Thursday, February 3, 2011

"like OMG, like"

It is absolutely unbelievable.  I know that isn't a good sentence because you have no idea what "it" is. Well, "it" is the state of the English American language.  I will get to the point in a little bit.  We've had several days of very cold temperatures.  Today was another one.  Carolyn and I went to a Starbucks for coffee and tea.  It appears to be a place where "off duty" teachers hang out.

Carolyn and I were sitting close enough to overhear a lot of their conversation.  I swear that every 4th or 5th word out of their mouths was "like" or "like OMG".  Now I wonder if our grandkids get that nasty habit from the teachers, or, the very educated teachers get the "like" habit from them.  Like, what is the truth, like!  Frankly, I like, find it very, like, irritating.  If they could only hear themselves or see it all in writing -- they could nip that habit in the bud.  But, like, I seriously doubt it.  It wasn't just one of the teachers speaking that way, it was all of them - young and a little older alike, like.  Do they (the teachers) talk  that way in the classroom?  Maybe it is time for a grandparent classroom audit.

Are principals and superintendents of  our aware of this problem.  Apparently not, or I should think they would, like, do something about it.  I'm just saying!

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