Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Spring - Almost Feeling It

Well for sure because the pickup needed major repairs - the golf game is suffering a bit - and I'm nostalgic about home.  I'm also hungry.  I guess I should have something to eat.

I was on a golf course again yesterday - notice I didn't say I played golf yesterday.  I was, well, to say the least, terrible.  But, lunch after was good.

It has been a busy week so far, and it is only Tuesday.  Tomorrow begins another season of golf (men's association) at Fitz.  I'm looking forward to seeing Gerry, Chuck, Tom, and others again.  I'm also looking forward to playing better golf.  I can't swing a driver lately - not to save my life.  That old banana ball is haunting me again.  I completed a survey the other day for the City of Aurora - got a free bucket of balls.  I guess I should take advantage and go hit some.

I"m also needing to get the boat ready.  Not much to do there but get the new boat license on the boat - check the trailer out, get it licensed, charge the battery, take it out on the water and check the Merc out.  Well I'm at it, I may as well get the fishing license and dip a few lures in the water to see if I can catch some spring walleye.  I still have not figured Cheery Creek Reservoir out.  I don't catch many fish there - maybe two all of last year - a crappie and I'm not sure what the other one was - or, if I even caught another one.  It all makes me yearn all the much more for Canada.

I'll be visiting family in a week.  Lana promised a day (or 2) on the lake - well she didn't promise 2, but maybe I can talk her into it.

Well, that is about it for now - enjoy your moments, each and every one of them.

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