Thursday, June 16, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 7 - Travel Day

We played our last round of golf for the trip yesterday.  Once again I was the proud winner ( well, one of em) of a banana split.  That has not happened in years - I don't recall winning once in 20 years, but Mil thinks he recalls I did once in the early days when Ray and Frank were still with us - I miss those guys.

We did not take a single photo this year.  So no picture memories and my cheap cell doesn't have a camera.  I hope Gordon posts the one of Mil with his very special golf cap.  It was hilarious! 

I won't get home until late this evening.  Lots to do today to help the moments pass usefully.  Enjoy yours - maybe more to come, then again, maybe not!

Post Post - I found my camera - I hid it well in my computer back pack... so, I did get one photo or three!

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