Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1st, 2011 - Moving - New Beginnings

Today our move to our no house ( soon to be a home ) begins.  The Dearman kids are here to help!  We went to a Boston Brunch Bash for Drew and Kindle yesterday.  It is new beginnings for a lot of the members of our family.  A tough one for Mandy, Jeremiah, and Kairi - but a new start non-the-less.

I'm up early in the morning 4:50AM.  But that's just me.  I'll start loading the truck for a first run pretty soon, but I've got to have my cup of coffee first thing.  Carolyn worked her tail off yesterday.  I don't think she realized she had so many clothes and kitchen/pantry items.  All of that has to go to the new house today.  Tomorrow is the day for friends helping and "the truck".  I think one trip will do it.  So, we are moving in the cool of the day.

A not on the mosquitoes... they are abundant this year.  I can't walk out the front or back door without getting attacked.  So bring on the bug spray!  Allergies have been bad the last few weeks as well - so bring on the Benadryl! I guess it is time to get started.  More later!

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