Friday, June 10, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 1

Well, technically, it is morning one, day 2.  We ate at Sea Captain's House last night.  Wonderful steamed veggies with a nice broiled flounder fillet.

Its 3:30AM Denver time - but 5:30 here on the Eastern coast.  Today we play Pearl East and one of our old time favorites Oyster Bay.

We just got back from Canada, my grandson Wolfgang and I.  We had a wonderful fishing trip.  I'm hoping that Chad can come next year.  I'll be asking Eric and Trenton as well this time around.  That of course, means I'll need a bigger boat and a less gas guzzling vehicle to pull it with.  Aw shucks.

Off to breakfast in a couple of minutes... then hitting the links at 07:30 -- a beautiful course with some great water holes!  My favorite!
Results not great.  It was a very nice day - to bad my golf was not equal to the quality of the day.  I did hit some fine golf shots, but I also dug a lot of dirt today-- much more than usual.  Down here at see level I'm needing to hit 2 clubs longer - like a 5 instead of a 7 iron, a 9 instead of gap wedge.  I can't hit a straight ball with the driver to save my -- well you know.

We saw a few gators, a young eagle, a few heron's and some leaping mullets.  (those are a weird fish that think they can fly - see them in many of the golf course ponds.

I did take a very long walk today - besides all of the walking on the golf course.  I didn't find anything on the menu at the Sunshine Cafe - so took a long walk while the other guys ate.  I made it a lot further down the road than I thought I would.

Well, tomorrow is another day - and another golf course - Heather Glenn - back to South Carolina we go.  It, however, is only a 35 minute drive and a very early breakfast!

Be in the moment - better yet - be "the ball"...

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