I don't have power trim - so it is a bit more difficult than one might think.    

For some strange reason I'm sad today.  I don't know why, just am.  Perhaps I will figure it out, perhaps I won't - I don't think it makes any difference.  My brother and I will be getting up a bit early (though not earlier than today when we were the first on the water) to do some serious Northern Pike fishing.    I think he's hands down, a better Pike fisherman than I am.  We'll certainly find out.  

Carolyn caught the nicest fish in our boat today.  Picture tomorrow -- enjoy your moments folks, each and every one of them!

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