Thursday, August 18, 2011

Box Day

Today we got most all of the boxes (all but one) moved into the appropriate room in the house. We also had to get a few necessary items -- hose, broom, dustpan (for garage).  I got the boat moved yesterday - cleaned up the 8 horse Mercury for the trip to Iowa.

Our neighbors to the East brought us a lemon cake ... yummm.. nice folks - it is good to know them.  I trimmed some trees and bundled the refuse, fixed one of the the thingys (not a word) on the stairs out back -- whatever those things are that go from the floor and steps to what might be called the banister.  I'm not technical in things made of wood -  though I know there are stringers that hold the steps -- I think.  I also installed a wall mount for the flat screen downstairs - now I need to hide all those cables... I have a solution for that.

Looking forward to visiting Mom - somewhat.  I do have trepidation, but all in all the trip is a worthwhile cause.  Autumn will be house sitting.

We still haven't really picked out any furniture -- we are in the early stages of design!

Life is certainly good!  And all our moments are special in some way.  Yours should be too!

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