Sunday, March 27, 2011

Retired, but Planning for the Future

We are "Envisioning" our next 40 years together.  Believe it or not, after 43 years of marriage it is amazing how much we can still learn from and about each other.  This kind of a fun process.  Of course we both disagree on what to consider leaving in an estate -- I'm spending it all - Carolyn wants to leave a bunch - the kids [and grandkids] best start getting me on her side!  (or not)  I want to spend my last penny on my last day.... for a very expensive scotch maybe.

It is kind of fun dreaming like this again.  We've never taken a cruise.  We'd both like to do that.  We want to go to Germany and visit Uwe and his family.  Until we do that kind of travel I really won't know how much I or we enjoy it.

Carolyn wants a lot of home improvements including an add on.  I want a garage-- I'm tired of cleaning winter snow off the car and truck.  I want a new boat - bigger, faster, better.  Carolyn wants to go back to school and get a teacher's certificate - good for her.

More trips back to Iowa are important to me - more trips to out of town siblings is important to Carolyn as well - and more venues to go to.  Probably she wants to go to more UFO conferences.  I would like to take more weekend getaways with her -- she wants that with me as well.

Retirement is good and it is a very busy time!

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