Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hack, Hack, Hack

I hate it when Carolyn isn't feeling well.  I don't know why, it just turns my whole world upside down.  I don't deal with it very well.  Poor kid.  I do try and make her comfortable and tell her to take it easy - but no.....  Well, she seems to be driven.  At least today I talked her into calling the Dr.  I even said I would pick up the grandkids and take them to Barnes & Noble to wrap packages.   We all have to make sacrifices.

I did play golf yesterday.  I shot a 50/46 -- starting off with a 10 on number 1, that's 10% of the total score on one darn hole.  I believe I got something figured on the driver.  I can't wait for the next opportunity - Monday perhaps.

In the meantime, I hope Carolyn gets to feeling a whole lot better.  So far I've avoided the ailment - fingers crossed and knocked on wood!

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