Thursday, February 24, 2011

Moods and Other Thoughts

I think I went to sleep in a foul mood - and therefore, I woke up in a foul mood.  Several hours have passed.  I realize now that I gave up control of my feelings to the desk clerk at the Radisson.  One should not ( I should not) allow that to happen -- it is senseless, after all I am responsible for my feelings and reactions to others and their discourtesies - who knows she may have been having a bad day (not that she had the right to make mine bad too, but).  Oh well, you can see where I'm headed with this.  A brisk walk with Carolyn this morning, finding a Starbucks within a reasonable distance of the hotel - has brought things into perspective.  I'm fine again and all is well with the world.

I'm not sure how far Tucson is from Scottsdale.  I'll have to look that one up.  Jay Hopkins of the Error Prevention Institute lives somewhere in the area.  It would be nice to visit with him again and see just how he is doing.  The name and the cause bring back other names like Larry and Barbara and others who fought the good fight of Error Prevention.

It is beautiful here - it is a very "rustic" view -- lots of cacti and other "strange" vegetation.  I say strange just because I don't recognize some of the flora and fauna.

It seems strange that I'm staying at a casino and I have not yet pulled the handle on a slot machine.  I may not on this trip - then again.  (Crashed - thank goodness of auto-save)

I'm surprised that some of the folks that come to mind above do not have Facebook pages - I don't know quite why I'm surprised, but I am.

I'm smiling, I'm back in the moment and once again I've taken back ownership of my feelings and emotions!  That is a good thing!  Take yours back too (if you've given them up to someone or something else!)

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