Monday, June 7, 2010

We Went to the Golf Course - One of us Played, the rest.....

It is truly like I say.  Gordon, Bob, and I struggled.  Mil played like he was just totally zoned in.  I was on all winning teams though, so I won the mooola.... well, tomorrow is definitely another day.  We are playing Leopard's Chase - supposed to be a really tough course - why do we brutalize ourselves so.  But the guys love it and love to grouse about it a bit.  the fun is being with them, enjoying the camaraderie and such.

So, you ask - what did you shoot Lanny?  Lots - 56/57/56  (we played 27 holes).  But, I didn't get the most water balls or the worst score, so I'm not too disappointed.  It was a very nice day too.  It was actually cooler here than in Denver.

I Video IM'd with Carolyn tonight, that was nice.  she called with an internet problem... I make a pretty good IT troubleshooting guy.  I even remained calm and patient.  That was good.

I'm looking forward to 36 tomorrow.  After Leopard's Chase we play the Pearl East.... should be wonderful!

Have a great day.

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