Sunday, August 14, 2011

44th Anniversary

On August 12th, we celebrated our 44th wedding anniversary.  I played golf in the morning - Woodmoor Pines - I guess my mind was on Carolyn, because it certainly wasn't on golf.  I played 4 rounds last week, one with the Monday regulars, two with the senior interclub, and one with the Fitz gang.  Three rounds this week, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

I got a lot done around the new place yesterday - mostly moving boxes from the garage to the appropriate room in the house.  Just getting ready for some future unpacking.  Where did it all come from and where in the heck is it all going to go - maybe Goodwill gets some more stuff!  That is very likely.

It is a beautiful Sunday morning. I'm sitting on one of the patio chairs that Carolyn and I assembled.  They are really nice and comfy, they rock without being rockers.  I like that.  It is a peaceful and quiet morning - of course I can hear the babbling brook as well and that makes the experience even better.

Today brings with it a lot of new moments and of course will generate some interesting new memories - our precocious Kyrie is with us while Jeremiah is at work.  That always makes for an interesting time.  Heather, Eric and their gang dropped by yesterday to see the house.  Unfortunately I had to leave to go pick Carolyn up.  She spent the day with American Jury Research on a mock trial.  She said it was very interesting, but had to sign non-disclosure statements so couldn't share any more than that.  Ah well......

Oh, the anniversary - it strikes me that I've not shared much about our wonderful 44 years -- well, they speak for themselves and our memories are where they belong - in our hearts!  We are looking forward to many more years together and sharing lots more wonderful, joyful, blessed moments!

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