Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Myrtle Beach - Day 5

Already!  This has been a very enjoyable golf trip.  We play two great courses today -  Kings North and Moorland.  Both of these courses are very near home base.  No long road trips today.

I must say that I have NOT golfed consistently on this outing.  But, the good news, I've made a lot more really good shots.  I think when I come down here to play a lot of golf it is more to enjoy the company and the many varied venues and adventure of it.  Then when I get back home to some more serious golf - I've got to work to get my groove again.  There's also the fact that the ball really does fly further in Denver than it does down here - so that means getting used to club accuracy again.  What an adventure - I love this game.

Results were not what was expected.  The "Good, The Bad, and The Ugly".  I guess that's golf for me.  I talked with Carolyn - things seem to be going okay back home.
We ate dinner at Key West - great filet and some lobster tails.

Tomorrow is Ice Cream tournament day!  Could this be the year?

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