Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Guess It is --- What I Do!

I'm sure the last post didn't make much sense.  It was a remark that was made to me that set me off like a firecracker.  (Figure it out).  Anyway, a couple of days later I've come to realize that the remark was absolutely on spot!  So it is time for another life path alteration - albeit a small one.  Predictability isn't always a bad thing - but it surely isn't always a good thing either.  If you can read between the clouded lines of prose, you can figure out what I speak of.  One always has to leave something to the imagination of the reader - even if the reader is myself.

This blogging is a sort of "public" journaling - it is life giving to me and maybe something said will trigger in someone who may happen to come across it and read it.  Then  again, maybe not.  I've not downloaded this stuff to my "book" for sometime - I should do so (Yes, that's what I do).  Procrastination or exhilaration.  I'm so looking forward to Myrtle Beach and Canada.  I was daydreaming yesterday about travel, and especially about the two trips I take every year.  I'm retired - who says they have to last just seven or nine days - why can't they last a month - leisure - in the moment trips that have no deadlines - just dream and meditation time.  Fishing is very meditative.  Maybe that is what I love about it.  The "bite" always brings you into the moment - sort of like a great golf shot!

Speaking of golf, league will start again on April 30th.  It is time to get my game honed and to set a new goal for reducing my handicap (19.3 right now).  I'm not consistent with the driver, I still take too many penalty strokes (9 last round - yes, I said 9).  That is inexcusable.  Monday at Fitzsimons with the guys then lunch at Mama Alvinos.

Today we are going to go see "Paul" with Larry and Susan.  Carolyn is looking forward to this one.  I'll spill the beans on my thoughts when I review the picture - maybe tomorrow - because "That's what I do!"

Love your life and your moments, live them to the very fullest - enjoy those around you and let them enjoy you - you are a gift! ( Believe it!)

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