Thursday, July 7, 2011

Packing for a Move

I never knew I would need so darn many boxes.  But, it is all "fun" - and somewhat emotional - especially after having raised a family and hosted so many folks over the past 30 years.  I am thankful that we don't have as many books as we used to have - but, there is still so much stuff!!!

I played golf yesterday and am catching up on a lot of "office type" stuff right now.  Oh yah, I got the transponder mount on the boat fixed too.  Now to go and do some fishing.  I thought I might do it today but we are going to go look at some furniture and to a book store.  I'm going to (as is Carolyn) explore interior decorating a bit.

We are still discussing what to do with what rooms and the new digs.  I can't call it home yet - because this is home.  Missing the grandkids and kids for some reason - much more than usual today.  Carolyn and I have been so very blessed.

Speaking of golf - I did mention that earlier - my drives have gone a bit awry again.  Oh well, if it isn't one thing, its another.  I have, though, improved my handicap.  It is now at 16.7 - not bad, but, a way to go to hit my goal.  I've set that at 13 for this year.  It is doable.  I have a lesson with Dan on Saturday - working on the short game!

Moments - they are to be lived to the fullest.  I hope that you are living yours well!  and happily!

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