Saturday, August 14, 2010

Men are from Mars -- women aren't!

I swear... we speak the same language, but nothing means the same.  Carolyn and I have been married for 43 years - we have a rare philosophical discussion - we tend to understand each other.  Its the little things.  She'll say something that I think I understand.  I'll do it, and it wasn't what she said to do - I repeated what she said - she said "that's what I said",  I say, well "that's what I did" - she'll say,  "no, it isn't."

Of course, Carolyn is always right - always, really she is right -- I'm just not hearing it right.  I do love her so very much.  It is simple things having to do with the computer or fixing something or whatever, but especially the simple things.  I'm technical, I take a lot of shortcuts when it comes to computers, email, email attachments and that sort of thing.  I tend to be less patient when it comes to things that I think are very simple, but can be very complex to others - especially those who are more analytical and need to have things discussed in a more detailed manner.  I still think it is a language issue.  I've said it before we have too many words that mean too many different things - some spelled identically and some spelled differently but pronounced the same - to, too, two - you know!

Well, enough of this drivel - more some other time!

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