Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Day 2011

We made it.  Another day, another year, and a gazillion more moments.  I'm not one of the folks who makes New Year's resolutions - if you don't make em, there is no stress in keeping them.  Goals -- well, that is something a bit different.  Goals can be realistic, stretch or whatever you want them to be and about whatever you want them to be.  They can be as simple as "enjoy your moments" or as difficult as "improve your golf handicap by 5 - (19.2 to 14.2)".  Well, I have not set any goals yet either - maybe the two I just mentioned.

I should go look at last year's January 1 blog and see what I said.

Headed for Kindle and Drew's this evening for spaghetti and cards, should be fun.

I need to get serious about something this year - nah!

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