Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Mosaics and New Years Day

Well, the open house was a bust!!!  Next time we'll have to do formal, postal invitations sent out at least one month ahead of time.  Lesson learned, perhaps!  We did have the grandsons over and that was very nice.  I believe they had a good time - they really entertained each other.  They even helped with a bit of house cleaning. 

"Last night I had the strangest dream".. a song isn't it.  Well, my dream was full of an eclectic collection of hallways and people.  For the most part I was "floating", yes, floating - yet talking to all the participants.  In one part of the dream two women (CN and BS) entered the room.  I knew they were there to "fire" me or lay me off - so, I just quit.  I did stay the rest of the day and helped to teach a class.  Then I went down to the "secret vaults" and tried to locate some old documents. 

I tried to go back to CN because another person explained to me that the reason I was layed off was because of some jury testimony I gave some years earlier and because I was too "relaxed" in my attitude - oh well.  I really did enjoy the floating/flying part though.  I was actually able to do some pretty nifty trick flying by the end of the dream.  But it must (the flying) make one tired because I am up and I am tired.  But, I'm also laughing at myself

I really don't have anything intelligent to write today.  I do want to complete my workout, so I'll be heading off to do that in an hour or so.  Maybe I'll bake a trip to the recreation center today-- maybe.

Anyhow - to all of you ones and twos out there that read this... have a great day!

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