Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Road Trip - Days 15 & 16 - Santa Fe and Las Vegas

First back a few days.  This is a picture of Carolyn, Steve, and me - at Steve's deer feeder/photo station.  The 6 wheeler ride was our welcome ride and its one we won't soon forget.  Thanks Steve.

Santa Fe -- we were tired, got there kind of late and didn't do anything but eat a sandwich and sleep.  The next morning we left for the remaining 9 hour drive to Vegas.  We made at to Ana and Ken's about 3 Pacific time.  We met some of their family and enjoyed a nice visit.

Since I had not been connected to the internet in over 24 hours, I had to get to a Starbucks and get my fix.  So I've caught up on my email, games, blog and such and enjoyed a brew or two.

For now, it is time to head back to the house for breakfast.....  Later folks!

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