Monday, November 29, 2010

Can I do It

Well - it seems the subject of weight and health has come up again - in my consciousness and subconsciousness. I've started this journey many times.  But I do want to be around for great grandkids and their precious life moments.  I think having lunch with Autumn yesterday might have triggered this oft occurring emotion.

So, today, cold turkey (no pun intended- note previous photograph) but with a greater feeling of emotion and sense of purpose than before.  Carolyn has been part of a program (health study) for the past 7 years - she lost the weight and has kept it off - bless her and her discipline and dedication to good health.  I lack the discipline she has so her support will be crucial to my success.

I've weighed 213-215 (stark naked) for (no, that doesn't paint a pretty picture) a couple of years now.  I think I need to set some incremental goals and rewards. Maybe start for a 5 or 6lb loss and get to 209.  then shoot for 201, then break the 200 barrier.  I think my ultimate goal is 165 - which may still be a little overweight for my height.  The formula for weight loss is really quite simple - burn more calories than you eat!  But, that is where the simplicity ends.  Our psyches are complex and temptations are in great abundance.

You've seen the before pictures (not the previous blog).  Now, I need to mentally see the "after" picture.  Maybe writing about this "adventure" will be helpful and therapeutic - and perhaps I can enlist some support.  For sure, I will have to take it one step, one moment at a time and face each challenge head on.  Wish me luck.

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