Wednesday, July 21, 2010

On Thinking of Being a Vegetarian (and my sister's birthday)

No kidding - I've been giving this vegetarian thing a lot of thought - then it strikes me, never to taste a crab, a piece of fried chicken, a nice juicy fillet mignon, walleye, catfish again.  so I say to myself after I eat one more each of these, then maybe.  Well that would take years -  !  then again, there's always going it cold turkey (no pun intended.)  So, how do I go about this, because I do think I am serious.  (Is there some in between, like a fishaterian - I might could do that. )  What about eggs, I love eggs - eating them that is.  I'll have to look up all the rules.

Carolyn asked me to watch this show called - "Eating".  Well its like we eat ourselves to death - but, I've also seen folks at 112 that were not vegetarians.  They just ate could portions, had a shot of vodka every day and didn't live in the city - that's another approach to it I guess.  So, why this sudden interest or urge?????  Frankly, I don't know the answer to that one either - but it is definitely there.

I know that I have to lose weight.  I've known that for some time.  I'm joining Silver Sneakers - I have an appointment with the head physical training maven on Thursday.  Carolyn is dedicated - I need educated - but am not dedicated (more obsessive I think she is, but it works for her!)

Oh, yes, it is my sister's birthday today - Happy Birthday Jacque-lee (pronounced Jack - lee.)  In the photo, I'm the good looking dude on the left - she's the cute chick sitting next to me.  She's changed a bit over the years, but then haven't we all.    (Sister Sharon isn't in this picture for some reason -  )

Well - thats all for the moment - maybe I'll take this vegetarian thing slow - one or two meats a week (one red - although I've really cut back on red meat - one white - fish, chicken, pork - that sort of thing).  Eggs will be tough - maybe vegetarian's can eat eggs, I don't even know that one.  So, lots to learn and lots more to think about - why would I change my ways now?  Well life is definitely about change - "the only constant in life is change!" Not my words, that's why the quotation marks - but, I have no idea who first said it - probably Anonymous (that guy or gal says a lot of things that eventually become very famous quotations.)  Anyway, I'm rambling, that's my way -- live some great moments today.  Each and every one of em is yours to do with as you please - life is all about choices.  We make some good ones, some outstanding ones, and some of us, some very bad ones - and hopefully we learn from all of them!

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