Friday, January 21, 2011

Computing and Such Things

Well, we finally got the PS3, Harmony One remote, and "wirelessized" the old computer -- they are almost all set up.  I think i'm about 92%  there.  I also got my laptop completely backed up yesterday -- I had to, the darn thing is acting kinda strange.  I believe it is overheating from time to time.

I tried using my older WD but the darn thing wouldn't work with Windows 7 - and no driver updates available.  So, I'll have to -- I don't know.  Something.

I also took a look see at a Vaio -- I couldn't get it running but do know that if they can find the original disks I can probably getting it working enough to save the rest of their stuff.  I love doing this kind of thing -- like the old days of tracking down a problem and fixing it - fixing it right.

All in all, this has been a really good week - I'm already looking forward to spending the day with Trenton tomorrow.

I do have to get to work on photos.  Spring cleaning is going great!  We've made some wonderful discoveries as we go through some of the stuff!

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