Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 2011 Begins

I'm basically a very happy guy.  Life is good.  I've dropped below the 200lb mark.  This morning, 197.  Now that's good.  I've come a long way in a couple of months.  Carolyn and I have become Dr. Oz fans.  We pick up a lot of great hints about health.  The latest is 10 minutes of stretching for thing this morning.  I could only handle 4.  That means I've got a long way to go yet.  My next goal is 194lbs.  I keep changing my ultimate goal - but somewhere between 155 and 165 - it is definitely attainable.

With the weather the way it is, I don't think we'll be playing golf this week - about 11 degrees outside.  this follows our second snow of the year - we didn't get much, but I'll have to shovel the walks.

We got our Myrtle Beach golf schedule - it looks to be a great time.  We'll be playing 9 great courses this year.  But, Canada comes first.  I'll likely be going alone this year.  Carolyn isn't comfortable with that, so I may make the journey to Iowa first so I can caravan with the rest of the travelers.  I'm still working on a couple of possibilities for company.  Carolyn may even go, but I don't think she really wants to this year.

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