Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Virtigo - Sticker Shock - other stuff

Ambulance - 1350 dollars
Emergency Room - 2350 dollars
A healthy wife - priceless....

How did it get this way.  Its more than a lot of people make in a couple of months.  I got to grouse a bit anyway.  

I have three new mosquito bites.  Some golf courses have lots more than others - location, location, location -- this one happened to have a lot of swampy areas, so, I guess, a lot of mosquitoes.

I highly recommend Pat O'shay's bar and grill in Longmont.  Good atmosphere, great menu and excellent food.  I had a burrito.  That was after a round of golf.  55/46 - one of my poor front nines - no money changed hands, the match was even up - I lost the front and won the back.  My drives are very inconsistent - that is because my set up is different every time - you'd think I could remember and take the same set up much more consistently.  It is just a simple visual picture.  Oh well.

It has been terribly hot in the afternoon - I hope it starts cooling down a bit.  We've had moisture, but none lately, so I turned the sprinkler system on.  One of the heads in the front yard needs fixed-- I think it got ran over by a car.  some folks came down the other day and said they had nipped the bumper on the pick up and drove up on to the yard -  pick up was okay so no harm done, I didn't think to check sprinkler heads -- now that I look the tire tracks are right over them - so that is probably what happened.

Gutter guys are coming over this morning - gonna get an estimate on new gutters - absolutely pine needle and leaf proof - we'll see.

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