Monday, December 12, 2011

The Urge to Write or Berry!

It has been almost two months.  Two really exciting and interesting months so I last posted - why?  To tell you the truth I have not felt the urge during this time, nor have I been too busy to write.  But, today, for some reason, I just had to write something.

We've had a lot of "parties" since moving in - almost 4 and 1/2 months ago.  We've had family, Look Ahead friends, visitors and now a son and grand daughter are making their home here with us - for awhile.  It has been good.

Berry, well he's the squirrel that hangs out in our backyard.  Kyrie named him because he's eating all the berries off a tree.  That squirrel has practically cleaned the tree - it has been his own feasting ground - and it is almost totally harvested.  Berry looks healthy - if not a bit fat, hmmm.  Nah I couldn't do that.

It is probably about time that I posted some pictures again - maybe I'll post some of Berry -- if he turns out to be a lady squirrel I'll have to change that spelling to Berrie.  I might have to blow up the photos a bit.

Hey, how about them Broncos??????

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Family Follow Up

Sure it has been a few days since the get together - which was awesome - We spent the bulk of the morning in the kitchen... and we had plenty of room for all.  It was nice to visit, cook, have some champagne, see the spouses and the brothers with the local sisters and such.  There was plenty for everyone - it was a very relaxed time.. a time for memories, dreams of the future, letting go and living.  I think the event brought home the purpose for moving to our new "home".

We had our first big snow yesterday - 6 or 7 inches of the white stuff.  The pine and fir trees look awesome -but, I'm ready for it all to go away - there's stuff to do outside yet and more golf to play.

This morning I'm sitting in the study listening to some very relaxing music.  This is a warm room and a very soft and relaxing atmosphere - maybe I'll fall asleep for a bit.  Carolyn, as usual, is already out and about.  I'm deciding whether to go to craft night or not.  It was okay last week, but not sure it is for me - just not sure.  for a bit, I thought I had the urge to paint again - it was, I think, a brief urge.

Life is about enjoying your moments - doing those things that bring one pleasure, enthusiasm, joy, happiness - I look across the room and notice something awry with the lamp on the piano -- needs fixing and being in the moment of discovery that is just what I'm going to do - some fixing!  Later.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Sister's Day (Martinez Clan)

Carolyn is hosting sister's lunch today.  We made it a sister/significant other brunch - complete with Mamosas and Bloody Mary's.  We've pushed ourselves the past few days to get our new home more like "our home"... it is fabulous, comfortable, simple -- furnished a lot quicker than I thought it would be - and for a lot less than I thought it would be.

We've had the kitchen counter lowered, the garage insulated, dry walled, and painted.  Its awesome.  Life is good and the world is treating as very well.  We helped Kindle move yesterday - what a gal.  Drew must know how fortunate he is to have her.

Megan seems to be doing real well also.... talked to her on the phone a bit - I gotta go do some work at old house.

Life is so full of new moments with so many new experiences.... ain't it great!!!!!!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Busy Bees

Yesterday - golf, planted 5 trees,  finished painting the guest room trim, assembled bed frame, continue to unpack and de-clutter.

Today - Jeff was here to lower the kitchen island - replaced a bad plank on the back of the house - painted same. Helped Jeremiah (well he and Debbie did most of it) move some of Kairi's furniture here temporarily, finished the casement window shelf in the guest room, drilled two holes in the concrete and mounted the closet door glider track.... scheduled the tee time for Monday - that was the most important thing I did.

Lots of very, very, very full moments.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Just Another Day

I look out my corner kitchen window.  One thing I miss about the old house is the view of the sunrise in the morning, always awesome.  Our new home doesn't really have an East or West view -- some South and North. So all I really get is a bit of the sky that spills over the two story homes behind us.  I do have my trees, the brook, the deck, the patio and so much more.  So, it really is "Just Another Day".

But, really, is this that - "Just Another Day".  I don't think so.  Each day has its special gifts for us - yesterday it was a mediocre round of golf but great friends - painting, watching the Broncos losing yet again - a wonderful spaghetti dinner and glass of Merlot.  All days are unique and special - they are given to us to enjoy to the fullest.  Sure we can grouse that everything isn't perfect - but, it is if you really think about it - perfect.

Just as each moment we have is perfect in its own way - and each of us is perfect as well.  The faults we me see or not see are there, but that doesn't make any difference -because all of this is part of our unique and individual beingness (I coined this word).  In being we are really allowed to be ourselves - it doesn't matter what others may see to our face or behind our back- we just need to allow ourselves to be ... ourselves.  My encouragement to you is that you enjoy who you are and accept yourself as the gift you are to each and everyone else - including me!

Please, enjoy your moments - I'll be enjoying mine!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What, Another Table

Unbelievable, but true.  One would think we are collecting tables!!!  Well, I do think Carolyn found ( at long last) the table she really wants for the kitchen - we are picking it up Friday.  The one we are currently using will head for the "sewing room"...  It will be a great hobby and sewing table.

Tired today for some odd reason... played golf again-- two man scramble this morning.  It was fun.  I think I hit some of the best drives I've ever hit, and one fantastic 3 Metal (as Johnny Miller would say).  For those that are non-golfers, it is usually a 3 metal these days instead of a 3 wood because the woods are made out of metal so they really aren't woods anymore - doesn't have the same ring though.  Tuesday morning I played at Common Grounds - it was the last round of the men's inter-club league for the year.  It was nice to play some different courses in the area.

I now need to get the boat cleaned up ... I've been meaning to do it for a few days now, but I've been lazy.. It is definitely time to do some fall fishing.

Well, enough for now.  Enjoy your moments - all of them!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Motezuma Iowa

DRY, DRY, DRY -- did I say dry?  It really is dry around here.  I've never seen the grass so dormant this time of year in Montezuma.  We've been visiting sibs, celebrating Mum's 88th birthday and getting ready to head for home in the morning.

I guess the only thing I've really noticed is the condition of the sidewalks - they are awful.

There are a couple of beautiful new buildings in town - one is a residence, one an office building.  Of note is the new Subway across the street from Vannoy's car lot.  Can you believe it?  A Subway in Montezuma.  I wonder how long it will list.  The Mexican restaurant that took over Sandi's is already out of business.

Lana and I took her new little boat out this morning.  The 8 HP Merc I brought her fired right up - but didn't like trolling speeds at all.  I guess she'll have to do a little work on that, but she'll get it running run or no one can.

All in all, it has been a pretty good trip.  We got awesome gas mileage coming out - smooth sailing and about 40mpg.  If we don't hit headwinds going back West we should do just as well.  I'm thinking two days though, instead of one.   We'll see.  There's lots of moments between now and then and I need to be in the now, for now, you know!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

New Home, New Noises, New Discoveries ... Like

Okay - I bought an electric (being environmentally conscientious.  A 50' cord is too short, a 100' cord is too long, so I guess I need to buy a 75' cord and split the difference.  I have learned the tricks to managing the cord so's I don't electrocute myself or blow a breaker and, the mower does a great job quietly.

I also learned I should always have a spare or two cord refill for the weed whacker ( in this case used as an edge trimmer -) lesson learned.

Every day is a learning adventure - which switch does what, what outlets are switched, tricky little dimmers - where is the sensor for the front porch light the magically turns on and off by itself -- I have not found that critter yet.  I also learned that speed control fan switches aren't necessarily cheap -- also when the box says "will work with any ceiling fan!" -- don't believe it, there is always fine print.

One also discovers that "ponds" which sound like babbling brooks require maintenance - and water - at these temperatures, 2" a day just dissappears.  We did find a gizmo (already installed) that allows us to run it from dusk to dawn -- just the right time for a comfortable night's sleep.

We also thought it a bit funny that the first three pieces of furniture we bought were tables -- dining room, patio, and today kitchen -  and I discovered garage sales can be a place to find some fantastic bargains.

All-in-all its all good!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Box Day

Today we got most all of the boxes (all but one) moved into the appropriate room in the house. We also had to get a few necessary items -- hose, broom, dustpan (for garage).  I got the boat moved yesterday - cleaned up the 8 horse Mercury for the trip to Iowa.

Our neighbors to the East brought us a lemon cake ... yummm.. nice folks - it is good to know them.  I trimmed some trees and bundled the refuse, fixed one of the the thingys (not a word) on the stairs out back -- whatever those things are that go from the floor and steps to what might be called the banister.  I'm not technical in things made of wood -  though I know there are stringers that hold the steps -- I think.  I also installed a wall mount for the flat screen downstairs - now I need to hide all those cables... I have a solution for that.

Looking forward to visiting Mom - somewhat.  I do have trepidation, but all in all the trip is a worthwhile cause.  Autumn will be house sitting.

We still haven't really picked out any furniture -- we are in the early stages of design!

Life is certainly good!  And all our moments are special in some way.  Yours should be too!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

44th Anniversary

On August 12th, we celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary.  I played golf in the morning - Woodmoor Pines - I guess my mind was on Carolyn, because it certainly wasn't on golf.  I played 4 rounds last week, one with the Monday regulars, two with the senior interclub, and one with the Fitz gang.  Three rounds this week, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

I got a lot done around the new place yesterday - mostly moving boxes from the garage to the appropriate room in the house.  Just getting ready for some future unpacking.  Where did it all come from and where in the heck is it all going to go - maybe Goodwill gets some more stuff!  That is very likely.

It is a beautiful Sunday morning. I'm sitting on one of the patio chairs that Carolyn and I assembled.  They are really nice and comfy, they rock without being rockers.  I like that.  It is a peaceful and quiet morning - of course I can hear the babbling brook as well and that makes the experience even better.

Today brings with it a lot of new moments and of course will generate some interesting new memories - our precocious Kyrie is with us while Jeremiah is at work.  That always makes for an interesting time.  Heather, Eric and their gang dropped by yesterday to see the house.  Unfortunately I had to leave to go pick Carolyn up.  She spent the day with American Jury Research on a mock trial.  She said it was very interesting, but had to sign non-disclosure statements so couldn't share any more than that.  Ah well......

Oh, the anniversary - it strikes me that I've not shared much about our wonderful 44 years -- well, they speak for themselves and our memories are where they belong - in our hearts!  We are looking forward to many more years together and sharing lots more wonderful, joyful, blessed moments!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday - Start of Week 2 in Our New Home

Strange how it already feels like home.  There was love here.  I can tell - the place has awesome vibes.  We, Carolyn and I, assembled patio furniture and a two seat swing yesterday.  Yet another dream that has come to fruition.

I'm setting on the patio, enjoying a cup of brew - Kahlua Coffee blend (non-alcoholic - though, a Baily's sounds good right now).  It is a beautiful, cool, refreshing morning.  The sun is just peaking above the Aspens to the East.

We really don't have any furniture in the house yet.  We left most of it behind.  Kindle and Drew got good news (how's that for a sudden shift of gears).  Their house is under contract.  Back to the original -- I still have at least two loads to move from the old home - there are still so many memories attached to that house and those trees.

We both hope and know the kids will stop by often.  I think we are now more central and closer to all of them.  I need to think about getting a BBQ.  That is something we used to do a lot of.  Time to enjoy that again.  As always there are many moments to enjoy - so, enjoy them.  Life is truly that simple!

Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1st, 2011 - Moving - New Beginnings

Today our move to our no house ( soon to be a home ) begins.  The Dearman kids are here to help!  We went to a Boston Brunch Bash for Drew and Kindle yesterday.  It is new beginnings for a lot of the members of our family.  A tough one for Mandy, Jeremiah, and Kairi - but a new start non-the-less.

I'm up early in the morning 4:50AM.  But that's just me.  I'll start loading the truck for a first run pretty soon, but I've got to have my cup of coffee first thing.  Carolyn worked her tail off yesterday.  I don't think she realized she had so many clothes and kitchen/pantry items.  All of that has to go to the new house today.  Tomorrow is the day for friends helping and "the truck".  I think one trip will do it.  So, we are moving in the cool of the day.

A not on the mosquitoes... they are abundant this year.  I can't walk out the front or back door without getting attacked.  So bring on the bug spray!  Allergies have been bad the last few weeks as well - so bring on the Benadryl! I guess it is time to get started.  More later!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Early in the Morning - (Reminds me of a song)

"About the break of Day! I asked my....."  Anyway, it is 2:33 AM and I'm wide awake.  We are a few days away from closing on our new home.  Sure, I think I'm a bit anxious about it all.  It has been a few years since we've had a mortgage payment.  We've got the move planned.  Yes, we can take our time, but for a couple of days anyway we really have to pay attention to detail.  We all know I'm not very good at detail.  I've even made lists for this move and I'm definitely not one to make lists.  Maybe that's we I'm a having a sleepless night.

It is hot -- the last few days have seen temperatures in the mid to high 90's.  We drove by Utah Park yesterday and the sign said 106!  My mind is scattered, thoughts going this way and that way, crisscrossing, intersecting, ending up God only knows where - maybe in these few thoughts.

I've asked Wolfgang if he wants to go fishing this coming weekend.  I hope to hear from him.  I've asked a few people to help us with the move - the kids, the grandkids, some of my golf buddies.  I've got one firm yes so far.  But it will happen and we will get it done.

I'm also a bit concerned about being a "landlord" for the first time.  I know brother Michael has been one for a long time and he seems to handle it very well.  I'm working on getting the "legal" stuff done, you know, the paperwork and all such - and wondering what steps I'm willing to take if rent isn't paid on time and all that. It scares me a little bit - just a little.

We've bought a few new things for the new digs (besides the dinnerware) - an electric lawn mower, an elliptical exercise machine, flatware, a dining room table.  I was listing rooms for my room measurement project - I counted 19 rooms not including closets and such.  That is a lot of rooms - more rooms than our last three domiciles combined!  Last night Carolyn and I were talking about "living upstairs", where to put televisions, what bedrooms to make spare bedrooms and which to make "man cave" and/or "woman cave", meditation and yoga room, weight room (exercise equipment) and such.

We will probably have some "dual purpose" rooms.  We've even talked about having a Murphy Bed in one of the spare rooms to help serve that "dual purpose" for when Carolyn has all the out-of-town sisters and brothers over for a week or weekend visit.  That will be nice to be able to do!

On a side note - I've lost 55lbs since November 29 of 2010.  I met my goal and I'm holding pretty steady at 162 to 165lbs.  I feel great.  I've gotten off Metformin (for diabetes).  My blood sugar (the doc calls it BS) is great and my total cholesterol is below 200 - the good stuff is over 55! I'll have to post a before and after picture one of these days - just to brag a bit more.  (I hear my sisters are doing really great and getting in shape too! Life is good.)

We are planning our trip to Germany next year.  We've corresponded a bit with Uwe and his family.  I think, once we get moved, we'll be able to really get the trip planned out.  In the meantime there are many present moments to live and to enjoy to the fullest!  Enjoy yours!  We'll certainly enjoy ours!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

New Home - New Dishes

So, today we went out and bought the first "new item" for our "new home" .... dishes.  Yup, that is right, new dishes.  Who'd a thunk dishes were so darned expensive.  But, we got one heck of a deal.  Three days ago the dishes were selling for 15.99 each, the cups 11.99 each, the bowls... well you get the idea! 

Corsica Round Crown Jewel Collection
Serendipity - today we decided to go make sure it is what Carolyn really wanted.  I told her I would be four dishes -- generous eh.  Well, we got to the store and they were on sale - like big time! Unbelievable 3.99 ea!  She got a service for 12 - well, pretty much - we figured we only needed 4 coffee mugs - we had to go to two different Kohl's venues to get all 12 of each - and, we lucked out and the second store even had the salad plates.  Wahoo!!! Carolyn's happy! And, when Carolyn is happy, I'm happy too - very!!!!

Ours are Round though, not square - awesome!!!!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Birthday Reflections

The past year has been full of remarkable moments - so I guess I'll make a few remarks.
  1. Last year at this date I weighed 215 lbs.  This year I weigh 163.6 lbs - goal met
  2. My golf handicap was in the 20's - maybe higher.  My handicap is now at 16.7 - getting closer to my goal
  3. Last year at this time we had no intention of ever moving - on June 29th of this year, we bought a new house.  We close on July 28th - a new adventure begins
  4. Last year at this time we had no pets living here - now our grand daughter is living here with her two Westies.  Buddha is still Buddha!!!!
  5. Last year I was in hot water with some of the family - my bad - I think we have started the path to healing those relationships
  6. Last year, when in the shower and I looked down, I couldn't see my feet - this year I look down and I see everything --- (I know, TMI - but its important to me!)
  7. Last year I was on diabetic medication.  A few days ago, my doctor told me I didn't need to take it any more.  Wahoo......  Of course, I still have to check to make sure my Blood Sugar is in check.
  8. Last year my cholesterol was over 200 and my HDL was less than 40.  This year my cholesterol is under 195 and my HDL is over 60 -- that's great!
  9. Last year I was impatient...... I still am!
I wonder what wonderful things this year will bring!  I'll let it be a surprise!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Making the decision to buy a new home was easy for me- and, I think, makes sense to Carolyn.  Leaving the old home is not quite as easy.  There is a lot of history here.  Raising children, the joys, the sorrows, the good times, and the not so good times - all come back as we move from room to room, packing some things and discarding others.

Kindle slept here, Heather there, Jeremiah here and there, Chad here, and there.  The devil on the door, the stereo equipment and the waterbed.  Girl friends, boy friends, first dates, first days at school and first days coming home from school.  The arguments over homework... the parties in the back yard and in the house.  The pets - Sheba, the cats - Gizmo and many others.... the Christmases, the thanksgivings... Easter egg hunts birthday parties and so very much more.

The struggles and the joys - always the love shared and a willingness to share our home with the kids married or not married bringing and even having their kids here.  The joy when they each found first loves and their second.  The heart breaking break ups of a first serious relationship.... the teenager coming of age... the pre-schooler going off to school.

Playing their first instruments!  Flutes, trumpets, drums.. cheerleaders, poets, singers, and lovers.... growing up and all the love, joy, happiness, laughter, pain, anguish - fighting - what ever it took to try and hold things together....

The washer and dryer seemingly running without ever stopping!  New cars, used cars, lots of cars, broken cars... bicycles, lawn mowers...

The pumpkin patch -

the most beautiful tree in town... The trees that blew over in the wind!  I'll miss the trees - but I'll love other trees.... maybe not as much as the big one in the front yard.

The foreign exchange students, the camping trips, the family nights - the games - the first Atari, the Odessy, all the tennis shoes....

I shed a few tears this morning -- Carolyn sheds them more often.  Its hard to leave 31 years of history - but, in the end I'm looking forward to a new beginning - leaving the old moments behind - giving them grace - and welcoming the new moments and adventure to come -- and all the family get togethers around the corner... space to celebrate...

Somehow we didn't need space -- everything was always full of love, laughter, tears -- raised voices -- whispers - moments... many, many, many wonderful moments past and yet to come!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Packing for a Move

I never knew I would need so darn many boxes.  But, it is all "fun" - and somewhat emotional - especially after having raised a family and hosted so many folks over the past 30 years.  I am thankful that we don't have as many books as we used to have - but, there is still so much stuff!!!

I played golf yesterday and am catching up on a lot of "office type" stuff right now.  Oh yah, I got the transponder mount on the boat fixed too.  Now to go and do some fishing.  I thought I might do it today but we are going to go look at some furniture and to a book store.  I'm going to (as is Carolyn) explore interior decorating a bit.

We are still discussing what to do with what rooms and the new digs.  I can't call it home yet - because this is home.  Missing the grandkids and kids for some reason - much more than usual today.  Carolyn and I have been so very blessed.

Speaking of golf - I did mention that earlier - my drives have gone a bit awry again.  Oh well, if it isn't one thing, its another.  I have, though, improved my handicap.  It is now at 16.7 - not bad, but, a way to go to hit my goal.  I've set that at 13 for this year.  It is doable.  I have a lesson with Dan on Saturday - working on the short game!

Moments - they are to be lived to the fullest.  I hope that you are living yours well!  and happily!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Golf Balls, Diets, and New Homes

Golf balls, diets, and new homes - not necessarily in that order.  I think I noted to you that Kindle and Drew gave me a dozen "refurbished" Pro V1 golf balls for Father's Day.  What a thoughtful gift.  Well, Drew and I played golf at Meadow Hills yesterday morning.  What a beautiful morning.  We shared a lot, hunted for balls a lot, and swung the clubs a bit as well.  The course was in great shape.  I so did not want to lose one of those Pro V1s.  I so did -- 2 in the water, and 3 in the 2nd cut.  You'd think you could find a ball in the second cut.  This grass was lush and thick and the balls just settled down.  If you didn't walk right over it, you couldn't see it.  I was disappointed that I lost almost half of those balls - and, I really liked em!  Yet another great reason to keep it in the fairway!  It was a great morning.  We finished our round o golf and headed off to show Drew our new home.

Yes, we bought a new home!!! We closed the deal late Thursday night.  I couldn't help but drive by the place before the golf.  It is ( the house) within about 5 minutes of Meadow Hills, Quincy Reservoir, lots of shopping and libraries.  Anyway, after the round Drew and drove out to take a look - he was lucky enough to be one of the first of our family to see it.  Albeit he was able to see only the outside.  I did take a picture of it, so will add later in this post.  One thing of note -- we were originally going to downsize-- well we significantly up sized.  Why, well because Carolyn has really always wanted to be able to have more family over for events, Christmases, parties, whatever.  Now she and I (especially she) will be able to do that.  The furniture may be sparse for a few years, but the welcome mat will always be out.  The hou  se has a really huge kitchen - which Carolyn really wanted, a three car garage - which Lanny (me) really wanted (so I could have my boat inside) - and is in wonderful condition.  Along with that there are 6 bedrooms - we'll keep the master suite and 2 spare, 3 full bathrooms, living room, dining room, great room family room, exercise room, patio, and a Koi pond (out back) - plus more we probably have not yet discovered.  Can you tell I'm excited!

Last but not least - I've reached my weight loss goal! 165lbs.  It took 7 months!  I not start the "Consolidation" phase of my diet.  This will maintain the weight loss, add some new foods, and get my body used to this weight so that it doesn't try to store up and get back some of those lost pounds (called rebound). After 65 days I can then go on to phase four.  During the 1st half of this period I get 1 celebration meal a week (more to come) and still have one day that is only protein only.  That day will be Thursdays.

All in all this has been a great week.  I look good (my opinion only), feel good, and am enjoying each and every one of my moments more fully than I have in years.  Even the lawn mowing - that will need to be done this morning.!!! Have a great day!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day 2011

It was good.  Jeremiah and Mandy stopped by at coffee - Kairi was with them.  Drew and Kindle came to the house for a visit and some information and to borrow a bike for bike to work day.  That was great too.  Heather called from the Rockies ball game and Chad called after he got his new roll about Husky tool box put together.

It was a wonderful family filled day.

Today it rained -well, it rained all night and most of the day.  Sand Creek and the ditch North of us are running full - not quite over the banks and Sand Creek - but close.  I'll bet the ponds are full.

Dick called and said golf was postponed until Tuesday.  I'm excited to play.  Life is good!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Home Again - Vacations Over for Awhile

The plan landed almost right on time.  Carolyn met me at the airport - I made a tee time for this morning.  Gotta get used to a different altitude you know.  Also have to keep my new "skills" finally tuned - after all, I did win a BANANA SPLIT and man was it good! (that's for Bob).

I'm the Myrtle Beach Tournament Director next year.  It was odd-man-out flip of the coin.  Those guys may be sorry - then again, maybe I was the right choice.  Tanner did a fantastic job over the past 15-20 years.  It was his choice to "retire" from this auspicious honor.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 7 - Travel Day

We played our last round of golf for the trip yesterday.  Once again I was the proud winner ( well, one of em) of a banana split.  That has not happened in years - I don't recall winning once in 20 years, but Mil thinks he recalls I did once in the early days when Ray and Frank were still with us - I miss those guys.

We did not take a single photo this year.  So no picture memories and my cheap cell doesn't have a camera.  I hope Gordon posts the one of Mil with his very special golf cap.  It was hilarious! 

I won't get home until late this evening.  Lots to do today to help the moments pass usefully.  Enjoy yours - maybe more to come, then again, maybe not!

Post Post - I found my camera - I hid it well in my computer back pack... so, I did get one photo or three!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 6

Okay - keep my cool, be the ball, all that wonderful sounding stuff.  Today is the traditional Ice Cream Banana Split match.  So, all I have to do is play to my points.  I've not won this thing in 20 years - one year Tanner did give me a mercy split.  Maybe it is a tradition that I continue to lose?

We are playing the Davis Love course at Barefoot Landing.  It is a wonderful venue for this much ballyhooed event.  The event doesn't draw the press coverage it should - not at all like the US Open that's this week.  I do miss Tiger in the golf tournaments.  I hope he gets over all this "stuff" and his injuries and gets back to being the great golfer he was.  He made mistakes - yes - but I would still like to see if he can break some more records.

As for me - Thursday (tomorrow) will be a travel day and it will be good to get back home.  Report on the "event" later.
So - this year I won a Banana Split.  It was awesome - Rum Raisin, Peach, Pistachio Almond - toppings: Caramel, Hot Fudge, Chocolate Syrup - Whipped Cream of course - I didn't get the Marichino for some reason.  I had not had a bowl of ice cream for about 12 months - it was soooooo good, especially since Bob had to pay for it.

Love course at Barefoot was fantastic.  It was in excellent shape except for maybe some of the sand traps.  But, I wasn't in too many of them so didn't have to deal with that.

This afternoon its washing clothes and packing for home.  Lots of moments left to enjoy though!  Enjoy your moments they are precious!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 5

Already!  This has been a very enjoyable golf trip.  We play two great courses today -  Kings North and Moorland.  Both of these courses are very near home base.  No long road trips today.

I must say that I have NOT golfed consistently on this outing.  But, the good news, I've made a lot more really good shots.  I think when I come down here to play a lot of golf it is more to enjoy the company and the many varied venues and adventure of it.  Then when I get back home to some more serious golf - I've got to work to get my groove again.  There's also the fact that the ball really does fly further in Denver than it does down here - so that means getting used to club accuracy again.  What an adventure - I love this game.

Results were not what was expected.  The "Good, The Bad, and The Ugly".  I guess that's golf for me.  I talked with Carolyn - things seem to be going okay back home.
We ate dinner at Key West - great filet and some lobster tails.

Tomorrow is Ice Cream tournament day!  Could this be the year?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 4

Today the venue is "River Club".  That implies more water.  Believe it or not we are playing heads up for the "Gator" and I'm not in the lead this year.  That makes 3 years in a row where I've not taken home that dubious trophy.  (Knock on wood - the week isn't over yet.)

Afternoon off - no golf - that's a good thing today.  We are all tired.  The "River Club" was a challenge, but a fair one.  Lots of water and lots of sand - not tricked up.  The course was not in great shape - but it wasn't horrible either.  I had two water balls today - someone else had more - whew.

I had salmon for lunch so I'll be skipping dinner this evening.  I usually skip one or two a year - I'm sure you find that interesting. Okay, maybe you don't.

The biggest surprise of the day for me -- I went to buy some new Bermuda's -- 34" waist fit beautifully - that's 10" down since November 29, 2010.  AWESOME!

Live and love your moments - they are the only ones you have!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 3

3:40AM - Mountain Time - but, I'm on the East Coast drinking a cup of coffee and started the daily travelogue blog (another rhyme).  Today it is Caledonia and True Blue - practically across the street from each other and very near to Heritage Plantation.  We are off to an early start because it is quite a bit further South than we are staying.  That means a really quick breakfast this morning and wheels up by 6:15.  Our trip navigator and tournament director (same guy - says its his last year doing the planning) has his timing spot on.  I'm not sure the rest of us want to take over a job that someone has been doing so great at for the past 18 or 19 years.

It looks to be another full day of fantastic moments to enjoy - and maybe a snooze on the ride down south!
Caledonia- well going there helped me spell it right.  My drives were great today.  I had a wonderful score at Caledonia.  This venue is one of the most beautiful and well maintained golf courses here.  It has moved to the top of my list for this year.

We then played True Blue.  It was in excellent shape - the greens were slick as glass.  I didn't get many "good bounces" and didn't score well.  Frankly I was worn out when the day was over.  On the way back to the Condo we were disappointed to see that the Mayor's House restaurant was closed.  However, we spotted a place (well Bob did) called Hansen House.  We decided it was worth trying.  It was very good - a keeper and we'll add it to the list of favorite MB eateries.

It is hard to believe we have only 4 rounds of golf left to play and 3 days left to stay.  The trip seems shorter this year, but that is okay - I'm ready to get home to Carolyn.  I'll have been gone almost 3 weeks out of the last 4.

Lots to do and lots of wonderful new moments to enjoy.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 2

Up early today.  Meditation - on the condo couch.  Beautiful morning.  We play Heather Glen in North Carolina this morning.  We'll likely play 27 holes.  Gordon and I are partners this morning.  I'm going to play a lot better than I did yesterday.  No more "blue" tees.  Our second shots yesterday were all over 200 yards. That makes for some tough golf.

Kona blend coffee - awesome.  Time for breakfast!

Well it was a good day on the golf course -- of course -- what day isn't, when you are on the golf course.   We did play 27 holes, the last 9 was just for fun... They first 18 I made up some of the ground I lost on the first 36 holes we played.  Heather Glen is a beautiful golf course with three very distinct 9 hole venues.  These courses were in the best condition of the three we've played so far on this trip.  The greens held nicely - but, so did the fairways.  They've been watering the heck out of the course so there wasn't any role at all.

When we played the final 9 holes for practice, I really worked on my drives.  It was definitely worth the time.  Tomorrow we play Caldonia and True Blue - these are two awesome golf courses in near Litchfield Plantations and Pauly's Island in South Carolina - (Pawley's Island maybe).

Mil is my partner in the morning and Bob in the afternoon.  We'll be eating dinner at the Mayor's House in the evening.  It was a great find last year - great food, friendly folk, and reasonable prices.

Live your moments well!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 1

Well, technically, it is morning one, day 2.  We ate at Sea Captain's House last night.  Wonderful steamed veggies with a nice broiled flounder fillet.

Its 3:30AM Denver time - but 5:30 here on the Eastern coast.  Today we play Pearl East and one of our old time favorites Oyster Bay.

We just got back from Canada, my grandson Wolfgang and I.  We had a wonderful fishing trip.  I'm hoping that Chad can come next year.  I'll be asking Eric and Trenton as well this time around.  That of course, means I'll need a bigger boat and a less gas guzzling vehicle to pull it with.  Aw shucks.

Off to breakfast in a couple of minutes... then hitting the links at 07:30 -- a beautiful course with some great water holes!  My favorite!
Results not great.  It was a very nice day - to bad my golf was not equal to the quality of the day.  I did hit some fine golf shots, but I also dug a lot of dirt today-- much more than usual.  Down here at see level I'm needing to hit 2 clubs longer - like a 5 instead of a 7 iron, a 9 instead of gap wedge.  I can't hit a straight ball with the driver to save my -- well you know.

We saw a few gators, a young eagle, a few heron's and some leaping mullets.  (those are a weird fish that think they can fly - see them in many of the golf course ponds.

I did take a very long walk today - besides all of the walking on the golf course.  I didn't find anything on the menu at the Sunshine Cafe - so took a long walk while the other guys ate.  I made it a lot further down the road than I thought I would.

Well, tomorrow is another day - and another golf course - Heather Glenn - back to South Carolina we go.  It, however, is only a 35 minute drive and a very early breakfast!

Be in the moment - better yet - be "the ball"...

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Annual Migrations

1st North to Canada, then south to Myrtle Beach.  It is indeed an annual migration.  I'm already more prepared than ever before.  I've got one box of dried goods that include snacks that would well - come close to matching Pat's annual stash - at least in quantity, if not quality.  Another box is almost full.  One thing to do yet is get the boat on the lake and run the Merc up - maybe practice my walleye techniques.
As for Myrtle, well, I'm getting my game finally tuned.  I've got new clubs, a new attitude, and a lower handicap index.  I'm getting in a lot more golf.  I've also found a new ball that I really like  -- the Top Flight (yes, I said Top Flight) Gamer.  It is a great ball and only 1.50 / ball instead of the 4.50 / ball a Pro V1 would set me back.  I gotta watch those pennies or quarters.

So, yes, I'm very excited to enjoy some fabulous new moments.

Congrats to a graduate - Shawna Brown!!!!!!  The pizza party was great.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Not Much to Say

Really.  I don't even know why I'm posting this evening.  Well -- I have set a couple of new goals.  I've reached my next weight loss goal of 179.5 - I actually hit 178.5 this morning.  So, time to set a new goal.  I'm going to set my goal for 174.  That will take me about 5 weeks.  With two trips coming up though, it might be pretty difficult to accomplish in that time.  But, I'm committed so it WILL happen.

A second goal this golf season is to get my handicap down 5 to 6 more strokes.  Right now, my GHIN is 18.5.  That is the lowest that it has ever been.  So I'm shooting for a 13 handicap. I'm taking some lessons this summer, playing more golf, and working on my game -- .

I've got a lot accomplished of late... and lots more to accomplish.  Live your moments to the fullest!  Congratulations to all of the graduates, high school, community college, college and all other graduates.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Easter Bunnies History Lesson

Kairi is one of our grandchildren.  She wrote a neat letter to the Easter Bunny.   She was very nice and to the point --  "I love you Easter Bunny"  and other great stuff.  But, she also added -- did you know "Jesus was Crucified?"  Well, he was -- and that's "your history lesson".

I didn't get the words quite right, but it was the sentiment and the lesson that's important.

Just got back from my trip to Iowa.  I'll probably not go back as often as I had planned.  Mom and I had a bit of a row (and I did look it up - pronounced rou ).  The English language really is a mystery.  Anyway - it was over the use of her car - I understand, but I don't.  And, well, if you don't have transportation of your own, it just isn't the same.  Even though Mike and Vicki offered - it just didn't feel right.  We did go gambling and went out to lunch together.  I saw everyone but Patti - and I do feel bad about that.  There really isn't an excuse.  So, sorry Patti.

I will be driving back through Iowa on my way to Canada - I'll make it a point to see that part of the family before hitting the road with Lana and her clan.

Life is good (cold right now) but good!  Enjoy each and everyone of your moments -- they are truly precious.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

An Iowa Trip

It is good to see family from time to time.  It is a long trip, not inexpensive, but doesn't really "break the bank".  When one is not around one's family, one does not "experience" family the same.  It perhaps makes things more interesting, but in some ways, it makes things very "unfamiliar".  Unfamiliar in the sense that families, I believe, have their own unique cultures.  These are differences in the way family members interact and relate to one another - habits, nuances, all of that.

I know the same thing applies to the way that I am perceived when I visit there.  My brother noticed I had lost weight.  My mom said I had a ways to go -- but was very complimentary of sibling that had lost weight.  Oh well - the wound was shallow and not discouraging.

When I do come back I want- to offer help where I can but that too is not always wanted, so that is okay, I'll just know not to offer anymore.

I had originally budgeted to come back more often.  Perhaps I should just reallocate that budget.  I'm mentally debating the issue right now. I'm in a moment where my moments are a bit confusing.  It is understandable - I'm not familiar, maybe, because I've been away for so many years - and that's okay.  It all makes sense, somehow.

I'm very much looking forward to Canada!  Very, very, very much!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring - Almost Feeling It

Well for sure because the pickup needed major repairs - the golf game is suffering a bit - and I'm nostalgic about home.  I'm also hungry.  I guess I should have something to eat.

I was on a golf course again yesterday - notice I didn't say I played golf yesterday.  I was, well, to say the least, terrible.  But, lunch after was good.

It has been a busy week so far, and it is only Tuesday.  Tomorrow begins another season of golf (men's association) at Fitz.  I'm looking forward to seeing Gerry, Chuck, Tom, and others again.  I'm also looking forward to playing better golf.  I can't swing a driver lately - not to save my life.  That old banana ball is haunting me again.  I completed a survey the other day for the City of Aurora - got a free bucket of balls.  I guess I should take advantage and go hit some.

I"m also needing to get the boat ready.  Not much to do there but get the new boat license on the boat - check the trailer out, get it licensed, charge the battery, take it out on the water and check the Merc out.  Well I'm at it, I may as well get the fishing license and dip a few lures in the water to see if I can catch some spring walleye.  I still have not figured Cheery Creek Reservoir out.  I don't catch many fish there - maybe two all of last year - a crappie and I'm not sure what the other one was - or, if I even caught another one.  It all makes me yearn all the much more for Canada.

I'll be visiting family in a week.  Lana promised a day (or 2) on the lake - well she didn't promise 2, but maybe I can talk her into it.

Well, that is about it for now - enjoy your moments, each and every one of them.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Retired, but Planning for the Future

We are "Envisioning" our next 40 years together.  Believe it or not, after 43 years of marriage it is amazing how much we can still learn from and about each other.  This kind of a fun process.  Of course we both disagree on what to consider leaving in an estate -- I'm spending it all - Carolyn wants to leave a bunch - the kids [and grandkids] best start getting me on her side!  (or not)  I want to spend my last penny on my last day.... for a very expensive scotch maybe.

It is kind of fun dreaming like this again.  We've never taken a cruise.  We'd both like to do that.  We want to go to Germany and visit Uwe and his family.  Until we do that kind of travel I really won't know how much I or we enjoy it.

Carolyn wants a lot of home improvements including an add on.  I want a garage-- I'm tired of cleaning winter snow off the car and truck.  I want a new boat - bigger, faster, better.  Carolyn wants to go back to school and get a teacher's certificate - good for her.

More trips back to Iowa are important to me - more trips to out of town siblings is important to Carolyn as well - and more venues to go to.  Probably she wants to go to more UFO conferences.  I would like to take more weekend getaways with her -- she wants that with me as well.

Retirement is good and it is a very busy time!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Writing because I felt the urge.  Not sure exactly why.  I've made hotel reservations for the trip to Canada.  I'll be coming home a different way.  I'm already excited about the trip this year -- more than usual - perhaps I'll catch the "big one"!!!  Wouldn't that be exciting.

Spring is close.  Gotta start the yard work.  I seem to be using almost any excuse to put it off.  Right now the excuse is that I'm waiting for two phone calls.  Tomorrow it will be something els.  I truly am a procrastinator.  Don't take me wrong, sometimes procrastination is good.

I got some new arrows for my bow.  Looking forward to shooting this evening.  Carolyn has tap dance so we go our separate ways.  

I guess that is it for the moment - something tells me I'll be back later though.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Guess It is --- What I Do!

I'm sure the last post didn't make much sense.  It was a remark that was made to me that set me off like a firecracker.  (Figure it out).  Anyway, a couple of days later I've come to realize that the remark was absolutely on spot!  So it is time for another life path alteration - albeit a small one.  Predictability isn't always a bad thing - but it surely isn't always a good thing either.  If you can read between the clouded lines of prose, you can figure out what I speak of.  One always has to leave something to the imagination of the reader - even if the reader is myself.

This blogging is a sort of "public" journaling - it is life giving to me and maybe something said will trigger in someone who may happen to come across it and read it.  Then  again, maybe not.  I've not downloaded this stuff to my "book" for sometime - I should do so (Yes, that's what I do).  Procrastination or exhilaration.  I'm so looking forward to Myrtle Beach and Canada.  I was daydreaming yesterday about travel, and especially about the two trips I take every year.  I'm retired - who says they have to last just seven or nine days - why can't they last a month - leisure - in the moment trips that have no deadlines - just dream and meditation time.  Fishing is very meditative.  Maybe that is what I love about it.  The "bite" always brings you into the moment - sort of like a great golf shot!

Speaking of golf, league will start again on April 30th.  It is time to get my game honed and to set a new goal for reducing my handicap (19.3 right now).  I'm not consistent with the driver, I still take too many penalty strokes (9 last round - yes, I said 9).  That is inexcusable.  Monday at Fitzsimons with the guys then lunch at Mama Alvinos.

Today we are going to go see "Paul" with Larry and Susan.  Carolyn is looking forward to this one.  I'll spill the beans on my thoughts when I review the picture - maybe tomorrow - because "That's what I do!"

Love your life and your moments, live them to the very fullest - enjoy those around you and let them enjoy you - you are a gift! ( Believe it!)

Friday, March 11, 2011

Not Just Another Day

It is very unusual that I have a day as busy as Carolyn's.  But, yesterday I did.
  1. 18 holes of golf at Saddleback -- 96, not a great score, but great weather.  I took 9 penalty strokes, worst in a long long time).  3 OB's off the tee, and 6, count em, 6 lost balls - in hazards.  Now, that is just horrible.  Think what I could score if I just kept the ball in play.
  2. Archery - so I drive back to Denver to shoot a make up score for Thursday night league. My new bowstring was ready. what a difference the correct brace height makes.  I shot the best groups that i've shot this year and scored a 199 (still not as good as Carolyn).  that is a huge improvement from my previous high of 117.
  3. Poker Night - so then a drive back up North to Windsor to play poker.  Well, I had a great time and lost a buck - it was fun to play again.
On second thought I still was not as busy as Carolyn - let's see she had:
  1. Exercise class
  2. Yoga
  3. Tai Chi
  4. Making cupcakes or something with the granddaughter
  5. Picking up Kairi
  6. Tap Dance Class
Oh well - I think we both had a lot of fun yesterday and a lot of fabulous moments!

Friday, March 4, 2011

On Playing Cards

I really do like to play cards.  I guess that is just me.  When I was growing up there were always card games, bridge clubs, poker, you name it.  Mom and Dad and most of the kids really enjoyed playing cards.  I'm talking the standard deck stuff, not UNO or Old Maid and those "special decks".  I think maybe playing cards is something you really love, or you really hate.  I'm writing about this because, well, just to get it off my chest.

It really is nice if your partner likes to play cards too... if not, then one kinda has to find a venue where having a partner isn't really necessary.  Poker, cribbage and a few other games, maybe even a drop in bridge game.  I played a lot of bridge in college - its a game I really like.  Its tough to find drop-in bridge clubs. It could be that i'm not looking hard enough.

I've been invited to play poker next week.  I'm looking forward to it.  I enjoy playing 11 point "Pitch" on Wednesdays -- so , I guess I'm covered.  Thanks for listening.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Moods and Other Thoughts

I think I went to sleep in a foul mood - and therefore, I woke up in a foul mood.  Several hours have passed.  I realize now that I gave up control of my feelings to the desk clerk at the Radisson.  One should not ( I should not) allow that to happen -- it is senseless, after all I am responsible for my feelings and reactions to others and their discourtesies - who knows she may have been having a bad day (not that she had the right to make mine bad too, but).  Oh well, you can see where I'm headed with this.  A brisk walk with Carolyn this morning, finding a Starbucks within a reasonable distance of the hotel - has brought things into perspective.  I'm fine again and all is well with the world.

I'm not sure how far Tucson is from Scottsdale.  I'll have to look that one up.  Jay Hopkins of the Error Prevention Institute lives somewhere in the area.  It would be nice to visit with him again and see just how he is doing.  The name and the cause bring back other names like Larry and Barbara and others who fought the good fight of Error Prevention.

It is beautiful here - it is a very "rustic" view -- lots of cacti and other "strange" vegetation.  I say strange just because I don't recognize some of the flora and fauna.

It seems strange that I'm staying at a casino and I have not yet pulled the handle on a slot machine.  I may not on this trip - then again.  (Crashed - thank goodness of auto-save)

I'm surprised that some of the folks that come to mind above do not have Facebook pages - I don't know quite why I'm surprised, but I am.

I'm smiling, I'm back in the moment and once again I've taken back ownership of my feelings and emotions!  That is a good thing!  Take yours back too (if you've given them up to someone or something else!)

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Trip Coming Up

Tuesday morning we'll head for Scottsdale.  Carolyn is attending a conference.  I'm going to do something - like sit at the pool and watch the swimmers swim and sunbathers sun bathe.  There are 200 some golf courses near there too.  I might take my clubs, I might not.  That is the good thing about being retired.  You can pretty much play things by ear.  I was always good at being on a schedule and keeping it - but I love not having one at all.

We shot our Archery league make up rounds yesterday.  Carolyn shot a 193 to my 111.  It'll be awhile before i even come close to being competition to her -- but that is a goal for me and I'm sticking to it for now.

The weather has been very cold in the morning but warms up nicely during the day.  Trenton and I have been chatting in the evening.  He is a cool kid.  All the grandkids are pretty cool.  I've asked Eric to come to Canada with me - I'm hoping (against all odds) that he will.  Carolyn would like for me to have company.  I will make the trip even if I do go it alone.  I've already indicated that I will take the long route through Iowa and caravan with the Montezuma and Minnesota contingents.

Mil has planned some great golf courses for the Myrtle Beach trip this year.  My score is already improving.  I shot an 85 on Thursday - in strong winds.  This is the year I get my handicap down to a 13 or better.  That's 6 strokes - I think I can do it.  I'm committed to more practice.

Enjoy your moments.  I know that I am enjoying mine!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Saturday - Carolyn's Birthday

She wanted to go out to breakfast.  We did.  We tried a restaurant that was recommended by Susan and Larry - Newbarry's -- it was an excellent breakfast.  We spoke with the owner afterwards - he remembered Larry and his mom coming in for breakfast (many years ago).

Jeremiah and Mandy dropped in later that evening.  Jeremiah proposed to Mandy after taking her to see "Midsummer Night's Dream" then off to the Brown Palace.  Chad took pictures.  We can't wait to see the photos.  Both Mandy and Jeremiah seemed very happy.  He even brought Carolyn flowers to help her celebrate her birthday.  Carolyn was surprised and happily so.

Sunday we drove around looking at Denver area archery ranges.  There were two we really liked.  We are going to go shooting on Tuesday.  We are both looking forward to that.  Have a great day and week - be in the moment whenever you possibly can.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

"like OMG, like"

It is absolutely unbelievable.  I know that isn't a good sentence because you have no idea what "it" is. Well, "it" is the state of the English American language.  I will get to the point in a little bit.  We've had several days of very cold temperatures.  Today was another one.  Carolyn and I went to a Starbucks for coffee and tea.  It appears to be a place where "off duty" teachers hang out.

Carolyn and I were sitting close enough to overhear a lot of their conversation.  I swear that every 4th or 5th word out of their mouths was "like" or "like OMG".  Now I wonder if our grandkids get that nasty habit from the teachers, or, the very educated teachers get the "like" habit from them.  Like, what is the truth, like!  Frankly, I like, find it very, like, irritating.  If they could only hear themselves or see it all in writing -- they could nip that habit in the bud.  But, like, I seriously doubt it.  It wasn't just one of the teachers speaking that way, it was all of them - young and a little older alike, like.  Do they (the teachers) talk  that way in the classroom?  Maybe it is time for a grandparent classroom audit.

Are principals and superintendents of  our aware of this problem.  Apparently not, or I should think they would, like, do something about it.  I'm just saying!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 2011 Begins

I'm basically a very happy guy.  Life is good.  I've dropped below the 200lb mark.  This morning, 197.  Now that's good.  I've come a long way in a couple of months.  Carolyn and I have become Dr. Oz fans.  We pick up a lot of great hints about health.  The latest is 10 minutes of stretching for thing this morning.  I could only handle 4.  That means I've got a long way to go yet.  My next goal is 194lbs.  I keep changing my ultimate goal - but somewhere between 155 and 165 - it is definitely attainable.

With the weather the way it is, I don't think we'll be playing golf this week - about 11 degrees outside.  this follows our second snow of the year - we didn't get much, but I'll have to shovel the walks.

We got our Myrtle Beach golf schedule - it looks to be a great time.  We'll be playing 9 great courses this year.  But, Canada comes first.  I'll likely be going alone this year.  Carolyn isn't comfortable with that, so I may make the journey to Iowa first so I can caravan with the rest of the travelers.  I'm still working on a couple of possibilities for company.  Carolyn may even go, but I don't think she really wants to this year.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another Milestone

Awesome.  I've reached another milestone -- 199lbs.  I'm officially setting my next goal at 194 as of this morning.  I even got into a pair of 38  (down from 44) waist slacks yesterday.  Now that is a big change.  6" off the waist.  That means I'm dumping some of that "belly fat" that Dr. Oz says is so bad for you.

We played golf yesterday - despite the chill in the air.  We teed off at 22 degrees above zero.  When we finished (55/41) it was all the way up to 44 - a veritable heat wave.

Today is pitch day.  I always look forward to playing cards.  I love to play cards.  I guess it is one of those things that we kids really  picked up and enjoy.  Mom and dad were playing cards all the time..  Dad for all of his life.  I don't think mom plays much anymore. I need to call her - to say hi, love yah.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Computing and Such Things

Well, we finally got the PS3, Harmony One remote, and "wirelessized" the old computer -- they are almost all set up.  I think i'm about 92%  there.  I also got my laptop completely backed up yesterday -- I had to, the darn thing is acting kinda strange.  I believe it is overheating from time to time.

I tried using my older WD but the darn thing wouldn't work with Windows 7 - and no driver updates available.  So, I'll have to -- I don't know.  Something.

I also took a look see at a Vaio -- I couldn't get it running but do know that if they can find the original disks I can probably getting it working enough to save the rest of their stuff.  I love doing this kind of thing -- like the old days of tracking down a problem and fixing it - fixing it right.

All in all, this has been a really good week - I'm already looking forward to spending the day with Trenton tomorrow.

I do have to get to work on photos.  Spring cleaning is going great!  We've made some wonderful discoveries as we go through some of the stuff!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

January Flying By

Hm.  January 2011 is fast fading ( away is assumed, but stated here for those who don't assume)!  Another thing that is fading is my excess body fat -- I'm now at 201.5 - that is 1.5 lbs from my next interim goal of 199.  I think it is awesome.  I look better, feel better and much less of me does help with all of that.

There is still snow on the ground from the last snow storm.  I guess there won't be any golf next week either.

I'm so looking forward to Canada this year again.  I hope brother Mike comes along.  I'm certainly trying to encourage him.  I enjoyed our time together last year - it was nice to have both a sister and a brother there.  fishing makes for some very enjoyable (and sometimes interesting) times together.

Carolyn and I have a very busy schedule today-- it will be full of wonderful moments to remember and to enjoy!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Day 2011

We made it.  Another day, another year, and a gazillion more moments.  I'm not one of the folks who makes New Year's resolutions - if you don't make em, there is no stress in keeping them.  Goals -- well, that is something a bit different.  Goals can be realistic, stretch or whatever you want them to be and about whatever you want them to be.  They can be as simple as "enjoy your moments" or as difficult as "improve your golf handicap by 5 - (19.2 to 14.2)".  Well, I have not set any goals yet either - maybe the two I just mentioned.

I should go look at last year's January 1 blog and see what I said.

Headed for Kindle and Drew's this evening for spaghetti and cards, should be fun.

I need to get serious about something this year - nah!