Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Easter Bunnies History Lesson

Kairi is one of our grandchildren.  She wrote a neat letter to the Easter Bunny.   She was very nice and to the point --  "I love you Easter Bunny"  and other great stuff.  But, she also added -- did you know "Jesus was Crucified?"  Well, he was -- and that's "your history lesson".

I didn't get the words quite right, but it was the sentiment and the lesson that's important.

Just got back from my trip to Iowa.  I'll probably not go back as often as I had planned.  Mom and I had a bit of a row (and I did look it up - pronounced rou ).  The English language really is a mystery.  Anyway - it was over the use of her car - I understand, but I don't.  And, well, if you don't have transportation of your own, it just isn't the same.  Even though Mike and Vicki offered - it just didn't feel right.  We did go gambling and went out to lunch together.  I saw everyone but Patti - and I do feel bad about that.  There really isn't an excuse.  So, sorry Patti.

I will be driving back through Iowa on my way to Canada - I'll make it a point to see that part of the family before hitting the road with Lana and her clan.

Life is good (cold right now) but good!  Enjoy each and everyone of your moments -- they are truly precious.

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