Saturday, June 25, 2011

Golf Balls, Diets, and New Homes

Golf balls, diets, and new homes - not necessarily in that order.  I think I noted to you that Kindle and Drew gave me a dozen "refurbished" Pro V1 golf balls for Father's Day.  What a thoughtful gift.  Well, Drew and I played golf at Meadow Hills yesterday morning.  What a beautiful morning.  We shared a lot, hunted for balls a lot, and swung the clubs a bit as well.  The course was in great shape.  I so did not want to lose one of those Pro V1s.  I so did -- 2 in the water, and 3 in the 2nd cut.  You'd think you could find a ball in the second cut.  This grass was lush and thick and the balls just settled down.  If you didn't walk right over it, you couldn't see it.  I was disappointed that I lost almost half of those balls - and, I really liked em!  Yet another great reason to keep it in the fairway!  It was a great morning.  We finished our round o golf and headed off to show Drew our new home.

Yes, we bought a new home!!! We closed the deal late Thursday night.  I couldn't help but drive by the place before the golf.  It is ( the house) within about 5 minutes of Meadow Hills, Quincy Reservoir, lots of shopping and libraries.  Anyway, after the round Drew and drove out to take a look - he was lucky enough to be one of the first of our family to see it.  Albeit he was able to see only the outside.  I did take a picture of it, so will add later in this post.  One thing of note -- we were originally going to downsize-- well we significantly up sized.  Why, well because Carolyn has really always wanted to be able to have more family over for events, Christmases, parties, whatever.  Now she and I (especially she) will be able to do that.  The furniture may be sparse for a few years, but the welcome mat will always be out.  The hou  se has a really huge kitchen - which Carolyn really wanted, a three car garage - which Lanny (me) really wanted (so I could have my boat inside) - and is in wonderful condition.  Along with that there are 6 bedrooms - we'll keep the master suite and 2 spare, 3 full bathrooms, living room, dining room, great room family room, exercise room, patio, and a Koi pond (out back) - plus more we probably have not yet discovered.  Can you tell I'm excited!

Last but not least - I've reached my weight loss goal! 165lbs.  It took 7 months!  I not start the "Consolidation" phase of my diet.  This will maintain the weight loss, add some new foods, and get my body used to this weight so that it doesn't try to store up and get back some of those lost pounds (called rebound). After 65 days I can then go on to phase four.  During the 1st half of this period I get 1 celebration meal a week (more to come) and still have one day that is only protein only.  That day will be Thursdays.

All in all this has been a great week.  I look good (my opinion only), feel good, and am enjoying each and every one of my moments more fully than I have in years.  Even the lawn mowing - that will need to be done this morning.!!! Have a great day!

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