Friday, March 4, 2011

On Playing Cards

I really do like to play cards.  I guess that is just me.  When I was growing up there were always card games, bridge clubs, poker, you name it.  Mom and Dad and most of the kids really enjoyed playing cards.  I'm talking the standard deck stuff, not UNO or Old Maid and those "special decks".  I think maybe playing cards is something you really love, or you really hate.  I'm writing about this because, well, just to get it off my chest.

It really is nice if your partner likes to play cards too... if not, then one kinda has to find a venue where having a partner isn't really necessary.  Poker, cribbage and a few other games, maybe even a drop in bridge game.  I played a lot of bridge in college - its a game I really like.  Its tough to find drop-in bridge clubs. It could be that i'm not looking hard enough.

I've been invited to play poker next week.  I'm looking forward to it.  I enjoy playing 11 point "Pitch" on Wednesdays -- so , I guess I'm covered.  Thanks for listening.

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