Wednesday, August 31, 2011

What, Another Table

Unbelievable, but true.  One would think we are collecting tables!!!  Well, I do think Carolyn found ( at long last) the table she really wants for the kitchen - we are picking it up Friday.  The one we are currently using will head for the "sewing room"...  It will be a great hobby and sewing table.

Tired today for some odd reason... played golf again-- two man scramble this morning.  It was fun.  I think I hit some of the best drives I've ever hit, and one fantastic 3 Metal (as Johnny Miller would say).  For those that are non-golfers, it is usually a 3 metal these days instead of a 3 wood because the woods are made out of metal so they really aren't woods anymore - doesn't have the same ring though.  Tuesday morning I played at Common Grounds - it was the last round of the men's inter-club league for the year.  It was nice to play some different courses in the area.

I now need to get the boat cleaned up ... I've been meaning to do it for a few days now, but I've been lazy.. It is definitely time to do some fall fishing.

Well, enough for now.  Enjoy your moments - all of them!

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