Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Good Round Today

A memorable moment at Pine Lakes in Myrtle Beach.  The ball was at the very edge of the water, another inch and it would have been a dreaded "Water Ball".  Note the awesome form.  A good clean strike and the ball (which you can see in the air) is headed for the fairway.  I parred the hole.  (Boy that word looks weird!)  If there were a wave, it would definitely lap the ball.  But, it was a pretty good lie.

It was really a wonderful shot.  Today was a great golf day at Coyote Creek.  I was very relaxed, took my time and made one shot at a time.  I shot a 44 on the front and a 47 on the back.  I won the bucks today - a first and hopefully not a last.  Tomorrow is men's league at Fitz.  I'm actually looking forward to it.

I liked watching the Haney Project with Ray Romano. Hank's coaching made a believer out of me.  There is a golfer inside me somewhere.  I can be more consistent and I will break 80 one of these days.

I think I'm still on East coast time - I'm tired, but didn't sleep well last night.  Looking forward to a great breakfast burrito in the morning.

Well things to do - so, enough for this evening.  Please have great moments!

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