Monday, August 8, 2011

Monday - Start of Week 2 in Our New Home

Strange how it already feels like home.  There was love here.  I can tell - the place has awesome vibes.  We, Carolyn and I, assembled patio furniture and a two seat swing yesterday.  Yet another dream that has come to fruition.

I'm setting on the patio, enjoying a cup of brew - Kahlua Coffee blend (non-alcoholic - though, a Baily's sounds good right now).  It is a beautiful, cool, refreshing morning.  The sun is just peaking above the Aspens to the East.

We really don't have any furniture in the house yet.  We left most of it behind.  Kindle and Drew got good news (how's that for a sudden shift of gears).  Their house is under contract.  Back to the original -- I still have at least two loads to move from the old home - there are still so many memories attached to that house and those trees.

We both hope and know the kids will stop by often.  I think we are now more central and closer to all of them.  I need to think about getting a BBQ.  That is something we used to do a lot of.  Time to enjoy that again.  As always there are many moments to enjoy - so, enjoy them.  Life is truly that simple!

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