Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Another Milestone

Awesome.  I've reached another milestone -- 199lbs.  I'm officially setting my next goal at 194 as of this morning.  I even got into a pair of 38  (down from 44) waist slacks yesterday.  Now that is a big change.  6" off the waist.  That means I'm dumping some of that "belly fat" that Dr. Oz says is so bad for you.

We played golf yesterday - despite the chill in the air.  We teed off at 22 degrees above zero.  When we finished (55/41) it was all the way up to 44 - a veritable heat wave.

Today is pitch day.  I always look forward to playing cards.  I love to play cards.  I guess it is one of those things that we kids really  picked up and enjoy.  Mom and dad were playing cards all the time..  Dad for all of his life.  I don't think mom plays much anymore. I need to call her - to say hi, love yah.

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