Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Road Trip - Day 2 - Iowa Week

Family, fun, food, fishing - what a wonderful day.  Hometown for lunch - it was good.  Enjoyed the company of Mum, Lewis, Lana, and, of course, Carolyn.  Carolyn and I went out to Diamond lake and walked the entire South Shore (only 1.8 Miles).  We also walked across the East damn then up the hill to the North road and back around to the main gate near the main lake entrance.  It was a beautiful walk on a beautiful day.

I saw Mike - we were down town and struggled to get to the post office.  The city is redoing the street and you can only come in from the North.  After walking the lake (actually, you can take the 1.8 and multiply it by 2 and add some...) we came back to Hojac Acres.  We went fishing - yup.  I caught two very nice Crappies on a chartreuse jig.  It was fun - I'm trying to put a picture with the post, but I brought the wrong cable for my camera.

Lunch tomorrow with Sharon and Danny - at the MaidRite -- one of my favorite spots in Iowa.  It is going to be a chilly evening.  One of the really neat things about being here is the quiet and the clear blue skies.  There is little or no pollution so you can see the stars and all of their beauty.  There is zero noise pollution - no constant police sirens or fire engine sirens or train whistles blowing at 4 in the morning.  It is just plain awesome!  I repeat, Awesome.  What a wondrous day this has been!

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