Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Back and Forth --

Well, I started a post a few days ago, that I couldn't post because it was something I was asked not to share at the time.  This was not an easy request because the news was well - unexpected.  One may have to look back to last Friday's post which was actually "posted" today to see what I'm talking about.  Confusing isn't it.  Today was very special because I talked to my mom and each of my brothers and sisters.  It was an extremely beautiful and joyful day.

We delivered Christmas goodies to our neighbors and I found it surprisingly enjoyable.  I was really kind of dreading it.  Carolyn said it turns out that I did most of the talking.  Go figure.  I am thankful for really wonderful neighbors.  I'm also grateful for all the smiles and the joy with which we were received.

I'm grateful that we saw most of the kids and grandkids today...  what a blessing they all are.  Megan gave Carolyn and I Christmas gifts.  She has grown up so much and is such a beautiful woman.  I'm grateful for each and every one of our grandchildren.  I'm grateful for Agatha Christie and all her various characters.  Carolyn and I are enjoying Ms. Marple right now.  Such a delightful character.

WEll, I guess I'd best go  back a few days and announce the news! At last.

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