Tuesday, December 31, 2013

My Last Blog of 2013

It has been a great year - lots of travel, fishing, golf, gaming, grandkids, kids, family and much more!  The Martinez Family Reunion was held in July - great turn out.  Met some more of our neighbors.  Chad has become a Real Estate Broker Associate - Autumn graduated from culinary school - Haley is taking honors in school, Brooke made the All American Cheerleading Squad.  Chad and Xavier became engaged and have a child due on or about the sixth of January.  Kindle and Drew are having a baby - these are just a few of the wonderful events that have occurred this year! Oh, yah, Wolfgang has a new girl friend after about 3 years with Sarah.  We met Casey during the cookie decorating. Kairi introduced us to the card game Phase 10 - it is good to be playing cards again.  Trenton and Wolfgang went to Canada with me in July great trip with the grandsons.  Wendfal continues to be a great personal trainer! Jeremiah lost his job at Zumies and got a job at Tillies.  Heather and Eric and their clean continue to be happy and joyful - and have 5 exuberant and talented children. Can't wait to get sons and their sons and dads up there for a wonderful trip. Fished Table Rock Lake - with a guide - never had a guide before - well, Lana Babes has always been my Press Lake guide.  Carolyn continues to grow, learn, explore and attend UFO conferences whilst I hang out at Big Cedar Lodge or elsewhere. /and how could I forget the Class of 63 50th reunion for Montezuma High School. And we celebrated family for the holidays at Dora's.

I also lost my youngest brother this year - Lewis James Fahlenkamp - he died of Chicken Pox - his immune system was wrecked from Chemo treatments for cancer - I did get to take him fishing at Jacque's pond a few months before he passed.  He was named after mother's two brothers.  James (Uncle Jimmy) and Mum are the only two surviving of six children of my grandma and grampa Collins. Mum is doing okay - she turned 91 this year.

I'm sure much more has happened, but these are the things that stick in my mind at the moment and I tend to be in the moment.  I know I've missed some things.  Ah well!

I don't make New Year Resolutions, but I do set goals. I've set and documented a couple....  I hope you had a fabulous 2013 and are looking forward to a wonderful 2014.  Oh yah, I found a few great new inexpensive wines!!!!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Picture You Wished You'd Never Seen- Really, Don't Look Now - You'll Be Sorry!

The story follows the headline, and the picture is far down the page.  It is the day after Christmas, a most blessed and wonderful Christmas season.  We have two new grandchildren on the way.  Somehow grandchildren are a very special blessing.  Partly, I think, because the kids see value in having kids - which means we brought them up well and we are so happy to be able to say that.

We took down a lot of the Christmas decorations today.  The indoors is done we just have to store all the boxes and trees for Christmas that will come in about 365 days.  We have the Martinez family Christmas party on Saturday.  I could say a few things about that, but those thoughts are better saved for another day.

Today's grateful list:  1) I'm grateful for a very attractive, attentive, active, awesome wife!  Carolyn is such a special woman! 2) I'm grateful for salmon patties.  A lot of folks don't like canned salmon... but, I gotta say I do love a good salmon patty.  3)  I'm grateful for the sound of the fish pond - and yes, there are still three fish living in there - even through the winter.  It has been frozen over twice already this year, but the bubbler and the pond heater keep a goodly portion of it ice free.  4) I'm grateful for the spacious home that we have to share-though we are having discussions concerning the need for all of this space!  5) I'm grateful for my health and I will very much continue to maintain my health and a very healthy life style!

And, here is the picture from the headline!

Yup, I enjoy a great bubble bath from time to time - TMI - Oh well, I told you not to look!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

When is Christmas - How long do I have to wait!

Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.  Tonight is one of those nights where you can't do w  hat you wanna do! We had guests and we had an awesome surprise... it'll have to wait!

Kindle and Drew were over this evening.... Kindle is pregnant - awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! Really, really, really awesome!  Congratulations Kindle and Drew and Lanny and Carolyn (proud grandparents)....Nuff said!

Back and Forth --

Well, I started a post a few days ago, that I couldn't post because it was something I was asked not to share at the time.  This was not an easy request because the news was well - unexpected.  One may have to look back to last Friday's post which was actually "posted" today to see what I'm talking about.  Confusing isn't it.  Today was very special because I talked to my mom and each of my brothers and sisters.  It was an extremely beautiful and joyful day.

We delivered Christmas goodies to our neighbors and I found it surprisingly enjoyable.  I was really kind of dreading it.  Carolyn said it turns out that I did most of the talking.  Go figure.  I am thankful for really wonderful neighbors.  I'm also grateful for all the smiles and the joy with which we were received.

I'm grateful that we saw most of the kids and grandkids today...  what a blessing they all are.  Megan gave Carolyn and I Christmas gifts.  She has grown up so much and is such a beautiful woman.  I'm grateful for each and every one of our grandchildren.  I'm grateful for Agatha Christie and all her various characters.  Carolyn and I are enjoying Ms. Marple right now.  Such a delightful character.

WEll, I guess I'd best go  back a few days and announce the news! At last.

Sunday, December 22, 2013

What To Say?

I know there are days when I just don't know what to do or say.  This is one of them.  At those times, it is just best to start typing and keep the fingers moving.  The thoughts may or may not come and so what!  I know that I am grateful for my parents and my brothers and sisters, for our children and their spouses or significant others, for their children ( our grand children), and for all of the folks in my life.

I'm grateful for laughter and for tears, for calmness and chaos - for all emotions and the ability to experience them.  I was saddened today that the latest Colorado school victim died yesterday - Claire was her name.  Claire attended the same school that one of my nieces attends.  It is sad and it brings back a lot of the horror and sadness of the Aurora theater shooting - it doesn't take much to bring tears.  But it also reminds me of how fortunate we are that some of the victims of that tragedy are making progress and doing well-and for that I am grateful.

I think a lot about my sibs lately.  I'm glad that I'm in regular contact with some of them via internet games.  I need to make a better effort to call them and Mum more frequently because I am blessed to have them in my life. 

Today, Carolyn and I will be going to our very first "neighbor" invite - a small Christmas open house across the street from us.  We'll have some very enjoyable moments - you have some as well!

Friday, December 20, 2013

Elves Make Fudge Too

I made some "Easy to Make Fudge"!  Good stuff!  I'm grateful for fudge-but, and this is the big butt - I tend to eat too much of it, so giving it away! Now that is a lot of fudge.  Carolyn and I toured the town yesterday.  We had lunch at PF Changs.  I'd pass on the Beef Ala SuSchuan - not much there, especially for the lunch serving - and little did I know the beef is served extra crispy and chewy as leather  But, the flavor was fantastic. 

We went to Park Meadows, still one of my favorite Colorado indoor malls.  A really great place to walk.  We also finally bought a Mandoline.  Now I can make those summer sausage chips 1/16" thick.  Hard to find a Mandoline that does 1/16" slices.  I'll find out this evening how well it works (or doesn't).

Carolyn has put together neighbor treat boxes.  I'm grateful for neighbors-we do have great neighbors surrounding our home. The temperature has dropped about 30 degrees (notice how adroitly I change the subject).. yesterday it was a balmy 60, this morning a cool 20 - I guess that is a 40 degree drop.

I'm grateful for Christmas lights, though sometimes I don't necessarily enjoy taking them down and putting them away.  I'm still looking for an electric train.  They are almost impossible to find.  I'll have to spend some time exploring the internet next year.  I'll have to see if Mum still has some back home.  Maybe she does.  Dad used to put one around each tree.  I'm grateful for those memories.  Although, when I left home they were still doing only one tree.. I think some years later they had as many as 6 or 7 differently "themed" trees.

We have personal training this morning.  Sometimes I look forward to it, sometimes (Like Today) I'm kinda not looking forward to it.  I will be happy after I've finished it though.  Today should be an interesting and challenging day full of joyful and funny moments. 

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Some Guys Still Kneel!

She said yes!
Jeremiah proposes to Xavier at our home - that is definitely a blessing and something to be grateful for!  I've been out of touchA with reality for a few days now - this event brought me back.  The ring is very nice!  Congratulations to the two of you. All in all yesterday was an excellent day.  Had our friend Eric over for dinner and financial discussions - we talked about all the travel Carolyn and I did this year, and the great time we had with my sibs and their spouse at Table Rock in Missouri.

It is the first time I've fished there.  We hired a guide (Lyle the guide) and we actually caught fish.  I learned some very new techniques - drop line and tube dragging and basically fished at some depths that I'm not used to fishing.  Table Rock is a very deep lake. 

I'm also very grateful for laughter.  Carolyn laughed a lot this morning - mostly at some of my faux pauxs but, but still very nice to hear. 

Oh, and yesterday was grandson Trenton's birthday - oops.  WE called this morning and left a birthday song for the birthday boy.

I'm a little out of it this morning - perhaps it has something to do with the wine we had last night.  One was okay (the Red), the other was really great (the Earthquake Sirah)!  I'd do that one again! The rooster is sporting a new bottle today (When did I make that happen!)  Enjoy your moments, I've most certainly enjoyed all of mine! Perhaps a bit more than I should have?  Nah, one can never have to much joy!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Knock At the Door

Our doorbell goes off from time to time.  I think it is Casper.  Well, really, we go to the door and no one is there, but the door bell clearly rang.  Anyhow, the best knock at the door is when one of the kids or grandkids come just to say hi.  It is an awesome event. Today was our annual Cookie decorating fete.  Pictures are posted on my Facebook page.  Rosana and Kairi were the first to arrive, followed by Wendfal and gang, then Jeremiah and Xavier and finally Heather and kids -sans Brooke and Megan who had other obligations for the day.  I'm grateful for all door knocks or door bell ringing-except for Casper.  It really happens ( I secretly know why, but no one else understands the phenomenon)! Kindle was the last to come... it was surely great to see her!  I could be wrong about the order of arrival - so please just forgive and forget!

So that is number one on gratefulness- number 2- I'm thankful for great cookie and frosting recipes.  3-I'm thankful for card games that can be played with Carolyn and the grand-kids.  4- I'm thankful for slots that don't cost money - I'd be in trouble if I headed for Blackhawk every day!  5- I'm grateful for Mafia Wars and Facebook friends - they certainly keep life very interesting.  Also I got a note from Social Security today that I'm getting a 1.5% raise in January.  Wow - real cause for celebration.

The food and company was really wonderful today.  There were lots of beautiful cookies completed and lots of excellent potluck contributions.  Thanks all for a really great day. Picture included:
Unfortunately, Carolyn is not in the picture-- somebody had to take it!  Life is great, live your moments, enjoy them - smile and make someone's day.  Heather told a story today that blew my mind.. I wish I could share it, but that isn't my place.  Thanks for sharing our day!  Happy Holidays.  We sang "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" with an every decreasing choir of angelic voices.!!!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

A Drop in The Ocean

It boggles my mind how big and full this earth of ours is - and then the universe!  It is just too much to think about!  Truth is I probably shouldn't think about it because doing so will make my brain ache!  That is why, for me, quiet time and emptiness seem to be important  - always has been.  The solitude makes it easy to reflect and meditate (which by the by I don't do enough of).  I am truly grateful for those moments when everything seems to just "be"!  There is nothing that can intrude on that feeling and that moment.  I think this morning is full of little moments like that!

I'm sure this doesn't make any sense to anyone else who might happen upon these words.  Heck, on reflection I'm not sure they make any sense to me.  I had trouble sleeping so I got up.  Maybe it was the black beans or pico that I ha for supper-maybe the last minute Cherry Zero I'm so fond of.  I'm not sure how much caffeine is in one of those drinks - maybe quite a lot.

So to continue: 2) I'm grateful for the occasional times Carolyn and I dine out together - nothing fancy, but usually wonderful conversation. 3) I'm grateful for the reflections on folks who were once friends - but somehow let slip from my consciousness and still wonder how and where they are - the ones I think to think about the most are the guys I went through fundamentals with at Lowry AFB - "back in 65".  Seems so long ago.  I look them up on Facebook from time to time but sometimes I wonder if I'm one of the few of those fellas on Facebook.  But there is Joe and Don and Paul (didn't go to fundies with Paul - Don either) but they were Air Force guys.  I don't think much about the kids from high school and I don't quite know why that is, nor do I think a lot about relatives - interesting.

It is almost as if I live in a world - alone!  But I know I don't.   (On with it Lanny.) 4) I'm grateful for a fresh cup of coffee and a two eggs and bacon breakfast!  5) I'm grateful for moments like this!

Have yourself a wonderful and interesting day - smile at others - be kind!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Lights, Lights, and more Lights

I"m not exactly grateful for lights, but they do look kinda pretty against a clear night sky.  These Christmas lights have sure improved over the years - don't have any bad strings again this year.  So, what is it I'm grateful for on this fine day: 1) time alone - I enjoy watching Asian flicks, they usually have a lot of action 2) I enjoy the warmth of a bright sunny day after a bitter cold early morning 3) I'm grateful stars in the sky 4) I'm grateful for a car and truck that both work very well and get pretty good gas mileage!  5) I'm grateful for the joy in my life!

It has been a really wonderful day... really wonderful!

Monday, December 9, 2013

I'm Decorating Things - How Did That Happen

Yes - I've been doing Christmas stuff. Decorating, putting up a train, a tiny village, bringing out the "old style" music box and playing Longines Symphony Christmas Music - and various Christmas CD's.  I didn't think I'd get into this, but alas, I can't resist the holiday spirit.  I even have my Christmas type joker cap on.  So it isn't traditional - or serious, but it is me.  The "traditional" Santa hat was tried, but doesn't seem the same.
I'm seriously thankful and grateful for much more than 5 things- but that is the daily goal.  Please not the abundant use of dashes today -- I really got 'em going.  Dashes add a certain panache to writing - in my humble opinion.  Thank goodness for spell checker because I'm not quite the speller I used to be.  So: 1) I'm thankful for Scotch! Having one right this moment.  2) I'm thankful and grateful that my sister Lana and her husband Jack are paying us a visit in January - that's Awesome!!!!!  3)  I'm thankful for cold weather - it really makes one appreciate warm weather.  4) I'm grateful for more than one inch of snow - because then I can get my snow blower out and pretend I'm a heavy equipment operator! 5) I'm grateful for button cell batteries, but not grateful for the fact that there is seemingly an infinite number of sizes! Arggggggggg

Rosana posted pictures of some of the grandkids and faux grand kids making Christmas Cookie shapes for the cookie decorating this weekend.  A Fahlenkamp family tradition!  Hailey Dearman, Kairi Fahlenkamp, Dakota, Diego, and Tyler.  They had a really good time.  Lots of smiles and thanks Rosana and Grandma Lee for bringing them over and Heather for bringing Hailey.  Next Sunday is decorating Sunday - frosting everywhere and a great family pot-luck. I hope I used that dash (hyphen) appropriately.  Carolyn is in the kitching making Summer Sausage Chips - we'll see how those turn out.  It is the last of my Summer Sausage.  Oh well, it is Winter!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Brrrrrrrrrrrr and Snowing

It is cold, very cold.  Bottom line, I'm not spending much time outside today.  (I'm also going to try and not using any dashes in this post!)  Carolyn is likely in heaven this morning, getting ready for some of the grandkids and a few others to come over and help decorate Christmas trees and cut cookie dough into shapes for cooking and then decorating next weekend.

I'm looking forward to a day of relaxation and football. I'm also attempting to work my way through this stack of paper in front of me.  I don't think I've ever properly learned the art of read it once and take care of it.  The consequences are years worth of things that I've not dealt with.  Well, that is changing.  I am making progress.

1)  I'm grateful for all of the above.  2) I'm grateful for a warm home and a wonderful lady to share it with! 3) I'm grateful for those that come and visit and enjoy the home with us.  4) I'm grateful that I can still relax and enjoy so many different diversions. 5) I'm grateful for those sliders that help me move the furniture around without a lot of help, really, I am!

The Broncos will be playing in some really cold weather today!  But, I think they'll do just fine against the Titans.  Enjoy your day today!  Time for a drink!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

A Tree, A What, A Tree

So, we get a tube, about 3" in diameter from Lowe's.  A Christmas Calendar I'm guessing.  Nope, it is a Colorado Blue Spruce - about 7" tall -  a course I need to go buy a pot, soil - you know.. plant the damn thing for the winter.  Come on Lowe's what's with this -  surely you don't make that much on pots and potting soil -- Its winter for goodness sake.. What are you thinking?????

But, I guess I can count trees as one of the things I'm very thankful for.  I do love trees.  But, I'm much better with established trees than I am with "new" trees.  WE'll see if I can keep this thing alive over the winter.

So - what else am I grateful for today - well - my Jacuzzi tub - love laying n the Jacuzzi for 20 minutes.  I'm also grateful for being able to see Brooke's last cheer championship at the Denver Coliseum  yesterday.  Congrats Brooke.. Hope to see you cheer at a basketball game.  I'm also grateful for Schwan's Hot and Spicy Chicken Breast - makes a great sandwich really quick.  What else - I need 5 a day you know.  Well I'm grateful for my new ASUS laptop.  I've really enjoyed the touch screen and the long battery life.

Ya know, I have not been philosophical at all of late.  I don't know why that is.  I've got a lot on my mind - maybe it just isn't of a philosophical nature.

Put three Christmas trees together today.  I'm leaving it up to Carolyn and grandkids to decorate them.  I'm really not into decorating. Perhaps though, I will put the little village together - perhaps.  Enjoy your holiday moments!  I know I'll be enjoying mine.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Oops again... So What!

All I can say now is that I'm not the dedicated person you thought me to be.  No discipline at all.  But hey, I'm here aren't I.

The Gratefulness documentary: 1) for passion, what is life without passion!  2) for smiles - they do so much for everyone! 3) for a great brew in the morning and for some Irish Cream to warm the soul  4) for laughter - it take so much sorrow away  5) for tears - that seem to be shed for no reason - but usually for love of some kind!

Yup, yesterday was one of those really awesome (if not cold) days.  We got all the Christmas stuff down from storage and staged.  Carolyn even got some of it put up!  Good for her.  I was too lazy and just took a nice long tub!  We got a lot accomplished yesterday.  I feel good - no, I feel great.

You all have a really wonderful day - I know I will.  (I notice I've used a lot of dashes of late!)

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Already Missed A DAy....

I already missed one day and it has only been 2 days since I started - gratefulness that is.  Well, today, I can tell that I am grateful for the snow - even being able to go out and shovel it all on my own.  I'm grateful for love making - yes even at this age it is an important part of life.  I'm grateful for the beauty the snow brings - and for chocolate nuggets by Hershey.  Number 5 I'm grateful for chickens and the eggs the lay because I love a great egg or two for breakfast.

Other than that - I've got a lot to do today - new security lights at the old res... and fixing a crack in the tub  -- a crack in the tub.  HOw the heck does that happen -- wouldn't have with the old ceramic covered cast iron. FYI - I'm really excited about the beautiful Christmas Cactus that is in full bloom right now. 

CArolyn is busy planning the annual Christmas Cookie Fiesta - not too many weeks left.  Gotta fix the batter though because last year we couldn't tell what shapes they were.  This will definitely be a better year for that!

Monday, December 2, 2013

Just Because!

Carolyn sent me an article to read - she sends quite a few - sometimes I read them sometimes I don't.  I read this one.  It was a reminder about giving thanks.. yah, I know, she sent it on or about Thanksgiving day.  But, it is something she asked one of our grandsons to do months ago.. Kinda like counting your blessings, but more like things we are greatful for on a daily basis and journaling those things on daily.

Well, today is my first day and I'm just going to try and make a habit of it - mainly because it will help me to reflect - so here goes:  1) I'm grateful for my health!  2) I'm grateful for a wonderful and healthy life partner - Carolyn! 3) I'm grateful for my kids and grandkids! 4) I'm grateful for the margaritas in the refrigerator - seriously, it is nice to go just push the tap and have one!  5) I'm grateful for all the travel and vacations we were able to do in 2013!  .

Well, there is day one of gratefulness.  And oh yes, I'm grateful for you too!  Have a wonderful rest of 2013.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

No, It Isn't Monday - But, I Feel the Need to Express Myself

Some things in life just are not as meaningful or important as they used to be.  Other things are much more meaningful and important.  I do love golf, but I won't be going to Myrtle Beach this year.  I love fishing and hope to do a lot more of it this year.  I love walks with Carolyn, but we seem to walk at a different pace.. we are working that one out. 

I spent a lot of time at the old house the last couple of days... this and that to take are of.  I've renewed some of my "handyman" skills - and lost a few of those skills as well.  I enjoy on-line games - probably more than I should - but the strategy games keep my mind sharp - as a tack.

I was elected President (well appointed more or less) of the Fitz Men's Golf Association.  Thanks Eldon for all your years of great service to this group.

I'm listening to New Age music.  It is dark outside.  I wish I had Carolina's for my coffee this morning.  Working on unpacking the last few boxes from our move two years ago.  Got to get the snow blower tuned up - we are expecting snow on Tuesday.

Went to Drew's Jazz concert last night - awesome music - Julie sang as sweetly as ever and Drew - well - such a talent and quite the comedian - I don't mind being the butt of some of his jokes. 

Got to call mom and see how she is.  I still have a little over 2000 faces to identify in Picasa -- but, I'm getting there.  I'm not meeting my new 1 lb a week weight loss - but, I am shaping up more every day.  I love life, laughter, and Carolyn  (my C key seems to stick a bit).  I love my kids and grandkids and their spouses and significant others -- I love to love.

Gosh, Hundreds is a really beautiful dog!  Got to get my bookwork done - tax season draws closer and closer and I'm not going to procrastinate this year.  Really, I'm not.  I'll start on this one tomorrow!

I hate to leave you in a lurch, but this is it for today!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Once Again It Has Been Awhile

I am not sure what it is that triggers the writing bug - but it got triggered again just a few moments ago.  When it does, words-mostly meaningless banger, flow from my finger tips to the keyboard with seeming effortlessness.

Autumn's Birthday Today - Happy Birthday
I was just thinking about the sprinkler system again.  I did get it all done with only one trip to the store yesterday - I had to replace the "test cock" with a different fitting for my compressor.  I know I had an adapter around someplace, but it seemed to have gotten lost in the move a couple of years back.  I still don't have all the little gizmo's unpacked and stored in easy to find places - too much golfing, fishing, and vacationing to do!! 

Well, I guess I've got another slight problem that needs to be fixed - downstairs toilet flapper valve and the darn irrigation shut off ball valve seems to be leaking - damn, I may have to call a plumber on that one.

Was just thinking about Larry Holmes.  Larry was one of my favorite high school teachers - taught typing and accounting - yes, when I was in school we used typewriters - you know, the thing that had a ribbon and made a lot of noise - with the clickety-click sound of the letters slamming against the paper at blazing speed!  Anyway - Larry was at the class-reunion (50th for Monte High Class of 63) - he is fighting the good fight with some cancer and has such a very positive attitude.  It was good to talk to him.  We didn't get to visit long - but he still has that same great smile and positive words for folks that he always seemed to have for his students.

16th Birthday-What is That - Tibby
Always a Great Smile
It is my grand daughter Autumn's birthday today.  I'll be headed over to the kids house to help them celebrate.  (and watch some Sunday football)  Isn't she cute, excited, and  so beautiful!

And now a Culinary School of Arts Graduate - That's Michael to her left...  Happy Birthday Autumn!!!!! Well, anyway - the bug has drifted and I got no more words flowing from the tips of my fingers.... So--

Have a great day, enjoy each and everyone of your family and friends - give smiles and hugs freely - recall your blessings but live in the moment - because, the moment is what we have!

Monday, September 23, 2013

And Yes - It is Monday Morning Again

We got another inch or so of rain last night.  Nice night to get it, because I cleaned the fish pond yesterday - still have three live fish in it.  Go Chester!  No golf today but will be able to play on Wednesday.  So, a new project.

We are trying to identify all the trees in our yard and on our morning walks.  I'm going to put pictures in my blog - one tree at a time we'll be able to to get this done. This one is outside our kitchen dining area.  The berries turn red in the fall - the squirrels feed on the berries all winter long.  The picture doesn't show them well, but there are very sharp one or two inch thorns ever so often on the limbs.  You can see that the berries or fruits grow in little clusters.  If you kno what it is, get back to me please.  (No prizes- just a thank you).

Supposed to get a little rain later this afternoon - we don't need anymore rain for awhile.  The ground is saturated.  Beautiful cool breeze this morning.  Have an awesome day!

7:54PM - found it on-line it is a " Common Choke Cherry"  http://www.oplin.org/tree/fact%20pages/chockecherry_common/chokecherry_common.html

Monday, September 16, 2013

What, Monday Morning Again

Well, it just happens to be Monday morning once again.  A whole week has passed.  It has mostly rained every day since last Wednesday.  At our house we got a total of 10.5 inches.  The saga of the lawn goes on.  I'm losing patience with Hoang - but he is such a hard worker.  I guess I'll all him again this morning and see what the heck is going on  I got all the sprinkler heads changed and the outline for the tree surround prepared, hauled the bricks to the front... now I'm just waiting. 

The guys cancelled golf this morning - I guess no one wants to play on a flooded golf course - however some courses are open, so what is up with that.  Oh well, I've got plenty to keep me busy. 

This will be an eclectic diatribe.  I don't know what it is with me and printers these days.  I can't keep the wireless printers connected, I never have enough ink.... come on now something has just got to work.

I've been working on photos now for several weeks.  Yesterday, during the Bronco's victory, I entered what seemed like a couple of hundred birthdays on my Google Calendar - this to help me date some photos.  These were photos taken before cameras were digital and when we didn't have the sense to document time and place.  It makes for interesting detective work though. So, now I'm trying to list and print all the birthdays I entered.  One would think that would be easy --- NOT!  Thank you ctrl c and ctrl v.   We did it!

Well, I guess this is it or now.  All the kids and grandkids are safe. Time to call Mum... Please enjoy your day and all the moments in your day!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Monday Morning Reflections

It is an early Monday morning and I just couldn't get to sleep after a 3 a.m. dream.  Sometimes I think I work harder in my dreams than I do when I'm awake.  I must be in another dimension or parallel life-stream.

Sunday was a very interesting day - well, not so much interesting as reflective.  When one is going over old photographs, one tends to do a lot of reflecting and I think that is a good thing to do.  It helps to remember where you've been and who you have known over the years.  It helps to give you that sense of purpose for the future. 

I also noticed how many photographs there were of absolutely nothing....  made me wonder why I took them in the first place.  That is one thing about the digital world - you can take lots of photos and then you can toss about 80% of them because they are really pretty meaningless.  Then again there must have been a reason you took them.  I also realized how many different cameras I'd had: my Brownie; a Foton (expensive, but took good pictures - we really got hooked by a salesman on that one), Kodak Use and Develop, Polaroid (my parents and ours), and, a couple of digital cameras - can't recall the brand names - that were dropped in water, onto the floor and otherwise abused until they couldn't take pictures that were in focus.  We now have a Nikon Coolpix and of course, our Samsung Galaxy III cell phones - there are so many ways to take pictures these days.  We also have a Sony Handycam - that we've used maybe 12 hours since getting it 8 or so years ago.

I realize this is "much ado about nothing", but it is what has flowed from my brain to my finger tips this morning.. I like that there is still a connection.... so, with all that, here's a photo to share with you! I took this picture from my office at the Deer Creek Facility - I could probably look at the "metadata" to see when.  It was one of those beautiful sunrises that we have in Colorado.. I used to go in early and come bak home late...  Pictures like this bring a lot of wonderfures blogging. 

I think this blog is my way of keeping a journal.  The writing and sharing of it bring a fulfillment of sorts.  I really don't care if it is read by anyone or not.  But if it is, for those who do read it.. I hope it gives you some ideas and thoughts to help you in some way.  Have a really great day!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Fitness - It is Never Too Late!

Wendfal Total Fitness --  A couple of years ago I was a rather large and happy 232 lb over-weight (let's face it, morbidly obese diabetic)!
You Get the Picture

At this moment I am 182 lb's and off all my diabetes meds, and, in excellent physical condition!  I'm also 68 years young.  My golf game has improved from consistently shooting in the low 100's to consistently shooting in the mid 80's - I even shot a 76 the other day, the best game I've ever had in my life.  I have improved my stamina and continue to improve my physical condition.  This has been achieved by setting goals for weight loss, and physical training.  My personal trainer is Wendfal Fahlenkamp of Wendfal Total Fitness.

After Weight Loss and Training
I owe a lot of these changes to myself, but I also owe a lot of thanks to a personal trainer that knows her stuff!  Wendfal keeps my weekly training sessions interesting, challenging, beneficial, and thorough.  She has the skill and talent to recognize where I need work and how much I an be challenged without frustrating me.  Yah, sometimes a complain and whine that she pushes me too hard, but - she never pushes beyond what I am capable of.  My improved physical condition is due to these regular workouts and challenges.  I get homework assignments - especially stretching ( which I hate to do - but more and more see the benefits of)!  I appreciate Wendfal's patience and high level of professionalism when working with me.  She regularly re-evaluates where I'm at physically and designs workout sessions to help me continually improve.

Have you ever done a plank - wort of like the beginning of a push-up, but holding it there as long as you can.  When I was first evaluated I could do it for maybe 45 seconds!  Yesterday I held it for a few seconds past 3 minutes - wow!  Now, that may not seem like a long time to you, but try it and you'll see.  I've also seen improvement in my flexibility and focus.  I really appreciate that my training sessions are not some standard set of exercise routines that are scripted for everyone and applied to me, but the sessions are specifically designed for me - and are unique, challenging, sometimes fun and sometimes not so fun - but always beneficial to the improvement of my emotional and physical conditioning and fitness. 

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Behind on Practically Everything - So, Who Cares

For a guy who abhors lists - I sure make a lot of lists.  Here's one of them:

A couple of things on my mind:
  1. when the sun comes through the window it reveals places I missed when I last dusted  
  2. A slow computer is better than no computer, but barely 
  3.  I'm in a cleaning mood - starting with the garage 
  4.  coffee is always better when it's Irish style  
  5. one hour of cleaning is enough.. the rest can wait for tomorrow!  Have a great day!
A few things I have not started or completed:
  1. MYR Golf Trip report - woefully overdue
  2. New floor in the Laundry room and guest Bathroom
  3. Stain and or do the mini-deck -  never done that, not looking forward to it, but it should only take an hour or so
  4. What to do with the Plasma TV


Writing is something some people do to clear their minds, others to pass the time, others for a living - there are many reasons to write.  Sometimes I think I write just to engage my mind in something other than meaningless drivel. August2013 has been a month of tremendous highs and lows - my little brother Lewis (LJ) passed away after a fight with cancer and then chicken pox.  Chicken pox took his life... I spent  a lot of time going over hundreds of pictures and putting together a family album - most of the album had been accomplished by Mum- totally assembled by hand, in sequence, from literally hundreds of photos.  She did an album for each of us kids.I'm not sure I appreciated how much love she put into those albums.  Carolyn and I were looking through those pictures when Lew passed away.  Those were low moments and high moments.

We, Carolyn and I, celebrated our 46th wedding anniversary.  We went to Aspen and enjoyed walking along the Rio Grande and especially the walk through the John Denver Garden Sanctuary and Garden of Songs - mostly it was a time for us to be together away from a lot of other things.

This is a picture from the garden.  The water so clear that you can see the bottom river rock - and so reflective that you can see yourself.  Maybe that is what writing is all about - about reflection and clarity - peacefulness and peace of mind.  There is so much that we take for granted and so little that many of us - me for one - are thankful for and there is so much to be thankful for.  It is like sharing your thoughts with yourself - and in some ways hoping that those who might happen to read those thoughts become more mindful of things that are important to them.  That thought brings a smile to my face - looking at this particular picture reminds me to live in the moment.  The picture is one of both permanence and fleeting moments, and the passing of time - yet there is always something that remains, almost constant -  for over the years and millennia, things do change - sometimes imperceptibly, sometimes catastrophically.  This particular month of this particular year has seen all of those extremes - constancy and change - full of tears, love, laughter, rage, tenderness and joy and so much more.

We are feeling beings with emotions that are ever changing - it makes life exciting and very, very precious.  It is nice to be able to share with you and be able to share and reflect with myself as well.  Be at peace....  feel loved - because certainly, you are loved - take pause and absorb all that there is to absorb - it  is okay, even beneficial to relax, reflect, do nothing - but be!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

It Has Been Some Time - Life Isn't Always Easy

Boy, that is an understatement.  I find myself in the chaos of many emotions.  Carolyn and I have been married for 46 wonderful years (August 12th).  Daily, we continue to discover new nuances about each other.  Some of those nuances confuse me about.  I find myself reacting in different ways than I used to.  I'm not sure if it is maturity, wisdom, or the lack of those things.   I find myself in a quandary about things - discovery is a good thing.

I tend, I think, to get upset about littler things - but then do a lot of reflection on those things.  Physically, I think I'm in better shape than I have ever been - emotionally, maybe, I'm not quite as stable.  But, I've always been an emotional person.

Brother Lew is in poor condition.  He's got some kind of viral infection that really has him down.  He'll been going to Iowa Methodist today. 

Just remodeled the Laundry room.  The new washer arrives today.  The Whirlpool we bought two years ago didn't last 2 years..... arggggg.  We did great a great deal on a top rated (by Consumer Reports) Samsung washer.

Next up remodel the guest bathroom.

Playing golf - Monday I shot an 81, Wednesday 104 - on the same golf course - wtf is that all about.  I think maybe a different state of mind.

Ah well, that is life and you gotta love it and live it to the fullest - more house chores today! 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

MYR 2013 - Golf day 2 -- Glen Dornoch and Oyster Bay

Off to an early start this morning - stopped for a quick breakfast at Mikey Dee's.  Glen Dornoch is in fantastic condition and is always a great challenge to play.. Uncle Bob shot a 39 on the front - I won't say anything at this point about the back 9.  We were the first group off.  It was like we had our own private golf course.  16, 17, 18 are some of the best finishing holes we play.  Number 8 is an awesome par 5 looking downhill to the Inland Watrway... an awesome view.  Today was a pleasant day - no rain, a bit of breeze from time to time and a pretty decent pace of play for down here.

After finishing at the Glen, we headed for Oyster Bay.  We've played Oyster Bay almost every year since we started coming down here.  A few years back we dropped it because it just wasn't "up to par" (no pun intended).  We put it back on the list and played it again this year.  We unanimously decided to remove it from our "play list"!  The course is always so  busy, double teeing both afternoon and evening.  while it didn't play terribly slow - it is till very disappointing from a quality perspective.

Oyster Bay still has some really beautiful golf holes - but that does not make up for the condition of the course.  On a scale of 1-10, Glen Dornoch is a definite 10 (my opinion).  Oyster Bay is about a 3 - for the following reasons.  The cart paths are in extreme disrepair.  The greens are awful - it is a very heavily played course - and many patrons do not bother to fix ball marks - some greens appeared to have equipment damage.  The sand traps were terribly inconsistent, many lacking more than a quarter inch or so of sand before striking solid ground.  I think the course is played so much that there is little time for maintenance.

One thing Oyster Bay still has is lots of gators to see - some pretty big ones.  I think the most exciting thing for me, today, was winning a match against Uncle Bob - first time ever!  Wahoo.  I also had some really good drives today, but my iron play was less than stellar.

We ate dinner at the Boundary House - a bit noisy this evening, but the food and service were not disappointing. 

Tomorrow we play Heathland and Kings North... should be a very fine day.

Next year, I believe we will be scheduling Heather Glen and dropping Oyster Bay.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Golfing at The World Tour


Check it out.  This is where we played this morning.  Beautiful courses - but, the greens had been recently sanded so that was a bit of a challenge.  I shot a 43 on the Open 9 and a 51 on the Champion 9.  Not great, but not bad.  It is always a bit of a challenge on the first day to get the iron distances - we are at sea level here, not a mile high as we are in Denver. I, unfortunately, dumped 4 balls in the water - so there's 4 penalty strikes right there.  Mil also put 4 in the water -- all-in-all, the four of us put a total of 14 balls in the water, we may have broken a record.

We  only played 18 holes today.  Gave up on the last 9 - didn't play - as rain hit the area, although it is nice and sunny right now.  Wildman, Uncle, and Competitive went to see Iron Man Three (I'm waiting to see it with Carolyn).  So, I'm back at the "villa" playing games and doing some catching up on things.

There really wasn't anything spectacular about today's round of golf.  It was just a beautiful morning.  The weather was very comfortable and the company was great.  I'm already looking forward to tomorrow at Glen Dornach and Oyster Bay.

Monday, May 6, 2013

MYR 2013 Arrival Day

So, we all arrived safely at the Legends in Myrtle Beach.  Check in was surely a shock to some.  More of a shock to me because they forgot to split the deposit - therefore I had to come up with some quick cash to spread around - they took the whole deposit off my bill.  I requested first floor, we are upstairs but all felt, even at our very advanced but youthful ages, we could deal with the climb after our long golf outings.

Down to business.  We had supper at The Sea Captain's House - right on the beach -- while dining we were able to view an astonishingly rough ocean - white water like I have not seen before.  Folks were, however, walking the shore - and taking pictures.  I had broiled flounder and steamed veggies.  it is good fair - and this spot has been a tradition for our first evening.

Then it was off to the golf store for golf balls and various other items.  following that it was a trip to the grocer for our normal snack fair consisting of ice cream, goldfish, and dry roasted peanuts... our usual healty fair for snacks for the week..  Once that was done we headed for Ailsa's pub for a Yuengling and a look at the Stanley Cup games.  Tomorrow we play The World Tour - Mil and I are partnered, Bob and Gordon are the opposition.  We play "Quota" golf.  I will also be playing match play with Bob.  I still have to decide the day for the great Ice Cream Banana Split contest.  I'm thinking it will be Saturday at Moorland.

All in all it has been a great day...... Sleep well - wake up with a smile and enjoy your day.

MYR 2013 - One Month Earlier than Usual

Just in case you don't know, MYR is the airport code for Myrtle Beach.  The annual adventure begins today.  Carolyn and I were up at 0 dark thirty.  She made me a wonderful breakfast and had me at the airport by 5:55AM.  That makes for very short check-in and security lines.  it is a beautiful day in Denver - we even got to see the sunrise.

Uncle Bob, Wildman Gordon, and Competitive Mil - once again hit the links in Myrtle Beach.  This would be the 22nd year (consecutive for me) for some of us.  The three mentioned here and myself have been the group for the last 6 or 7 years.  I would definitely have to get out some historical records to verify that.  Mil and I will arrive in Myrtle this afternoon at about 3:15.  We'll meet Wildman and Uncle Bob there.  (Uncle Bob isn't really my uncle - but he would be a really great Uncle to have.)  I'm the only "outsider" on the annual outing - the other guys are "brothers-in-law".

I'm looking forward to the first round tomorrow.  I was fortunate enough to play golf with my son Chad yesterday.  His first full 18 holes.  Wendfal got him lessons at the PGA Store - what a joy it was to play at Meadow Hills with Chad.

I had a great round -- 82 (hope none of the guys read this -- it would be good if I could take some of their money this year.  We'll see what happens.

I will also do my very best to keep you posted (maybe even with some pictures) .... so have a great day, enjoy your moments, each and everyone of them.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

It IS a Bit Like Journaling

What can I say?  I don't tend to write much of late... Last night (evening really) was special.  We were able to spend time in Steamboat Springs with Chad and Wendfal.  We were learning to play Dominoes, and though I don't think we were playing it quite according to the rules of Hoyle.. we did have a very wonderful - laugh filled evening.

This morning there's fresh snow on the ground.  Denver was supposed to get some as well.  I wonder if the men's club is going to get a round of golf in yet.  It is May 1st and we have only gotten one round in so far. 

I did get to play at Fox Hollow yesterday.  First time in many years.  All three of us played rather well and it was a chilly, but beautiful morning.

I don't think Carolyn and I will  be going for a walk to the Fish Creek Falls today.. so we'll have to head to the "exercise room".

Oh, Hailey was selected to the National Honor Society for math... awesome. 

To anyone out there who may happen on this "blog".. Have yourself a wonderful day full of wonderful moments, there truly is no other way.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

End of the Month

February 28 -- end of the 2nd month of 2013... All endings are new beginnings.  I'm always ready for new moments, new days.. new beginnings.  This isn't going to be one of those long philosophical posts.. just a note to welcome the month of March.  March - "in like a lion, out like a lamb"...  Well the lion arrived a few days early and will perhaps a couple of more weeks we will see what it brings.

I'm looking forward to playing some golf and enjoying my Colorado family...


Thursday, February 14, 2013


  • It has taken awhile, but I've drawn the conclusion that I'm really not a Twitterer
  • But, there are Tweeters I like to follow
  • Geese all face the same direction when the wind is blowing, doesn't make any difference if they are on ice, land, or water - no matter how big the flock!  Check it out some time.
  • It is worth getting up late on a clear night just to look at the stars
  • it is worth getting up early in the morning just to check out the sunrise
  • Ice is slick - even when you can't see it
  • Birds are interesting creatures
  • Love, live, laugh (I know it is not an original thought)
  • Carolyn is a treasure that I truly treasure
  • Mom is mom some days and I'm not sure on other days
  • Sometimes we disagree so that we can come to mutual agreements
  • Compromise is NOT always a good thing
  • Quiet can be good, but it can also be very disturbing
  • Feeling guilty doesn't accomplish anything
  • Follow your gut! (Intuition may be a better word)
  • Smile at folks, even strangers
  • Microsoft messes with more than your computer
  • Grampa Collins told a lot of "tall tales" that, as it turns out, weren't necessarily tall tales
  • Golf is a sport that messes with you - as you mess with it
  • It is fun to watch the wind
  • Kids
  • I hate lists so why am I making one?
  • Fishing - it speaks for itself
  • Philosophy - I get philosophical at the strangest moments
  • We are all a little bit crazy - some of us more than others
  • Happiness is a state of mind, body, and spirit
  • To live in the moment is to truly live
  • Sometimes I wake up exhausted!  It makes me wonder if reality occurs in my dreams or if the thing I think is reality is, in reality, a dream and that is why I wake up exhausted????
  • Tears can be shed for many reasons - or, for no reason at all
  • Did you know the lips have more nerve endings than any other spot on the human body?
  • Sex is a good thing (I know, maybe that is TMI) - but it was one of my thoughts - frequently is
  • No matter the time of year, trees are beautiful
  • I forgot to put out the trash this morning - ah well, wasn't much to put out - that's a good thing, not making a lot of trash
  • Sometimes I eat and I don't know why
  • Friends - I have some I love and I have some I can't stand but I love anyway!
  • Human contact - hmmmmmm (just a passing thought)
  • Imagination is interesting, I can't imagine life without it - or can I - but, that would be imagining
  • I like steak
  • and Alaskan King Crab Legs
  • and lots of other foods
  • In some instances precision is important in others, it is a total waste of time and resources
  • Love is
  • Laughter can turn things around for the good
  • Nuff said!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tribute to Mommy - by Hailey J Dearman

Happy birthday to my beautiful mommy :) I couldn't ask for a better mom than her because she's simply the best. She brightens my day just be being around ♥ (hmm except when she wakes me up for school in the morning!) but other than that i'm so proud of her and everything she does for me and the family! This place is really chaos without her! I just hope she realizes how much she means to me. Can't imagine life without her. She's one of the strongest most influential people I know. My favorite quality about her? The way that she can keep smiling and laughing even when times are tough :) Love you mommy ♥
Afternote:  I could not pass posting this.... I am so proud of my children and grandchildren... and many times blessed by them and their love for each other.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

So Far, So Good

Well, here I am in Iowa once again.  Going to be spending some time with Mum and my Sibs - of course I'll be missing the lovely Carolyn!  She, me thinks, will be very busy while I'm here, probably even busier than when I'm there.

I drove through dense fog all day yesterday - taking only one travel day instead of too.  I find it very different driving a pickup than driving a car - I just don't get tired driving the pickup.  The fog has lifted a bit - but it is still hanging over us here at HoJac Acres.  The ice on the pond is almost black with goose droppings from the gaggles of geese that have wondered through and those that are hanging around hoping to steal food from the Runes (I'll have to learn how to spell that - these are not the alphabetical tiles that were used in ancient history - but a breed of duck similar to, but not a mallard.)

Last time I was here Charlie the Duck and I became good friends - he's no longer here - I think Jacque said a fox or something ate him.  Not a wonderful demise for such a wonderful bird-then again, nature has its ways.

During my stay I'm having to rely on a "Mobile Hot Spot" - we'll say how well that works.  I hope to do some painting (water colors), work out, lose a few pounds in the process - and do a lot of "reflecting".  This is a quiet place, even quieter than the neighborhood back home.  A wonderful way to enjoy wonderful moments!

Addendum: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rouen_Duck    the proper term and spelling for the duck is Rouen.  See the Wikipedia article.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Treasured Moments

There are 86400 moments - if you define a moment as one second - in a day.  That's a lot of moments - many of them can be considered "treasured moments".  I think it really depends on your perspective.  Any given moment is experienced by an individual, a group of individuals, a crowd, a world - like the moment the shot rang out that killed JFK - it is a moment I will never forget.  There are those special moments that only an individual experiences - like the moment I looked into Carolyn's eyes when I declared "I do" at our wedding...

There are moments shared - a first kiss - the birth of a child - and not to be trivialized, but the moments shared with a family when catching the big fish as a child.  These are treasured moments.  I think one treasures those moments by remembering them - not dwelling in them, but remembering them..  My most treasured moments are those moments that I can share with someone - especially sharing them with Carolyn or one of our children or grand children.

I also treasure those moments I share with my siblings - my mom - ...  I'll never forget the time she shared with me, guiding me when I tried to enter drawing contests, scolding me when I misbehaved.  I recall more of those moments when I see it is difficult for her to remember some of them. 

I don't intend nor do I desire to get maudlin as I write - it is just that sometimes..... like right now, I get lost in them - with a sense of joy. 

Treasure your moments....  live them to the fullest.... share them when it is right to share them - hold them close when it is right to hold them close!  Be yourself - love yourself - life is good!

Saturday, January 19, 2013


Zap, crackle, sparkle, plug it in, turn it on, it works......  all of a sudden it goes out.  It isn't one of those short two minute outages or just a glitch...  I'm lost without electricity.  What does one do.  I can only browse magazines and rarely read a book.  When the battery on the laptop goes dead I can't listen to books on audio.  With no "Hot Spot" gizzmo I can't get on the internet... Electricity is my friend.  I need it.  I need for all those things that I expect to work properly when I flip the on button or send the voice command.  I need it to access the internet.  Thank goodness the battery back up on the garage door opener worked this morning.

Starbucks, coffee, internet, electricity (only one outlet at this one - weird).  Claim my spot and life is good again. Of course, I could have just taken a nap or went for a long walk.  Carolyn did.  Went for a long walk that is.

Have a great day - enjoy your electricity and all it gives you!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Making Mom and Dad Proud

Heather and Kindle traveled to New York and appeared on CNN HLN and the Piers Morgan show.  They did this in support of our niece Ashley.  The girls were awesome and represented our family with humility, grace, tenderness, and love. 

I'm not sure... but ry a copy and paste..  If I were more technically "ept" I would be able to post the picture right here for you to see.  My final wish for this is that it helps raise the much needed funds for Ashley.  Someday, hopefully, she will share her story.....


Saturday, January 12, 2013


Its lumpy, its filling, it can be plain, embellished, sweetened or not.  You can add liquid, or not.  They say it is good for your heart and lowering your cholesterol.  The quick oats are easy to make - steel cut requires more time.  Seems to evoke the name Quaker - though, there are many other brands. Cinnamon and sugar sometimes help.  Most of the time I just eat it plain, or with raisins or applesauce.

When I see it, it brings to mind stories where the kids and others talk about gruel.  It looks like a gruel.   By itself, it is kind of plain tasting - not much flavor -but I do like the texture for some odd reason and I don't mind eating eat without additives.  I think it appeals to my innate laziness - quick to make, easy to clean up after and a substantial meal.  There are times when I write about the silliest things - but I take some amount of pleasure in that.

When I was first in college I wrote a paper on the sensitivities and feelings of a blade of grass.  I have long since lost that paper.  For me, at this moment, it would make for some interesting background to my proclivity to writing much about nothing (I wrote a paper on that to - not in any way Shakespearean in quality)!

I'm going to change the look and feel of the blog again as I really don't care for some of the new formats such as mosaic and such.

I am looking forward to a lot of fabulous moments today... go Broncos - beat the Ravens!  Be in the moment, its the only way you can play the game! (and that means as much in life as it does in football)

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hmmmm - Showers

I don't know why and this is probably TMI - but I like to take showers... Love it.. i probably take to many.  Hey I even played some of my best golf in the rain.  What is it about showers and rain.  They cleanse, wash things away - more than just dirt I think.  A shower is like a renewal and a re-baptism.  It wakes one up to be open to all the available events and moments.  Carolyn thinks it has much deeper meaning than that. Like there was something that happened in my past and the showers help wash it away when it comes into my subconscious.  She may be right or I may be right, or, we both may be right. 

This "enlightenment" reminds me of a picture I took from our car window when we were driving to Iowa.  Of course, I know what I see in this picture.  What do you see?  It is absolutely beautiful, as is life, absolutely beautiful.  These are the kinds of things you see when you are "in the moment".  I'm thankful for each and every one of them.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Communications in a "Modern" World

Telephone- please leave a message - no one answers anymore, email - some folks don't read their email or even have it, text messaging (dating, sexting, whatevering), tweeting, Facebooking, "snail mail" (which of late has really become "slug mail" - even turtles could beat the USPS, paging (almost a thing of the past), Skyping..and I'm sure there are even more methods - well, like face-to-face.  Meet at Starbucks, Das Bog, Dunkin Donuts, Caribou, and/or a myriad of other places.  Oops, I almost forgot IM, Chat - which may be perhaps the most dependable of all of thee above except that not everyone does that either.

So what's the point of listing all of these potential methods of reaching someone you want to reach.  Each has some advantages and disadvantages.  My problem is that even my kids, and there are only four of them - plus their spouses and various other family members - tend to communicate (or be communicated to) in different styles.  It is like being a detective trying to determine which is the best way to communicate with each of them.  For really important, future, family stuff I used to rely on the USPS.  Until we, Carolyn and I, discovered that the invitations to a party we sent out didn't get to most of them until after the party - which no one attended - occurred.  Lesson learned there - if you are mailing invitations - take them directly to the post office and not a drop box and get them out 5-6 weeks ahead of time, and RSVP caveat - which may or may not be heeded.  That was reinforced when we recently emailed and telephoned an invitation - albeit - only 10 days in advance - an invitation to a New Years Day open house - without an RSVP.  We were prepared - no one showed - what do you do with all that food and unused love???  It can be sad and disappointing.  But, in the end I have no one to blame but myself?? For not choosing the right method of communication.

These days - the person I communicate most with is Carolyn.  Well, we do live in the same house (though there are times when we have trouble finding each other in this house).  But, for the most part when Carolyn and I do want to communicate with each other it is not a problem.. I know all I have to do is find her for a face to face - or, call her and if (I do mean if) her phone is turned on and accessible - she'll answer.  Further, if I do leave her a message, she will always call me back. 

The next person that I most often communicate with is my LB - Mike.  He and I enjoy an on-line game (Mafia Wars) together.  And once or twice a day we chat while playing the game.  I love it.  LS - is on-line once in awhile too - so, makes it nice.

For the extended family, Facebook and a private family "group" makes a nice way to communicate - so I hear from the extended family fairly frequently.  The Martinez clan is pretty good at that - the Fahlenkamp clan less so. 

The bottom line for me is that for some occasions, get together s, parties and such -- pre-planning and making a communication plan (I abhor plans) may be the best thing to do.  I don't know - maybe I'm just "communications challenged".  Maybe I should just bug the kids with phone calls until they answer and get a commitment right then and there!  But, I know I hate that because we have a certain relative who does that and it drives me crazy... eventually though we do respond and the individual pretty much gets what they want.. but sometimes begrudgingly - so probably not the best way. 

I think the most important thing to remember is that no matter who we communicate - we usually are communicating out of love and a desire to be somehow closer to the one we are attempting to communicate - so don't give up Lanny.  It may be difficult to learn what is the best way to reach someone... but eventually you will.  And, if it turns out to be different for each family member or friend then so be it.... if you love em you'll make every attempt to communicate in the way that works best for them ...  that's love.  (but, like love, its still confusing, and sometimes frustrating!)

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mosaics and New Years Day

Well, the open house was a bust!!!  Next time we'll have to do formal, postal invitations sent out at least one month ahead of time.  Lesson learned, perhaps!  We did have the grandsons over and that was very nice.  I believe they had a good time - they really entertained each other.  They even helped with a bit of house cleaning. 

"Last night I had the strangest dream".. a song isn't it.  Well, my dream was full of an eclectic collection of hallways and people.  For the most part I was "floating", yes, floating - yet talking to all the participants.  In one part of the dream two women (CN and BS) entered the room.  I knew they were there to "fire" me or lay me off - so, I just quit.  I did stay the rest of the day and helped to teach a class.  Then I went down to the "secret vaults" and tried to locate some old documents. 

I tried to go back to CN because another person explained to me that the reason I was layed off was because of some jury testimony I gave some years earlier and because I was too "relaxed" in my attitude - oh well.  I really did enjoy the floating/flying part though.  I was actually able to do some pretty nifty trick flying by the end of the dream.  But it must (the flying) make one tired because I am up and I am tired.  But, I'm also laughing at myself

I really don't have anything intelligent to write today.  I do want to complete my workout, so I'll be heading off to do that in an hour or so.  Maybe I'll bake a trip to the recreation center today-- maybe.

Anyhow - to all of you ones and twos out there that read this... have a great day!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013...

Speaking of "blank pages".... that well describes the year 2013.  365 blank sheets of paper ready to be filled with life's moments.  Those moments will (have already) include joy, sorrow, pleasure, pain, adventure, boredom, meeting new people, going new places, consciousness,  oblivion, sites that bring tears and sites that bring laughter.  So much that it feels like the proverbial "cup runneth over" - for it truly does.

I'm already thinking about reunions, Canada and fishing, Colorado and fishing, golf, golf, golf and more golf, Eureka Springs, Montezuma, kids and grandkids.... each day and each moment of each day a true celebration of life.

Someone reading this may think this guy is living in the clouds somewhere and has no clue what he is bantering on about.  To them I say... it is better to have no clue and discover than it is to think you know absolutely everything and go through life without the twists, turns, and surprises.

Love, ah love........  that to is a blank slate - we are in our 46th year of marriage.. and every single day is like a new adventure (though there are a few routines) -- but there are always surprises.  Thinking of my Carolyn makes me tingle all over with wonderment and happiness.  You should see the smile on my face!

So, bottom line, WAKE UP!!!!!