Monday, December 2, 2013

Just Because!

Carolyn sent me an article to read - she sends quite a few - sometimes I read them sometimes I don't.  I read this one.  It was a reminder about giving thanks.. yah, I know, she sent it on or about Thanksgiving day.  But, it is something she asked one of our grandsons to do months ago.. Kinda like counting your blessings, but more like things we are greatful for on a daily basis and journaling those things on daily.

Well, today is my first day and I'm just going to try and make a habit of it - mainly because it will help me to reflect - so here goes:  1) I'm grateful for my health!  2) I'm grateful for a wonderful and healthy life partner - Carolyn! 3) I'm grateful for my kids and grandkids! 4) I'm grateful for the margaritas in the refrigerator - seriously, it is nice to go just push the tap and have one!  5) I'm grateful for all the travel and vacations we were able to do in 2013!  .

Well, there is day one of gratefulness.  And oh yes, I'm grateful for you too!  Have a wonderful rest of 2013.

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