Sunday, July 10, 2011

Birthday Reflections

The past year has been full of remarkable moments - so I guess I'll make a few remarks.
  1. Last year at this date I weighed 215 lbs.  This year I weigh 163.6 lbs - goal met
  2. My golf handicap was in the 20's - maybe higher.  My handicap is now at 16.7 - getting closer to my goal
  3. Last year at this time we had no intention of ever moving - on June 29th of this year, we bought a new house.  We close on July 28th - a new adventure begins
  4. Last year at this time we had no pets living here - now our grand daughter is living here with her two Westies.  Buddha is still Buddha!!!!
  5. Last year I was in hot water with some of the family - my bad - I think we have started the path to healing those relationships
  6. Last year, when in the shower and I looked down, I couldn't see my feet - this year I look down and I see everything --- (I know, TMI - but its important to me!)
  7. Last year I was on diabetic medication.  A few days ago, my doctor told me I didn't need to take it any more.  Wahoo......  Of course, I still have to check to make sure my Blood Sugar is in check.
  8. Last year my cholesterol was over 200 and my HDL was less than 40.  This year my cholesterol is under 195 and my HDL is over 60 -- that's great!
  9. Last year I was impatient...... I still am!
I wonder what wonderful things this year will bring!  I'll let it be a surprise!

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