Sunday, June 20, 2010


I guess that's the feeling.  I don't know.  I'm in a quandary - it is about loving and letting go I think.  There are times when life is a little bit tough, but there are lessons to be learned from that.  It would seem easier, though, if we didn't have to learn those lessons.

Family is such a precious and yet fragile thing sometimes.  I think that the phrase "you can only hurt the ones you love" or to put it another way, "be hurt by the ones you love" is so very true.  For some, forgive and forget is just not a part of their psyche.  For others it is a way of life.  My mind is like so much pliable putty - but sometimes, based on feedback, maybe I'm a bit stuck in my ways and my philosophy.  I don't believe that I question my values or my integrity - so what is it that I am so "lost" about on this particular day.

It has been quite good.  Mandy, Jeremiah, and Kairi met us for coffee this morning.  It was a nice visit - they shared their trip to Disney Land with us.  We saw some great pictures.  They, and Carolyn, then went to see Toy Story III.  I stayed home to watch the U.S. Open.  After the movie they came over for lunch.  It was a very nice visit.

I chatted on line with Heather - she and her family had just returned from a camping trip.  It was nice of Heather to share how that was one of her very fond childhood memories... camping, and Mirror Lake.  I'd like to get up their this summer.

Kindle and Drew get back from New York tomorrow.  Chad is still in Gulf Port.  I'm sure Wendfal and the kids really miss him on this day.

I'm very proud of our Children - they've all had their struggles, but they are so beautiful and have such wonderful families -- and each in their own way, are very successful and bring a lot to this world.  So, maybe, on reflection, I'm really not "lost" at all - just enjoying the thoughts I have of our children and grand children.

As for tomorrow... it will come.. I'll be playing golf with some good friends and will have a great day with many, many more wonderful moments.  Everything will be fine.... if not fantastic.  May you be blessed in all you endeavor!

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